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Thread: Guilty Crown

  1. #21
    I like him, think there's more to him still.
    First 2 eps were ok. That song with the girl singing is crap though, they played it about 3 times in those 2 eps, hope they don't continue to do that.

  2. #22
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I like it, hope there's more of it still.
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  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    At least the resistance leader is far more interesting as a character than the main character, as bastardly as he is in his efficiency and end justifies the means thinking. Ouma feels like he read 100 shounen manga series and tries his best to act like a gullible main character should. Great thinking going back to school after fighting without any masks against the authorities... He must have missed all the stories where the main characters did take care to hide their real identity.

    Except for Ouma's personality sucking, this isn't quite as bad a show as I thought after the first ep. I think I'll give it one more shot.

  4. #24
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Yeah, Shuu's kind of bleh, but I really like the supporting cast on both sides.

    The two girls (techno-sorceress and handicap pilot) are a good combination. You can tell they're friends, and through them and their dialogue, gave off a good sense of camaraderie among the rebels. Gai is a manipulative ass, but you have to admire him for that. Yes, he did wait until the hostages were shot, but he not only got Shuu to go along with their plan perfectly, he also further steeled the resolve of his subordinates. He doesn't like the make sacrifices (like the kind words he said to Ayase after her mech got blown up, sincere or not), he didn't want innocents involved (telling Inori she failed by getting Shuu involved), but he is not so naive as to believe that he can save everyone.

    On the other side, there is the germaphobe Daryl, Prince of the "Master Race." He's sufficiently psychotic, but he's very behind the dogma of Anti-Body. Those are strong traits to have given his position and the side he's allied with. He truly believes the crap the government feeds everyone, and fanatically goes about enforcing it for his own twisted enjoyment.

    Inori was a disappointment this episode. Where was the fire and stoic determination we saw last episode? Now she's just another portable armory with no personality to speak of.

  5. #25
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    He doesn't like the make sacrifices (like the kind words he said to Ayase after her mech got blown up, sincere or not), he didn't want innocents involved (telling Inori she failed by getting Shuu involved), but he is not so naive as to believe that he can save everyone.
    Hah hah. I agree on Ayase, whether it was sincere or not, like you said, but he told Inori she failed, because he wanted the power given to himself, not to some random high schooler out of nowhere. However, he is enough of a mastermind to swallow his loss and adapt his plans.

  6. #26
    When I saw this at NYAF, everyone in the room literally moaned and laughed as soon as the teacher announced there was going to be a new student at the end of ep 2. It was sort of a unified "OH MAHN, WE KNOW WHAT'S GUNNA HAPPEN LOL" group sound that turned the ending into a sort of comedy. (There were a few other moments of unintended laughter that really heightened the clicheness of the anime.)

    I happened to be sitting on the floor and in the front row, so at that moment, I took the opportunity to look at the producers of the show. They didn't seem happy.

    Nonetheless, this anime has some badass parts, some radical parts, some unexpected parts and is damn beautiful. Fantasy anime characters in a high school setting could be a good thing (like in Bleach so many years ago), so I won't give up hope yet. Or is could be lame like in Code Geass. Anyway, I hope they turn that trope on it's head and deliver a great story out of it.
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  7. #27
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Hah hah. I agree on Ayase, whether it was sincere or not, like you said, but he told Inori she failed, because he wanted the power given to himself, not to some random high schooler out of nowhere. However, he is enough of a mastermind to swallow his loss and adapt his plans.
    Yeah, I agree. He's totally two-faced. In retrospect, I should have clarified the second one as well.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Hah hah. I agree on Ayase, whether it was sincere or not, like you said, but he told Inori she failed, because he wanted the power given to himself, not to some random high schooler out of nowhere. However, he is enough of a mastermind to swallow his loss and adapt his plans.
    Well I could accept explanation if it weren't for the fact that Ouma had the vial when they met in the first episode, if he really wanted to use it for himself he should have just grabbed it right then and used it. Sure he might not have seen it there in his pocket but it felt like his words to him before they split up implied that he knew he had it.
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  9. #29
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    So, you are saying it needed to be Ouma and Gai was just being smart by implying it was an accident he was subjected to it? That could be it, but it wouldn't really change anything.

