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Thread: Last Exile ~ Fam, the Silver Wing ~

  1. #61
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The flashback explained a lot about the previous Augusta and her subjects' devotion to her cause. Now they're all just taking it too aggressively in their anger to see her will be realised no matter the cost.

    It's also weird how Guild members are guarding the Ade Federation's head of state.. the head of state of those who remained on the planet, and not the Turan who returned from an Exile.

    The rocket chicks are indeed totally on another level of hotness. None of them appear to be very old neither.

    SFWhine - Episode 12

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #62
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Yeah, the cult of personality surrounding Augusta is pretty insane. She was a very divisive leader and she knew it. It is a shame that the fanatics who loved her are no in control, using her daughter as a puppet. If what I remember from Dio's conversation, the guild members are from the faction that either didn't go to Prester, or are what is left of the guild after Delphine's end and subsequent disbandment of the guild. Augusta took them in.

    I thought it is more interesting that Liliana isn't brainwashed. Definitively so after the scene in episode 12. She's doing this willingly, because she too greatly admired Augusta. It seemed at first that she was trying to live up to Augusta's message, the one that she heard directly from Augusta herself. But for some reason, since her capture and activation of the Turan Exile, she's decided to back Luscinia's plan of peace through "unification." I wonder what convinced her to back his plan?

    I like the thought of a brewing battle between the two princesses. One that may ultimately end up with Milia killing her sister to take the inherited control of the Exile. Alvis and Dio threw out the possibility, and if Liliana can't be convinced she's wrong to follow along with Luscinia's vengeance, it may just come to that.

    The Wing Priestesses are awesome. Both the design of their uniform and their pressure suits for flying are great. I especially liked that the writers didn't have Glaciens' knowing the common tongue. Milia, being better educated than most, had to interpret the entire time. I would have accepted Gisey too, but being a sky pirate obviously limited her exposure to libraries.

    As for the rest of the events, it was pretty obvious that Luscinia is throwing away his annexed territories' forces. He deems them expendable. Vasant recognized that the old prejudices are back again, and her people are being thrown away. Luscinia is basically doing everything Augusta stood against in the last months of her life.

  3. #63
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Yeah, the cult of personality surrounding Augusta is pretty insane. She was a very divisive leader and she knew it. It is a shame that the fanatics who loved her are no in control, using her daughter as a puppet. If what I remember from Dio's conversation, the guild members are from the faction that either didn't go to Prester, or are what is left of the guild after Delphine's end and subsequent disbandment of the guild. Augusta took them in.
    They were present and in use during the Grand Race 10 years ago, while the events of Last Exile happened 2 years ago, so I'll buy the "Guilders left behind" theory over ex-Delphine fraction.. though we did only see the two bodyguards at that race and not an entire squad now.

    Talking about the squad, the Dio-rescuing-Alvis flashback.. Dio's awesome. Now that he's not brainwashed or distracted over Imelman he's putting his skills to good use. It feels rather forceful to have Anatory claim a territory after coming back to Earth though. You'd think they of all people would have learned to "communicate" the peaceful way. Maybe they've tried.. Ades isn't exactly open to negotiations. Makes you wonder why they left Prester though. That place looked plentiful enough after the Grand Stream dispelled and warmed up the planet.

    PS: I want more Alvis screentime!! And the toy lamb.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    The Wing Priestesses are awesome.
    I really enjoyed watching Dian. She's like the mellow, shy parts of Felli (which means she isn't THAT much like Felli, but it's enough..)

    Yeah, Luscinia is basically in revenge mode at the moment while still trying to follow Augusta's ideology as much as he can convince himself to.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #64
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    "Lukia, you're scaring her."

    "What should I do?"

    "Why not show her your rapeface?"

  5. #65
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The true sequel:

    Hourglass Travelers
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  6. #66
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The true sequel:

    Hourglass Travelers
    Ah.. I was so caught up in this that I forgot that the connecting story was covered elsewhere.

    Thanks for the reminder, guess I'll read that after this.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #67
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    SFWhine - Episode 13


    I really wanted to know what weaponry the Glacias vanships had, but they either took them out too quickly or got taken out so quickly that I never got a good look.

    The White exile must be frozen in the earth. If their purpose was to migrate to a different planet then it makes no sense for them to be incapable of flight by nature. If returning to Earth was the intent of the creators though, then deciding to build one that could weather out the harshness of the Earth for generations could be a way to go. Pity that it can be activated by old men though. I liked the idea that only good looking girls could command them.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #68
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    SFWhine - Episode 14 (720p Hi10P)
    SFWhine - Episode 14 (720p)


    I know that Millia and Fam both don't want it to happen, but at this point, Millia really does need to be the one to kill Lilliana. In fact, she's the only one who should. I'll be disappointed if this series doesn't end in Lilliana's death at Millia's hand. The level of atrocities she has allowed to happen, willingly, is the same reason that Augusta was killed in the first place and started this whole mess. If anyone else were to kill Lilliana, or she kill herself, it wouldn't end the cycle of vengeance. It has to be Millia who takes the responsibility. Nor can it be imprisonment or exile, because that would give the impression that leniency was given, and others would continue to seek out Lilliana to kill her anyway, or take it out on the remaining Turans.

