[MangaStream & Binktopia] Naruto c.560: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Naruto c.560: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
Well...that was kinda lame.
I feel so sorry for byakugan, though on another note this just makes shodai that much more beastly seeing how he wrecked Madara's shit.
So now I am pretty sure that eventually Sasuke's EMS will evolve into the Rinnegan or already has. Lame.
Remember when this show was about ninjas? Me neither.
Also, why couldn't Nagato use susanno? Is it because he was born with the rinnegan? Reminds me of that one pikachu that evolved to raichu too soon and didn't learn quick attack and agility
It could be also that Tobi has given Nagato the rinnegan like he said.
It's still unclear what he meant by that since if rinnegan is an evolved sharingan then Nagato should have awakened sharingan first just like sasuke. Seems to me that Sasuke's trauma was bigger than Nagato's so Nagato jumping through sharingan phase directly to rinnegan by normal ways seems absurd.
It's not an evolved sharingan, sharingan is derived from rinnegan; you could say what happened here is sharingan going back to it's 'original' form.
lol is all I want to say about this chapter.
but still, i dont get it: why is naruto "out of chakra" to transform into kyuubi-mode? doesnīt the kyuubi have infinite chakra, and shouldnīt that thus let naruto use that mode as long as he likes to?
anyways, lol.
Have you been reading a different manga than everyone else? The kyuubi cloak mode is dangerous, Naruto uses the kyuubi chakra yes, but the kyuubi in turn is draining Naruto's own. When that chakra runs out naruto will simply die. Every clone he makes thus also massively drains how much chakra he can spare.
So the sharingan evolved from the rinnegan, and the rinngan can be awakened from the sharingan, and then nagato, a uzumaki, has the rinnegan, you would assume he could have had the sharingan, making him a uchiha.
Anyways I think tobi is really hashirama
Then what is Narutoīs plan for when heīll be facing Sasuke? Or is he working under the assumption that a)Sasuke wonīt be part of the war, or b) Sasuke wonīt fight him because heīll realize what friends they are, lol.
Sadly, we all know that neither is the case and Naruto will have magically just enough chakra for when Sasuke appears to fight him...
Magically? Naruto has been using TONS of chakra splitting himself up like that and laying the smackdown on all different areas of the war; it's completely reasonable he ran out when he did.
Thatīs not what I pre-emptively complained about. Read again :P
Madara's pretty cool, being able to use Meteor-no-jutsu like that. Only the true villain is allowed to have powers that strong.
Naruto's only hope now is to do a mass-summoning of Knights-of-the-Round to quickly take him down, or otherwise mass-cast Holy-no-jutsu to dispel the Meteor.
These wizard battles be dope!
You complained about how naruto will "magically" have enough energy to fight 1 person solely based on the fact that he ran out of energy now...where he has been straining himself to the max and accelerating the drain by making clones. Right now he's in sage mode and not using his own (well a bit of it I guess) or kyuubi's chakra, meaning naruto is basically resting while using mostly nature energy.
Doesn't seem that odd for enough chakra to replenish itself before facing sasuke or anyone else. Also naruto still has that Sage + kyuubi mode that was only shown briefly during his fight with Pein.
Someone should just call avada kadavra and be done with it.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
DS is going full narutard again!
/grabs popcorns
I just wish they would say exactly who tobi already, cuz all this speculation just makes me wanna really know. And i already figure if naruto is gonna beat madara, who has the rinnegan and already knew the full extent of his ems, how is sasuke gonna compare? I realize they will make some weird reason for y sasuke is even more powerful or somethin, but still it seems farfetched
Well, since Madara appeared to refer to him as a different person, that puts to rest the theories that it is some kind of weird ghost-Madara. It's gotta be his brother, then. No one else would have had such a freaky reaction to Madara's dead corpse when Kabuto showed it to him.