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Thread: The girl who was run over

  1. #21
    Horrifying. Disgusting. Infuriating.

    I've had random people off the side of the street help me if I even resembled being in distress, and I'd probably be dead or worse without the altruism of random passerbys. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to continue living with myself if I saw this and did nothing. The people who didn't help should all burn in hell.

    And to think that the mom let the kid walk around before she learned how to look out for cars makes it almost entirely the mom's fault. I mean the kid was alone for THAT LONG? WTF? Children who obviously don't know how to watch out for cars need to be watched like a hawk until they can do so. This is why.

    Oh, and Ani, I hope your comment about wishing dead on the kid for being in a bad situation was a poor attempt at a joke. Otherwise, you might as well just go vigilante and kill all children with shitty parents, and then yourself.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  2. #22
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphi
    And to think that the mom let the kid walk around before she learned how to look out for cars makes it almost entirely the mom's fault.
    I believe Ani never said it was almost entirely the mother's fault. He was reasoning that she had some part in this whole situation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphi
    Oh, and Ani, I hope your comment about wishing dead on the kid for being in a bad situation was a joke. Otherwise, you might as well just go vigilante and kill all children with shitty parents, and then yourself.
    Saying that he should go vigilante and kill all children with severely crippling injuries/conditions would better reflect where he's getting at. By saying what you said, it implies that Ani thinks all unsupervised children will get run over with non-recoverable injuries.

    edit@below: ban me.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 10-18-2011 at 10:27 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #23
    Oh, nice, you've yet again managed to completely skew my post, which was not entirely directed at Ani, in a retarded and annoying way.

    Like I've said before, shut up with your loud and useless nonopinions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buff
    edit@below: ban me
    Last edited by Sapphire; Tue, 10-18-2011 at 10:35 AM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  4. #24
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Do you guys know something more of this case than I do? For all I know, the mother could have been deperately looking for the kid elsewhere when this was happening. Kids that small have poorer brains for self-preservation than the cats and dogs Ani referred to. The kid could have been walking alongside the mom in a throng and accidentally got separated by following a stranger in similar clothing. Or if they were at home, the kid's five years old cousin could have opened the locked front door while the mom was preparing food or taking a shower. Even for non-bad parents there exists a statistical possibility for a tragic mistake/accident to happen. Just to put things into perspective, thousands of kids die every year around the world, and the deaths aren't all due to bad parenting, though many are.

  5. #25
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    edit@below: ban me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post

    I wish i was enough of a bitch to make a big deal about this on abuse of power and bla bla but unfortunately i just don't have the patience

  6. #26
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax View Post
    I value human life for the most part, but I think westerners over-value human lives. I don't think it's enough to have a life, quality of life matters too.
    I don't really understand how that justifies letting the girl die because it would have been the 'merciful' thing to do.

    Instead you seem to be questioning whether it's WORTH saving her from a practical point of view if you can't guarantee a certain quality of life. I assume since somebody paid her hospital bills at the end, the question of what her life is worth is irrelevant.

    I agree that there is a point where quality of life is so low that continuing to live on can be far too difficult for a person. But to prematurely let her die for what PROBABLY could be a very tough life is just not good enough a premise, especially when no one has any way of knowing yet how that kid will be able to cope. It is not an act of mercy but simply an act of convenience.

    You need a much deeper understanding of the situation and all possible outcomes before you can even begin to conjecture what the merciful thing to do would be. Being merciful requires you to step into the other person's shoes and have an understanding of the situation from their own perspective. This becomes that much harder with children, who have yet to develop their own understanding. There are just too many unknowns for you as an outsider to 'mercifully' let her die.

  7. #27
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Follow up on the girl that got ran over.

    Also, who deleted my post?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #28
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Maybe you accidentally hit the rep button instead of the reply button to my post. I have a rep with a quote from my post...
    Last edited by Splash!; Tue, 10-18-2011 at 01:11 PM. Reason: Nvm, that seems unlikely

  9. #29
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Bill or Kraco did it

    This is what you get for giving up your seat of power

  10. #30
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    I think it would be wise if you move everything related to that video and make it into a separate thread. The discussion for this is getting way out of hand (as expected of course).

  11. #31
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    As terrible as this situation seem to many of the people here, please realize that much worst things than this happens on a regular basis in undeveloped third world countries.