  10. #30
    No I'm not saying it had to be Ouma and not Gai, sorry if the post is unclear. What I'm saying is that it makes what he said weird, how can Inori have failed when he's the one that didn't take the vial from Ouma when he had the chance? It's what made him come of as a jerk to me since it was contradicting, if Inoris mission was to bring that to Gai and he didn't take it and sent the person holding it away then that isn't her failure. The only way I can imagine him saying those things is if he wanted to use her so called failure as a way to tie Ouma to Funeral Parlor.
    You are here alone again
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  11. #31
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    It's very likely he didn't see it. Yes, it was obvious to see for the viewer, but how many times has an event happened such as this in other anime? Person A searching for/waiting to acquire something that person B just happens to have on them. Said item is obvious to see to the viewer, but person A completely overlooks it. Now, whether or not he truly wanted it for himself, or if he needed Shu to use it... I still believe Shu is connected to everything a lot deeper than he knows or anyone else is revealing, so I think it was intentional. Sure, he may have wanted the power, but he probably knew he couldn't use it.

    Aside from that though, I have a feeling Gai is going to die. I can't really describe it, but judging from the rest of the cliche routes, I'd say the loss of a resistance leader is one that will eventually be taken.

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  12. #32
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Did we ever find out what significance the little robot had? I remember Inori asking Shu to deliver it to Gai, but I don't think she mentioned the vial - which was what she was actually stealing..

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  13. #33
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The vial was inside it. The robot opened up in front of Shuu with a map after the robot got a broken leg.
    11:18 of episode 1.

    Vial went into his pocket, robot was hand carried back to Gai and Tsugumi. They meant bring the robot with the vial inside it back to Gai. They didn't want to tell Shuu what was inside. As for why the robot was named? Tsugumi loves her little robots. She's a techno-sorceress.

  14. #34
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    If he can get weapons off of anyone now, then what's the point of pink boobs?

  15. #35

    Never said I didn't the series, just said I disliked the song. Hardly going to stop watching it just because of this!?

    Just wanted to clear that up in case anyone else jumped to conclusions Don't care if I get bad rep btw, just don't like being misinterpreted.

  16. #36
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Personally, I like the song, but I can see how having it played so frequently can lessen it's impact.

    Also, Arch: the weapons he gets from each person are different, so I'm assuming Inori is the only person that has the giant sword that can take down mecha units. She also mentioned something about being "his" now that he's used her, so I'm thinking it's like forming a contract.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    It's very likely he didn't see it. Yes, it was obvious to see for the viewer, but how many times has an event happened such as this in other anime? Person A searching for/waiting to acquire something that person B just happens to have on them. Said item is obvious to see to the viewer, but person A completely overlooks it. Now, whether or not he truly wanted it for himself, or if he needed Shu to use it... I still believe Shu is connected to everything a lot deeper than he knows or anyone else is revealing, so I think it was intentional. Sure, he may have wanted the power, but he probably knew he couldn't use it.
    Yeah but it still feels that his words implied that he knew Shu had the vial when he said "Go, Shu! Don't let go of it no matter what!" though his next line can make it a little fuzzy if he meant the vial or Inori but I took it as the vial.
    You are here alone again
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  18. #38
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Episode 3 Commie CoalGuys
    Last edited by RyougaZell; Thu, 10-27-2011 at 08:50 PM.

  19. #39
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    And here I thought it was going to be the start of a good friendship. So much for that.

  20. #40
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That was a nice twist at the end. It is funny that something that should be expected and normal in reality becomes unexpected enough to be labeled a twist in anime. The medium is indeed romantic.
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