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Thread: Last Exile ~ Fam, the Silver Wing ~

  1. #41
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReadmeAttachedwithMaps
    I don't own this map and I don't own Last Exile. I just put the runes into grish.



    Last Exile
    Fam - The Silver Wing
    Source: A scan of a Young Animal magazine

    1 - Translation Notes
    --Translation of promotional text
    --Note on written context, alphabetical selection.
    --Notes regarding terms and moonrunes used to label the various places on the map (goes from SW, S, SE, E Center, W, NW, N, NE.)
    2 - Polarity
    3 - Image
    4 - Added Content
    5 - Comments

    Note on Promotional Text:
    Sorry for covering the promo text. It reads: Spanning a hundred years, the continuing age of long-lasting violence...

    Notes on context / alphabet:
    Almost all proper nouns are written in Katakana, the Japanese alphabet for spelling foreign words: ie. "computer, mitzvah, thanks".
    This is true for the name of nations/countries (Turan, Ades, Grakiiehs), cities (Morvarid, Iglesia, Kartoffel) and for natural features (ie. Grand Lake)

    All other text appears in Hiragana (alphabet for Japanese spelling) or Kanji (moonrunes), with the Hiragana spellings only used for the text describing the situation at the opening of the series. Kanji is used for the actual labels and descriptions accompanying the names of nations, cities, etc. (the sole exception is the word: Line, which is written in Katakana, and, taken with the Kanji next to it, reads as: border / borderline.)

    Other terms written in Katakana: Augusta, leader, Notos.

    Notes Specific to the Map itself: (Starts out in Notos in the SE and then goes SOUTH, SW, WEST, CENTER, EAST, NE, NORTH, NW)

    Notos is denoted with a character for: "Former / ex-" as in "the former Ottoman Empire" - It may or may not have a current government or a code of laws etc.

    Turan is a labeled "Oukoku" - Kingdom / Monarchy
    It's "royal capital" is the city of Iglesia.

    There are two collections of lands labeled "Union of Small States". It is ambiguous as to how, how many, and how much these lands are united.

    The "Unsettled Lands" reads literally as "not yet residence region"
    It is strange that these lands would be unsettled, because they reside in almost the exact same geographical area as Turan, although more mountainous and more land locked. They would correspond to present day Southern Europe.

    "Sky Pirate Air Space" is literally "air space of the sky tribe/family. It is not noted whether or not the Sky Pirates have any formal control over any land.

    Grand Lake is labeled: giant/great lake.

    Ades "Federation" is read as "renpou", which is used with multiple meanings in multiple examples. It can mean: commonwealth, federation (of states), confederation, union. It's used in as opposite examples as "Federal Reserve (of the United States of America)" and "Soviet Union"(referring to the former USSR).

    Morvarid, the capital of Ades, is labeled "shuto" or capital city / metropolis. As in: the capitals of Japan and France are Tokyo and Paris.

    "Ades Vassal State" is literally: Ades Federation Vassal State. Unlike the other areas within the Ades Federation, only this section is labeled with the moonrune for "country / state"

    The other lands composing the Ades Federation are labeled as literally: Ades Federation Conquest/Subjugation Lands. It is quite likely that these peoples of the so-called Ades "Federation" did not join very willingly.

    While much land to the northeast of Morvarid has been subjugated by the Ades Federation, the land to the north and northeast of much of the Ades Federation is still not in their control.

    The land furthest northeast that is NOT part of Ades is labelled literally: Northern Country / Nation. The wording here makes it seem much more likely to be a single, united country / state, rather than a looser affiliation like the "Union of small States".

    I wrote it as GRAKIIEHS. Grah - key - S (as in the letter "S"). I have a bad feeling this is a very poor mispronunciation of some actual thing...

    The term accompanying Grakiiehs is said: "taikoku", for: "large country / major powers". It may very well be that this is a single, great country, or the term used to refer to the many multiple, major powers that rule this land. Obviously this explanation and both terms would not fit on the image. I had to choose one, and it seems strange to have such a clearly defined border for such a loose collection of lands, so...

    So Last Exile has this thing with weird planets, remember? If you watched the first Last Exile series, you should! If you haven't, go and watch that, you silly, silly fool. And the weird thing with the planet this time is that it's Earth (or at least everybody keeps calling it that!) but this Earth has had the poles reversed (to what degree? that's unknown). So in this series now, what we'd know as south is north, and what goes west now goes east. Grakiiehs is in Africa (you can see the Nile on the map) but it's the Great Country of the North. I've labelled this "New North" near the map's compass.

