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Thread: Last Exile ~ Fam, the Silver Wing ~

  1. #81
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Indeed. Perhaps it would have been better had they not wasted time on two recap episodes (which weren't even far enough apart). That's not even counting the Last Exile recap, just the two Silver Wing ones.

    A disappointing ending. It's Gonzo, so this wasn't unexpected.

  2. #82
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Aaand finished.

    This seriesī biggest problem was that its complete first half was a waste of time. It only started getting interesting when the real war started after like 12 episodes. Then it was actually enjoyable to watch, but, of course, the ending had to ruin it.

    I donīt like stories where thereīs no clear enemy at some point. When Luscinia gave Augusta to Fam (after the worst speeches in anime-history, seriously, take a lesson from Naruto, Fam Fan Fan Fam Fan Fam Faaaaa....), he shook off any villain-feeling he had left prior to that scene. At this point, everybody was fighting each other for nothing. Sure, the message "war is always for nothing" isnīt a new one, neither a bad one, but it felt just stupid in this case.

    And what was it with the admiral (Famīs granpa) dying? Made no sense. That was 100% suicide. Seeing how he has a granddaughter, he should have been motivated enough to keep going.

    And I have no idea what those Exiles are about. Or what Luscinia tried to do. Oh, almost forgot: So ... what if Fam and Gisey hadnīt come before Luscinia? Did Luscinia accept that Augusta would then die together with him?

    Best thing was the appearance of the first seasonīs main characters, though I almost didnīt realize who they were. Speaking of which, did Dio appear in season 1? Or where from did they know each other. I have absolutely forgotten everything about the first Exile-anime.

    Anyway, as Kraco said: Forgettable series. If it wasnīt for the setting (air ships), I would have never bothered.

  3. #83
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I donīt like stories where thereīs no clear enemy at some point. When Luscinia gave Augusta to Fam (after the worst speeches in anime-history, seriously, take a lesson from Naruto, Fam Fan Fan Fam Fan Fam Faaaaa....), he shook off any villain-feeling he had left prior to that scene. At this point, everybody was fighting each other for nothing. Sure, the message "war is always for nothing" isnīt a new one, neither a bad one, but it felt just stupid in this case.
    I think the show was going for the one man's hero is another's villain take. Besides, everybody in this show adored the little Augusta, Luscinia making no exception. It's not like Luscinia was a madman trying to destroy the whole world. He was simply trying to solve all the problems at once in the most straightforward and consequently bloody way possible. He betted everything on the Grand Exile, which turned out to be a piece of wreckage. The old Admiral betted on the same thing alongside him, which is why I think he chose to go down with it. He sided with Luscinia till the very end, so if he had remained, it would have only resulted in a trial judging him guilty and possibly given some shady resistance one more reason to plot nefarious acts of terrorism.

  4. #84
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Btw was it explained what Luscinia, Dio and those "angels" were supposed to be? Iīve gotta say ... those are the most overpowered "beings" Iīve ever seen in any anime. The invisible arms from the Elfen Lied-girls or the Uchihaīs Mangekyou Sharingan look like a joke next to them. Lightning-fast speed, enormous strength and a freaky staff-weapon that can lengthen at will. Wow. During the whole war I kept thinking "well, good luck to any ship that doesnīt have Dio to defend against those things".

  5. #85
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Watch the first series. Then you'll know what a "Guilder" is.

  6. #86
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I watched the first series, but itīs been too long a time since. Anyway, if it is explained in the first series, alright.

  7. #87
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    And what was it with the admiral (Famīs granpa) dying? Made no sense. That was 100% suicide. Seeing how he has a granddaughter, he should have been motivated enough to keep going.
    Like Kraco said, he had to die.

    Luscinia too. That's the basis for this happy ending because everyone who needs to be held responsible is dead.

    Dio was from Season 1. Maybe the name Luciola might trigger something for you.

    As for overpowered Guilders, see my rant on how Sylvius got out alive TWICE after being assaulted by them. Plot armour doesn't get any thicker than this.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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