    I can understand why these people would react this way given the environment that they grow up in. Please do not confuse understanding with accepting, because in no way do i find these actions to acceptable. I merely see how it might be possible for these people to ignore a dying child given the circumstances of their environment. Many of us who live in the western civilized world take for granted the luxuries we are given.

    Yes, caring for others is often a luxury. If that concept seems absurd to you, then simply refers to the way people act after major tragedies (Katrina and the likes). You will find that there are many kind people who will be willing to help others, but at the same time there will be many more of those who are willing to hurt others or ignore their plight in order to look after themselves. Apply that mentality to these people, except it's not something that only occurs during tragedies, but is prevalent in their everyday life.

  12. #32
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    @Sapphire, I absolutely understand where your coming from. As I watched this video (which I posted about in the "In the News Today" thread, I felt an equal amounts of disgust, horror, and anger.

    People, this is obviously quite a sensitive topic, so please treat it as such.

    @Archy, you really need to learn some manners. -_-
    And this is coming from the guy who you have dick-rode since you got here.

    I felt I had to make this public, and if you feel like following up on this post, feel free to private message me. One off-topic post is enough.

    I don't post very often, especially outside of the fan-art section, but I'm always watching, and do share my opinion from this to time. This is one of them.

    I disliked Animeniax initially, until I realized he was just having fun with me and that his opinions actually bring up valid points.

    You on the other hand spout out some baseless opinion and attack people.

    Those types of nonsensical trolling posts would never have held up to quality control on Gotwoot five years prior. I honestly believe the mods have been entirely too lenient for a number of years. I mean, come on, your at 8,222 posts! I can't bring up statistics due to the number of posts, but I can say with confidence that a great majority of these posts were downright spam. Think about what you say before you post!

    As for Bill's situation. He is a contributing member with valid points, manners, humor, and from my impression, and all around Gotwoot kinda guy. I'm fairly certain his ban isn't permanent, or even that long. He did however, challenge the authority of the boards, and quite simply, when is the last time we've had any real authority put their foot down? He shouldn't have stepped outta line with that comment.

    I reiterate: "this is obviously quite a sensitive topic, so please treat it as such." as I am sure Sapphire & I aren't the only one's whom this news-clip managed to infuriate.
    Last edited by Lucifus; Tue, 10-18-2011 at 04:57 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    As terrible as this situation seem to many of the people here, please realize that much worst things than this happens on a regular basis in undeveloped third world countries.
    I could understand that reasoning if it was just people choosing to ignore a dying child, but there's no way you can defend the drivers of the two vans in any way possible. Their statements of not seeing anything is pure bullshit, and you wouldn't need to be Sherlock to see through that lie. Besides, this happened in a city in China, and China is already among the most powerful countries in this world, in various ways, so it's not just any "underdeveloped third world country" either. The times when China could explain anything by calling themselves a developing country are long gone.

    Lucifus, Bill's title is set to "Banned". But that's all. So, chill a cycle.

  14. #34
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    My statement was merely about the people ignoring the child and leaving her there for a full day from what i understand.

    The van drivers is something else entirely, what they did was truly terrible and they fully deserve anything that is coming to them.

    I still see China as a "developing countries". Despite how powerful China has become, the majority of its population still lives in poverty. Their condition isn't much better than those living in countries that is classified as "third world". This comes from a government that is more interested in raising the power of the "nation" and have no interest upon improving the living condition of its citizen.

  15. #35
    What did Bill say? Im curious as to what he was banned for.

    I also think youre all giving Animeniax too much shit. Whilest I respectfully disagree with his opinion, I can see where he's coming from. I think he's pointing out not that the girl doesnt deserve to live or should for certain be killed, but the likely unfortunate circumstances that she will find herself in should she live. It seems more to me a commentary on the shitty third world system and conditions in china, where again, if female fetuses are dumped like trash, can we imagine how the girl will be treated after this accident? In society's eyes she might be deemed useless (note before you start calling me evil: I said society's eyes, not mine). I think Animeniax is just being pragmatic not only given the condition of the girl, but the environment she lives in.

    Again, I disagree with this notion, but I can see where Animeniax is coming from.

    I also agree with him on the parenting bit. I would rest a vast majority of the blame on the van, but parents should be aware. There's a difference between cooking at home and taking your child out to go shopping. You can stick your kid in a play pen or keep close watch at home, but it really is unreasonable to let the kid walk either out of your sight or onto the streets when being out of the house.

