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Thread: Naruto Chapter 560

  1. #21
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    The masked dude could just as easily be the son of the Sage of Six Paths.The one who inherited the body instead of the eyes. Right now we don't know anything bout that. Say whatever happened to those ninja warrior pills that allows someone to fight for 3 days straight? Guess those are for the 'normal' ninja's. Too bad all of the characters aren't 'normal'

  2. #22
    Is the dialogue between Kabuto and Madara implying that Madara knew Orochimaru?

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Naw, it seems that Madara knows "Him", as in, the guy Kabutoro is working for:

    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter View Post
    Is the dialogue between Kabuto and Madara implying that Madara knew Orochimaru?
    Maybe he was in the 3rd coffin when he fought the third? This time he was like fuck it I'm getting out! Makes sense seein as how the 4th couldn't have been in that coffin

  5. #25
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I remember when the Sharingan was supposedely a derivation of the Byakugan. Retcon FTW!

  6. #26
    I'm not gonna even bother talking about another upgrade to sharingan.

    However I would like to see naruto performing tail beast bomb now. I know his current clone can't even get into the form let alone perform the technique but I think right now is the best time for it to shine. Perfect wtf moment lol. Hopefully the real naruto is on the way due to madara destroying his other two clones with susano therefore informing him of what is goin on.

  7. #27
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    You complained about how naruto will "magically" have enough energy to fight 1 person solely based on the fact that he ran out of energy now...where he has been straining himself to the max and accelerating the drain by making clones. Right now he's in sage mode and not using his own (well a bit of it I guess) or kyuubi's chakra, meaning naruto is basically resting while using mostly nature energy.
    Doesn't seem that odd for enough chakra to replenish itself before facing sasuke or anyone else. Also naruto still has that Sage + kyuubi mode that was only shown briefly during his fight with Pein.
    Naruto said he´s out of chakra. I´d say it´s only fair to assume that he´s talking about his own chakra there. Why would nature´s or the kyuubi´s chakra be out? lol. And Naruto might be a chakra-heavy ninja, but regenerating all his chakra for his, likely, hardest battle is just bs. Which is not to say that it doesn´t happen, sigh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG View Post
    Hopefully the real naruto is on the way due to madara destroying his other two clones with susano therefore informing him of what is goin on.
    I wonder if Kishimoto remembers the whole "Naruto learns by having his clones experience stuff", and thus learn about Susanoo and its dangers.

    Also, on "who is behind the mask": I´d say it´s Sakura´s father, who turns out to be Madara´s son. There you go.

  8. #28
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    When did I say nature or kyuubi was out? I said he ran out of his own and is using nature atm since he's in sage mode.

  9. #29
    I think naruto has a kekkei genkai also since Nagato's an 'Uzumaki' He would probally use this power to beat sasuke or even madara but that jutsu madara uses at the end is that like the one nagato used? or is it like a big Amaterasu? Also madara says 'This is his doing' refering to Orichimaru which means madara had a link with Orichimaru does anyone know what it may be or how they know each other?

  10. #30
    Actually it would be quite something that whilst all this is going on Itachi find Kabuto, takes control of him using his Sharingan and thus has indirect control over Madara and the other resurrected fighters.

    Also, I think it was a really good move what the Tsuchikage did with Gaara's sand and allowing it to permeate Susanoo. Now we know there is a way in through the defense of the ethereal warrior, the only counter to this would be attack first or use what Itachi has, namely Yata's mirror.

  11. #31

    A couple things!

    First of all I am new here. My favorite forums to post at Bleach network died a while ago. So hopefully this community is active enough for me to like it.

    I first want to mention that I hope sharingan does not evolve into the rinnegan... well I know they kind of said that but I hope the charachters don't know what they are talking about or are just assuming and are wrong. Unless DNA or genes from the first or senju DNA is needed or something then I would be fine with that idea. Because I think Madara or Tobi or both of them have the firsts DNA to some degree.