    It is not neceassirly that the poles are exactly reversed. After all, even today Magnetic North is NOT located at Polar North. (they're near each other, but not the same location). God only knows if this map is supposed to be using Polar North or Magnetic North or something else. It doesn't say what poles are where or anything like that. It just says Great Country of the North, Grakiiehs. So, what's North? I don't know. Maybe it's polar north, maybe it's magnetic. That's why I've dubbed it: "New North"

    I made two images and switched the one image, to flip the polarity back to modern day polarity.

    3 - THE IMAGE
    The image was made with a satelite image of Earth partially imposed on top of the concept map for the anime. It was likely a color image. The scan, obviously, was not in color. Now it's here in glorious black and white. That's why it's so fucking impossible to make out what's what and where's where on the part of the map with the satelite image printed.

    I know the image sucks don't bitch to me you fucking good for nothing two bit shit for brains didn't your mother ever teach you not to grouse about a gift, even if you didn't particularly care for it in the first place go learn some manners you accepted this and i did my best so take it up with a priest or your pillow i don't really give a.

    Apparently the image comes from a promo / publication in Young Animal Magazine. I don't know who got bought this magazine. I don't know who scanned this image out of the magazine. I don't know who spread this image on the Internet. I don't even know how I found this image. I don't even know how this image and this text file got here. Wait. Uh-oh. I mean, I'm not sure what image we're even talking about?

    I made two images and switched the one image, to flip the polarity back to modern day polarity. I fucked around with the levels more in one. Enjoy the eye pain, but remember that it should have been a color scan, not this gray fuckmess I had to squint at to read goddamn runes off of.

    I have only added the words: New North, and New South. Having single-handedly dubbed these terms, I now copyright them for all time. Yes, I just did that. Wait, what's that? Oh, well, I'll see you in court.

    5 -- COMMENTS
    I don't get how Dio is there? Wouldn't it have taken like A REAL LONG TIME for him to have left the world from the first anime, and gotten to this one?

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  2. #42
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I need a timeline more than I need a map.

  3. #43
    Just started watching this series, just finished episode 2 and man does this make me want to replay Skies of Arcadia again.

  4. #44
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    I need a timeline more than I need a map.
    Long time ago: Humans used Exiles to leave Earth for other planets.
    180 years ago: Space-goers decided to come back, drove the natives off their land and established the Turan Kingdom.
    Now: Ades aims for world domination and used the Turan princess to control an Exile.

    Long time ago: Humans from Earth settled here after arriving with an Exile
    2 years ago: Events as depicted by Last Exile anime
    Now: Dio and some of the crew of Silvana have arrived back on Earth and are part of the Silvius' crew.

    I caught up on this after watching Last Exile. Stuff makes so much more sense.

    SFWhine: Episodes 08, 09, 09.5, 10

    LAST EXILE -Fam, The Silver Wing- OST (MP3-320k) 21.12.2011
    LAST EXILE -Fam, The Silver Wing- OST (FLAC) 21.12.2011


    Alvis!! :3

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  5. #45
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Has anyone posted an episode of this in awhile?

    I'm still on episode 7.

  6. #46
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    Has anyone posted an episode of this in awhile?

    I'm still on episode 7.
    Buffalobiian posted eps 8-10 in the post above yours.

  7. #47
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Oh snap he did.

    Is 9.5 like a recap episode or something?

  8. #48
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    Oh snap he did.

    Is 9.5 like a recap episode or something?
    It's a recap as Gisel writes a letter to her dad. The few minutes at the end mattered a little though, and explained why the pirates were present at the Anatornay -Turan meeting. (I watched 10 before 9.5 and thought "Wait, I thought the pirates went home after they got ambushed in the snow..)

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  9. #49
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Okay, so now that I'm caught up... kind of capitol ship can be taken out by one shot from a hand weapon from the outside?

  10. #50
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    Okay, so now that I'm caught up... kind of capitol ship can be taken out by one shot from a hand weapon from the outside?
    Yeah. It's like a deliberate "Hit here for instant kill" zone.

    Internal sabotage would have been much better, but none of them could have done that without Gisel... except maybe Tatiana/Dio because they're godly.

    Then again, they don't have a tiny vanship like Fam's.

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  11. #51
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, internal would have been fine.

    But if you can take out a capitol ship just by shoot one specific pipe, why wouldn't ALL ship combat revolve around vanships attacking that pipe?

    More importantly, the ships are obviously covered in armor. Why wouldn't you armor that pipe?

  12. #52
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    First off, it was a lucky shot.

    I think you are forgetting a big part of that episode. Millia and Fam were able to get off that shot because their ship is incredibly small and they were obscured by the cloud cover the entire time. The crew is probably quite capable of defending that array under normal circumstances and visibility. They got drawn into the clouds pursuing the Silvius, a task that the commander of the Anshar had been frustrated with since early on. He got outwitted, and he knew it.