    I wasn't at all surprised Vasant went to the Wing Priestesses. I wonder what she's teaching them, and when we'll see them again.

  9. #69
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I think that Lilliana has expected everything that has happened thus far. My train of thought is that Lilliana has concluded that Luscinia has control of her and the Exile she controls. She can either obey him, or have him force the Exile to do as he wishes. Either way, the weapon will be used abd people will die. She's a lost cause.

    The problem is that Turan/Millia still thinks of her as the Head of State and needs to be rescued. Lilliana sees this as futile and so devised the above actions in order change Millia's mission from "Rescue the head of Turan" to "Become the head of Turan."

    She needs to be a leader who knows what she's out to do. Only when she's ready can she properly use the Exile she'll receive. Given that, I'm not entirely certain whether Lilliana will die from suicide, Millia's hands or mass bombardment.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #70
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I'm kinda getting bored of this series...

  11. #71
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    SFWhine - Episode 15


    So I was wrong about the barley/Urbanus/Dio-rescues-Alvis segment from a while back. It wasn't a flashback at all, but within the same timeline as everything else.
    Quote Originally Posted by chronological recount of events
    -Lilliana attacks Millia's forces
    -Alvis escapes on board Urbanus
    -Guilders board Sylvius
    -Dio fights top-guilder.
    -Assassination squad disables Sylvius's engines
    -Sylvius goes underwater.
    -Urbanus escapes to the barley fields (Earth's Anatoray?)
    -Urbanus is dry-docked for repairs when attacked
    -Alvis is on the run
    -Dio rescues Alvis, kills pursuing assasination squad (the same one that was on Sylvius?)
    -Top Guilder watches them leave
    -Urbanus survives encounter
    -Sylvius has yet to show itself
    So both Dio AND the guilder made it out of Sylvius alive.. and got to Anatoray (which is supposed to be really far east)?? I'm going to assume that the assassination squad was the same one that stormed Sylvius since Top Guilder made it out too. Plus, it's cooler for them to be rare. (and now, dead).

    Does this mean their whole attack was targeting Alvis? I didn't think they knew about Anatoray's Exile, but you'd have to come to the logical conclusion that they had and controlled one in order to explain how they got back from Prester.

    Last thing that's confusing me is that Top Guilder didn't murder the entire Urbanus crew. Given his confidence in retrieving Augusta "alone", there doesn't seem to be anything that can outmatch those guys anyway.

    At first I was also baffled at the attitudes and behavior of the Millia's Allied Captians vs the civilians who had settled there before Turan arrived 200 years ago. Again I wrongly assumed that Turan drove out all indigenous populations before establishing their rule, but it seems that it's not the case. Some of those people stayed, as did Turan's discrimination.

    edit2: Or, perhaps that wasn't the case at all. Turan could well have driven out the indigenous survivors. That would explain the people's original despise for them in the Ades Federation. Augusta is teaming up with Millia to fight Luscinia, but they never mentioned anything about giving them their land back. The people shown getting ready to move to Turan may well be those who were exiled long ago. But if that was the case, who the hell holds 200-year-old memories?
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 02-04-2012 at 10:35 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #72
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    SFWhine - Episode 15.5 (Skim if you want, but do NOT skip)


    Wow, so the ending scenes of the original Last Exile were pretty misleading. Claus, Tatianna and co actually settled down on Earth relatively soon after the Grand Stream disappeared. Prester, instead of being an actual planet (or at least a natural planet), was an artificial construct to house the immigrants.

    But most importantly, Claus is alive and out of commission. I'm curious as to how he got up onto the vanship in the first place (perhaps just one of his legs is incompetent). I'm not too saddened that he won't be flying though. He's had his own series and we've got Dio and Fam in this one anyway. Plus, he promised Lavie (who actually looks grown up now) that they'd stop flying to fight if they could.

    edit: Assuming the ending scenes were in chronological order, the automatons chasing Dio were of the classic Guild-Star design. The last time I recalled seeing a Guild machine on Earth was a hybrid model.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 02-19-2012 at 01:48 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #73
    That OP. Must have been a nice treat to see it on TV one more time.

    Also, like everyone else, I'm curious to see how Claus lost his leg. I guess we'll find out in the manga sometime. Too bad he didn't get a vocal part during the end scene.

  14. #74
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  15. #75
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    SFWhine - Episode 17


    The old guy really is boss.