    Since I have not gotten the time to read any posts here outside of this thread I want to mention something that I picked up. From last chapter it seems that Madara knew he was going to die etc. It was a plan and he was expecting nagato to bring him back with the rinnegan most likely. Make since that way even Tobi himself was upset when Nagato used it to bring back the dead ninja of konoha. This mainly confused me and my friend because how could the revived Madara who was just brought back know who Nagato was? Madara looked like he was fairly young when he died. Definitely to young to even know Nagato as an infant even. But this chapter we learned that Kabuto used a more advanced version of the Impure world resurrection on Madara thus it could explain why he looks younger? That point aside though it is interesting that Madara knew he was going to be revived before he even died? What is the plan? or was really being revived by Kabuto instead messed things up a little bit probably.


    That meteor attack... First of all OMG. Second of all theres not to many things that exist in the naruto world that could stop that? I read the post in this thread about naruto tailed beast bomb.... Well that may work but naruto cannot use that Jutsu and hes out of chakra. On top of that even the beast bomb might be too weak.

    Also were did it come from? It's some type of summoning right? And probably Earth/Fire Elemental but with the Rinnigan and being Madara I bet were past the point of trying to figure out what elemental type it is. But as far as we know besides a summoning were does something like that come from. Earth element jutsu normally forms on the body or comes from the earth. Even the one sage of the six paths ability that grabs earth and other objects and form it into a ball does not form something that quickly and they would have noticed it. And like me and my friend speculated about it perhaps being from the moon maybe the Jubi's body is inside or something? Even that is likely it came to quickly and no one noticed until it was right in the sky! So that basically means it's some type of summoning or a genjutsu. Which if it is a genjutsu is could be some new special type of genjutsu. Maybe one that can cause mental damaged based off of the genjutsu like Tsukuyomi but more advanced? I feel like there is a large chance it's some type of genjutsu.

    Mainly because the only two people I can think of who could stop it etc... Would be Tobi... Maybe he could arrive with his giant rock golem or what ever it is... The other person is itachi... I don't even think sasuke could stop it.

    If it is a real physical meteor then perhaps it has something to do with Isunag. Isunag all about making something out of nothing... or taking something that did happen and making it not happen. I remember to a small degree that Isunag or some form of it could have been used to create the Ninja world itself. Like ninjutsu etc... Could all have been born from Isunag or something close to it. This whole thing is probably going to be solved more simply then we think or at least I think. But my vote is genjutsu. That or Madara is only using or calling the Meteor for an other reason not to use it as a direct attack.

  12. #32
    The man with a thousand eyes.

    Amazing involutioning evolution, susanoo outlet, meteor invocations, Madara having Orochimaru an all the gang on facebook. Millenial researches conducted by a 20 years old boy who spent all his youth orpahned in konoha and the rest of his life "spying" and his master that spent for all we know half of his life wandering to make himself a name and the other half postrated in bed carving for a body. Just to name a few.

    After years of reading Im not gonna quit, I gues.

    And yes this is all Izanagis doing and Neo is gonna arrive soon.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by viperwasp View Post
    First of all I am new here. My favorite forums to post at Bleach network died a while ago. So hopefully this community is active enough for me to like it.

    I first want to mention that I hope sharingan does not evolve into the rinnegan... well I know they kind of said that but I hope the charachters don't know what they are talking about or are just assuming and are wrong. Unless DNA or genes from the first or senju DNA is needed or something then I would be fine with that idea. Because I think Madara or Tobi or both of them have the firsts DNA to some degree.

    Since I have not gotten the time to read any posts here outside of this thread I want to mention something that I picked up. From last chapter it seems that Madara knew he was going to die etc. It was a plan and he was expecting nagato to bring him back with the rinnegan most likely. Make since that way even Tobi himself was upset when Nagato used it to bring back the dead ninja of konoha. This mainly confused me and my friend because how could the revived Madara who was just brought back know who Nagato was? Madara looked like he was fairly young when he died. Definitely to young to even know Nagato as an infant even. But this chapter we learned that Kabuto used a more advanced version of the Impure world resurrection on Madara thus it could explain why he looks younger? That point aside though it is interesting that Madara knew he was going to be revived before he even died? What is the plan? or was really being revived by Kabuto instead messed things up a little bit probably.