    Also, to everyone telling Animeniax that he's full of shit because he doesn't know the full story or situation: look who's talking. Do you know the full story either? Let the man speak his opinion without slander, because yours is just as worthless. I doubt none of us have lived in a 3rd world village, and I doubt Animeniax is saying that he is absolutely certain he would pull the plug on the little girl. Its a no shitter that he is basing his judgement on the information and perspective that we have. Do you really think if he were in the position, he would just kill off the girl without spending much more time and consideration on the matter?

  16. #36
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    buff is trolling you guys so super hard.

  17. #37
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I believe Ani never said it was almost entirely the mother's fault. He was reasoning that she had some part in this whole situation.

    Saying that he should go vigilante and kill all children with severely crippling injuries/conditions would better reflect where he's getting at. By saying what you said, it implies that Ani thinks all unsupervised children will get run over with non-recoverable injuries.
    Oh shit, someone who understood what I was saying without layering on their own misguided notions of personal responsibility! I started by asking where the parents were, which Archie replied saying I was wrong to wish death on the young crippled girl with 95% chance of not recovering, then Xan comes in and says I was blaming the parents via some theory which doesn't apply in this situation (not that I'm against that theory or that it doesn't apply to some of my worldview) and then it's a flame fest. Finally a voice of reason in Buffalobiian.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I could understand that reasoning if it was just people choosing to ignore a dying child, but there's no way you can defend the drivers of the two vans in any way possible. Their statements of not seeing anything is pure bullshit, and you wouldn't need to be Sherlock to see through that lie. Besides, this happened in a city in China, and China is already among the most powerful countries in this world, in various ways, so it's not just any "underdeveloped third world country" either. The times when China could explain anything by calling themselves a developing country are long gone.
    I think you were one of many who had the wool pulled over your eyes by the Chinese representation of themselves during the last Olympics. Most of China is still 3rd world. There are some centers of 1st world development, but with 3rd world values as more and more countryfolk migrate to the cities for work and prosperity.

    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    buff is trolling you guys so super hard.
    No, he has an Eastern worldview similar to mine. By your western views, this planet will be overpopulated and used up in another 100 years.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  18. #38
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Far too many assumptions being made on this topic. Too much damn trolling as well, you'd expect people to pay a little more attention with the sensitive manner of the subject.

    It was obvious to me Animeniax didn't mean some of what was insinuated; and that most of what he wrote was simply commentary, that appealed to the common sense of the reader to interpret it. It all comes down to context and a mild communication barrier. Forums aren't perfect I guess.

    As far as China goes, have any of you even seen their roadways/highway systems? They're quite recent and extremely built up, economically I wouldn't call China a third world country, however; on the flip of things. Look at the drivers and rules on Chinese highway systems. There are just about no rules, its a free for all and plain madness.

    That is NOT what I would expect from a developed country with massive new highway infrastructure. I suppose it's all the new drivers that China lacked before on the roads.
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  19. #39
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    What is this thread even about anymore??

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
    I also agree with him on the parenting bit. I would rest a vast majority of the blame on the van, but parents should be aware.

    To assume these ones weren't.

    Love the internet. I can just post links and hope you'll read them rather than wasting my time explaining why you're wrong:

    There's a difference between cooking at home and taking your child out to go shopping. You can stick your kid in a play pen or keep close watch at home, but it really is unreasonable to let the kid walk either out of your sight or onto the streets when being out of the house.
    "to let the kid walk out of your sight"

    Like they fucking ushered the little girl into the street while they did blow off of a dirty newstand.

    You have no idea what was going on and to assume in any way that the parents are somehow responsible is idiotic.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  20. #40
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Has anyone placed a final verdict on the child's parents XanBcoo? No?

    No one said with any sense of finality that the parents were at fault. We, don't, know, any details. Assumptions don't really hold any value, so I don't see the cause for your aiming your anger at our opinions.

    Shall I also do what my professors have always told me not to?

    Quote Wikipedia:
    The new form of trolling.

    On another note: Punishments,

    Who do you guys feel should be held responsible for the state this young girl is now in? Should those who passed her by be punishable by law? I don't even think I have to ask about the first van driver who o so slowly decided run over a little girl. I can't tell you how much I'd like to hurt that guy right now.

    The second truck driver, at the very least I could potentially believe his story of not seeing the little girl; however, all his credibility goes out the window after he keeps on driving despite the fact that he knew he ran over something, namely, a bleeding little 2 year old girl's feet.
    Last edited by Lucifus; Tue, 10-18-2011 at 06:09 PM.
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