    Wonder how Sylvius escaped. Guilder prowess is unsurpassed in this universe. They could have left after learning that Alvis was on the Urbanus and not the Sylvius, but they would have had to clear out the ship to find that out anyway.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #76
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    SFWhine - Episode 18, 19


    "I don't know anything" -Fam

    Damn right you don't. You and Sara annoy me to no ends. You go on and on about wanting peace and making everyone give up their differences just so you can have a quiet afternoon (and a Grand Race or whatever). That's no different from telling everyone to sit down and shut the fuck up.

    Reminds me of parents who tell their kids to stop arguing with each other instead of listening to them.

    People are trying to solve a problem here. They happen to have different ways going about that, and that non-negotiable difference means that basically one side has to beat the other. If that's the only solution they can come down to, then so be it.

    "Violence is not the solution. But when it is, it's the only solution." Obviously not the most correct statement, but it sums up an idea pretty well.

    I can't tell if the Grand Exile is the awoken version of the exile employed by Glacia, or if it's some other one Luscinia somehow found.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 03-15-2012 at 11:01 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #77
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 20 - SFWhine

    - - - - -

    Truly one of those series where the plot always gets better when the main character is nowhere to be seen. Fam was seen in this ep, yeah, but at least she's on a rescue mission, which seems to be the only thing one could still expect her to pull off, after her numerous other failures.

    Otherwise this has been good stuff. Grand Exile falling apart after every shot from being incomplete is a good thing. After the satisfying fleet battles haxor weapons never leave a good taste in the mouth.

    Maybe it's because I marathoned the show up till this point, but this hasn't been as bad as I've heard from here and there. Fam's stupid inactivity and escapism likely feel far less annoying that way. With only a single ep left, I doubt she will have another chance to disappoint anymore.

  18. #78
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    So Ades still had the technology to create Exiles - which explains their hybrids from the previous episodes.

    The starfishes seem to be also on a subpar AI that isn't very smart. They were much less intimidating than in the previous series when it had a pilot. I sure hope Al gets to use her Exile for something. As it stands right now she was only critical because (from what I presume) she was controlling the Exile that was transporting Sophia from Prester to Earth.

    I hated that they never explained how the Sylvius escaped from the boarding assassins TWICE. The only person who could stand up to them was Dio, and he was busy. They even showed the old engine-room operator to be alive and well here. It's actually one of the things I hate about both Last Exile shows: the amount of material/scenes that were just skipped since there's no reasonable resolution to them (or they couldn't be bothered thinking up one).

    Looking up,

    Quote Originally Posted by Buff
    edit: Assuming the ending scenes were in chronological order, the automatons chasing Dio were of the classic Guild-Star design. The last time I recalled seeing a Guild machine on Earth was a hybrid model.
    These guild machines sure have inconsistent performance if they made Dio run for his life like that yet can't clearly outmatch a few pirates.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #79
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    SFWhine - Episode 21


    -Nothing got resolved. The same shit happened here that happened at the fortress less than a week back (in terms of timeline). It just happens that no one's wanting to kill anyone else at this point because they're either not here, or their target is dead.

    World leaders decide they want to live together, but that's not necessarily true for the people. Apparently resources was a big problem, so that hasn't been fixed neither. Remember back to that episode where Sara told Milia that crops were hard to grow and everything.

    -"I can't remove all the hatred, but I'll keep on flying!" -says Fam. You can surely keep on flying, that's not the problem. The problem, is that people are starving, backstabbing and whatnot while you're doing that Fam. It just so happens that there are a few people who are standing out to be the bad guys and channelling all the hatred into a few selected scapegoats.

    Why aren't the Glacians killing anybody anymore? Because they're all dead..

    The will to keep dreaming doesn't guarantee results, and results were what Luscinia and the others tried a achieve. The older I grow, the more supportive I am of efforts that try to achieve results in a timely manner for the greater good (while inevitably trampling on some along the way) as opposed to fleeting dreams that have shown to be nothing but ideals.

    -Alvis did absolutely nothing this episode. What's the point of being the Key if you aren't going to effectively use it (besides transporting Sophia)? She was supposed to be the one to find Sara due to her telepathic link and all.. but then gave up on it.. >_>

    Okay... the good things this episode:

    -Sophia looks better than ever. Millia also looked much better in the Sylvius uniform than her princess get-up.

    -Lavie and Claus appearing finished off with a nice touch. That hug was golden.

    -Dio getting yellow-carded was BS, but anyhow - it lead to some rare changes of expression on Tatianna's face.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 03-29-2012 at 12:11 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #80
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Pretty meh for a last episode of a series circling around so big political issues. Like Bill already said, they went all unresolved, except for a few cases of judging criminals, since they conveniently got themselves killed. Or were apparently pardoned like Dian (executing Dian would like likely reduced the current Glacian population by 10%, so it would have been beyond cruel anyway).

    So, what remains is to look at this series completely from Fam's point of view. If you take everything else but her desire to fly, race, and hang around with her friends as mere background noise, then obviously everything went very smoothly. In that sense the show concluded without major problems, although reducing the race then to a minute or two is dubious.

    A forgettable series.

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