    That meteor attack... First of all OMG. Second of all theres not to many things that exist in the naruto world that could stop that? I read the post in this thread about naruto tailed beast bomb.... Well that may work but naruto cannot use that Jutsu and hes out of chakra. On top of that even the beast bomb might be too weak.

    Also were did it come from? It's some type of summoning right? And probably Earth/Fire Elemental but with the Rinnigan and being Madara I bet were past the point of trying to figure out what elemental type it is. But as far as we know besides a summoning were does something like that come from. Earth element jutsu normally forms on the body or comes from the earth. Even the one sage of the six paths ability that grabs earth and other objects and form it into a ball does not form something that quickly and they would have noticed it. And like me and my friend speculated about it perhaps being from the moon maybe the Jubi's body is inside or something? Even that is likely it came to quickly and no one noticed until it was right in the sky! So that basically means it's some type of summoning or a genjutsu. Which if it is a genjutsu is could be some new special type of genjutsu. Maybe one that can cause mental damaged based off of the genjutsu like Tsukuyomi but more advanced? I feel like there is a large chance it's some type of genjutsu.

    Mainly because the only two people I can think of who could stop it etc... Would be Tobi... Maybe he could arrive with his giant rock golem or what ever it is... The other person is itachi... I don't even think sasuke could stop it.

    If it is a real physical meteor then perhaps it has something to do with Isunag. Isunag all about making something out of nothing... or taking something that did happen and making it not happen. I remember to a small degree that Isunag or some form of it could have been used to create the Ninja world itself. Like ninjutsu etc... Could all have been born from Isunag or something close to it. This whole thing is probably going to be solved more simply then we think or at least I think. But my vote is genjutsu. That or Madara is only using or calling the Meteor for an other reason not to use it as a direct attack.
    Ok half of these speculations are wild and unfounded but its ok b/c you came from a bleach forum. J/k but from what goes on in manga in general its best to just take what the characters say at face value seeing as how that's the only way yoju obtain information in their universe. Secondly the techniques madara is throwing out right now are just on a large scale to show why he is feared and to show the "power of the uchiha" founder. the only information we have gained from his appearance is that he: has no knowledge of kabuto, he obtained the next level of sharingan before his passing(the rinnengan), and that he is in fact aware of the current war and edo tensei.
    As to who it might be controlling edo tensei we don't know but so far the only confirmed users of the technique are: the second leaf hokage, orochimaru and kabuto(kabutoro etc...). My guess is that the big bad villian might emerge from the leaf village. There are so many plots that are so much darker than it first revealed. In the beginning of the series the picture was painted to show other villages as monsters but lately the leaf is lookin kinda dirty right now.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Also, on "who is behind the mask": I´d say it´s Sakura´s father, who turns out to be Madara´s son. There you go.
    How the hell does that make any sense. I have heard some farfetched ideas but that takes the cake

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shuichi_Utazu View Post
    How the hell does that make any sense. I have heard some farfetched ideas but that takes the cake
    Sarcasm. ^this guy gets it

  16. #36
    I must admit I kinda agree with viperwasp when it comes to Madara's meteor being a genjutsu. He pretty much looked at everyone while flashing by them after his katon jutsu and what's more is everyone is looking at him now. As said by Guy when fighting a sharingan user look at their feet not eyes. Itachi can do split sec genjutsu and I'm pretty sure Madara can do the same if not better then him when it comes to that. Hell Sharingan was held as master genjutsu kekkai before the ret-con. I wouldn't be shocked if this is a mass hallucination everyone is experiencing. Oh well got to wait and see I guess. I just hope this manga finishes with what little ounce of dignity it has left.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by toonice714 View Post
    Maybe he was in the 3rd coffin when he fought the third? This time he was like fuck it I'm getting out! Makes sense seein as how the 4th couldn't have been in that coffin
    kabuto has already confirmed orochimaru attempted to summon the 4th that time

  18. #38
    Generally speaking, Oro's Edo Tensei must have been really crap that it brought back Hashirama and old man Sandaime managaed to take him AND the Second out at the same time

  19. #39
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Or maybe that's just how beastly the third really was.

  20. #40
    Sasuke > Oro > Old 3rd > Hashirama (who is => Madara) + 2nd ?

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