    As for why it is unarmored? My first guess would be efficiency. The coils are obviously heat exchangers. It's a very...Death Star design flaw moment. The top surface of those Ades capital ships are covered in gun emplacements now, as the newer models in the previous episode showed. They fired on the pirate vanships just an episode before constantly, and with deadly results. You'll also note in episode 7, that you don't see that coil array on the newer ships behind the ram where it was on the Anshar. The Anshar was an older model, which had been in service for some time, and its commander feared for his prowess (as mentioned in one of the very early episodes, when we first glimpsed the Silvius).

  13. #53
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    First off, it was a lucky shot.
    Bullshit, it's obviously exactly what Fam was making an attack run on.

    It may have been lucky that Millia actually hit what she was aiming for, but it's not like they were just shooting the enemy ship randomly and just happened to hit the self-destruct button.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    It's a very...Death Star design flaw moment.
    Right, which already makes it a cliched plot device, which is made worse by the fact that Fam didn't even steal secret Death Star plans for this ship beforehand to know there was a weakness there.

    Which means, it's probably not a secret that it's there, yet nobody bothers to shoot at it with trained marksmen instead of spoiled princesses.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    The top surface of those Ades capital ships are covered in gun emplacements now, as the newer models in the previous episode showed.
    Which begs the question, why the hell is the inferior vessel the flagship?

  14. #54
    Probably most of the time it would be major inconvenience at most and at that moment the flagship was going at max speed. If they were hit during normal battle crew could have quickly minimize damage and make repairs once ship stopped. The flagship was going at max speed and in order to do it they developed tunnel vision where all crew was focused on maintaining speed and all gunners were focused to front. And they were over Enemy's territory and which point they could be attacked at any moment and they would have 2 choices start a war or surrender and humiliate Empire.

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  15. #55
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death13a View Post
    If they were hit during normal battle crew could have quickly minimize damage and make repairs once ship stopped.
    Um, how do you stop an airship when the stuff that makes it fly is taken out.

  16. #56
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post


    Which means, it's probably not a secret that it's there, yet nobody bothers to shoot at it with trained marksmen instead of spoiled princesses.

    Which begs the question, why the hell is the inferior vessel the flagship?
    Nice of you to conveniently ignore my second paragraph, about how it was only possible due to the fact that the girls were completely obscured by the clouds. Maybe you forgot that in the previous Last Exile, infantry was frequently used to defend and attack other ships. You don't think that the Anshar is crewed by only the people on the bridge, do you? If there is a critical weakness like that, one that has been repaired on later models, you don't think they adequately defend it under normal visibility? The Anshar is a veteran combat vessel. It hadn't been sunk in years of service. It had be used in many campaigns. That is evidence enough that only in these extraordinary circumstances could that shot have even been attempted, much less pulled off.

    Visibility makes or breaks a battle in the Last Exile universe. They have no radios. All communication is still performed my courier missive or by blink codes. Most ships escape by laying down smoke or taking a risk by diving into the clouds. Capital ships can't fight or defend themselves unless they can see. We've seen that from episode 1.

    Flagship: A vessel carrying the flag officer or the commander of a fleet. That doesn't necessitate it being the most superior vessel. The commander of the whatever legion was on it. That's all it needs to be a flagship. It may not normally have been used in front-line operations anymore. It was a desperate chase to destroy a long-time thorn in his side. The other vessels in his fleet were engaged or destroyed.

    Fine, you don't like that part. Let it go or drop the show if it bothers you that much. Last Exile isn't trying to be Starship Operators or Banner of the Stars. It doesn't pretend to be tactically accurate. The original LE has all kinds of wonky physics and other style-over-realism moments.

    There are plenty of other things in this series to discuss than continuing to bitch about a flashy, decisive moment that has next to nothing to do with actual tactics and more to do with a symbolic blow to Ades from three episodes ago.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 01-07-2012 at 11:00 PM.

  17. #57
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    There are plenty of other things in this series to discuss than continuing to bitch about a flashy, decisive moment that has next to nothing to do with actual tactics and more to do with a symbolic blow to Ades from three episodes ago.
    God, don't be such an apologist. Bad plot device is bad plot device.

  18. #58
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Commie - Episodes 11, 12 11 (real one)
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 01-09-2012 at 09:17 PM.

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  19. #59
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Commie - Episodes 11, 12
    Commie doesn't follow the official episode numbering. Their episode 11 is the same as SFWhine's episode 10. Their episode 12 is actually episode 11.

  20. #60
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marik
    Commie doesn't follow the official episode numbering. Their episode 11 is the same as SFWhine's episode 10. Their 12 is actually episode 11.
    Ah, kk.

    And.. fixed.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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