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Thread: Guilty Crown

  1. #201
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Shu could have just went solo and destroyed that tower himself imo. I don't know why he had to wait to see people die first. The Inori void is so OP anyways.

    Don't know what direction they are heading with this revived Gai, but this is getting ridiculous. At ep 15, liked where the show was heading, 16 ruined it, now 17 just made it even worse.

  2. #202
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Yes, yes i do. This wasn't made in the heat of the moment, they actually met and planned beforehand to double cross the one guy who could save them from a counterstrike even before they were in the fucking safe zone. Fucking retarded doesn't even begin to describe this course of action.

    So retarded in fact that it made me forget how stupid their battle strategy was... i guess they were trying to build a wall of corpses to shield Shu? Why would he even need any kind of protection? Mofo can cut shit at a distance and has hax shields + mobility, he's been virtually invincible every time he used Inori's blade thus far!
    You seriously expect an oppressed mass to stop for a while and look at bigger picture? i don't. They will try to remove the source of their oppresion(Shu), have some petty plans for future(either impossible to realise or too vauge)..

    Quote Originally Posted by TokinTokins View Post
    Some issues I have
    1) I have a hard time believing that the rumor/truth that spread amongst the students would cause everyone to go against him without trying to seek some answers not to mention I would have expected that one girl from the previous episode that idolizes Shu to probably defend him. I guess that's stupid of me for thinking that more characters could possibly be introduced. 2)Does everyone have a staff-like void that does absolutely nothing because once they got to Tokyo Tower I noticed this and can't help believing that maybe we are too lazy to come up with different void powers. Also Arisa has that shield void...doesn't use it at all to protect anyone or do anything. 3) What's the point of betraying Shu once you're in the clear? If he accomplished in doing that shouldn't some people question siding with Arisa who has accomplished nothing but whoring out her body for the allegiance of students. This I find stupid on so many levels.
    Asking questions can be dangerous, if you know what i mean.
    I also noticed that they ran out of ideas for voids for NPC/not-important students.

    About Arisa's whoring, well - i get the whoring part - i used the word 'whore' in original post not as a profession/thing she did, but to insult her. Backstabbing, without thinking enough isn't like her.

    Quote Originally Posted by Idealistic View Post
    Shu could have just went solo and destroyed that tower himself imo. I don't know why he had to wait to see people die first. The Inori void is so OP anyways.

    Don't know what direction they are heading with this revived Gai, but this is getting ridiculous. At ep 15, liked where the show was heading, 16 ruined it, now 17 just made it even worse.
    Writers can't decide the power level of the OP-SWORD(tm) since the beginning...
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  3. #203
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    At the very least, I'm curious to see where this is going - illogical sequence or not.

    As for Shu calling himself a king - he developed that during the quarantine. Just this episode he told Inori that he's the king of the school - to the extent where he won't punish her for stepping out of line because he's king.

    I'm assuming Haruka is doing all this to save Shu's life or somehow benefit him in the long run. I'm totally lost as to how this is all going to work though, besides the Japanese gov't saying "If you don't work for us I'll drop a bomb on them RIGHT now, Haruka."

    double-edit: Arisa's development was natural too. She was already upset that Shu got the leadership spot (whether it was at her own incompetence or just self-pride wasn't 100% clear - but it wasn't quite resentment yet). Then she was locked up by SS troops (did we ever get a proper explanation besides "her void is useful"?) Generally speaking you'd keep her on your good side unless she was uncooperative. If we assume the latter, then we can assume that she didn't like Shu's way of handling things anyway. Add in everything else.. and yeah.

    What was perhaps more surprising for me was that Tsugumi seemed alright with everybody killing Shu afterwards. Potato-peeling isn't THAT shitty a job.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 02-17-2012 at 09:55 PM.

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  4. #204
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    What was perhaps more surprising for me was that Tsugumi seemed alright with everybody killing Shu afterwards. Potato-peeling isn't THAT shitty a job.
    Tsugumi realized that she and Ayase wouldn't be able to do anything. It was clear that even though they're both not fond of the way he's been acting, Ayase wanted to go out and save him. Tsugumi correctly identified that Arisa and the others would kill Ayase. Without an Endlave or Shuu's assistance, she's still fairly helpless. Tsugumi had a look of concern, not determination. She may have even been thinking the same thing, but there's only so much she can do with robots.

    That changed when they both saw Gai. They were shocked though, not filled with adoration like Arisa the Whore, so we don't know where they stand now

  5. #205
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post

    That changed when they both saw Gai. They were shocked though, not filled with adoration like Arisa the Whore, so we don't know where they stand now
    Yeah. I'm sure they'll find that Gai is (from my POV at least) irreversibly changed, while Shu's really still the same deep down. He's only bogged down in not wasting Hare's sacrifice.

    As stated before (or on IRC?), I'm mainly disappointed at Gai's revival because it makes it seem like the story can't produce a decent antagonist (besides Segai), so they decided to recycle the one person they know who is outwardly superior to Shu. What does entertain me with this development is that Mana is also coming back; not so much her per se, but that she'll most likely screw over Gai so she can look at Shu with adult eyes.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #206
    Quote Originally Posted by Xelbair View Post
    About Arisa's whoring, well - i get the whoring part - i used the word 'whore' in original post not as a profession/thing she did, but to insult her. Backstabbing, without thinking enough isn't like her.
    I agree with all your other points except for this one. We are shown right off the bat when Arisa is introduced that she's already starting to crack because of her circumstance in life. She's heiress to a commercial empire and isn't up to the task, hell she wasn't up to the task of leading the school, but that's another argument.

    So the weight of her life, quarantine, impeachment(for lack of a better phrase), and near murder by her friends ax-crazy girlfriend/sister clone finally pushed her over the edge. At this point I don't believe she is even sane enough to be acting in any kind of a rational manner.

  7. #207
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 18

    [Commie] Guilty Crown - 18 - 720p: Torrent | DDL1 | DDL2
    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 02-24-2012 at 10:58 AM.

  8. #208
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Dafuq did i just watch?

  9. #209
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I am not a monster. I am myself! *changes form and takes out Endlaves with ease*
    Gai: lol Monster


  10. #210
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    the fuck is this? <- this summaries my feelings from watching this ep
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  11. #211
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That was awesome! Now I finally get why Inori's void is a blade. The granddaughter versus grandfather bit was action packed but touching. Gai was also really cool, with his cold threat towards his previous comrades.

    Now we get to see Shu in his serious mode. I am looking forward to what he can do to turnaround this situation.
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  12. #212
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    This is just my own opinion, but the fact that it looked awesome didn't really make up for how little sense it made.

  13. #213
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I was being sarcastic.
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  14. #214
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    You didn't sound sarcastic at all.

  15. #215
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It's like you have never read any of my previous posts for the last few years.

    The granddaughter bit was the giveaway.
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  16. #216
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I suggest throwing a couple of exclamation points next time.

    By the way, i can't believe this shit is selling.

  17. #217
    I always figured that Inori's heart was a sword because she was engineered, and therefore her void could be whuthefuckever. That got knocked out the window with this episode.

  18. #218
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    You didn't sound sarcastic at all.

    I'm actually looking forward to more Shu now though. He got over "OMG MY KING POWER?!" pretty quickly.

    Inori's Berserker mode was simply weird. I hope we never get to see that again. At least Mana was still hot in a spooky way. Berserker mode reminds me of a certain character's transformation in Fairy Tail, except more balls-cringing.

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  19. #219
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Apparently, someone didn't appreciate me calling Arisa a whore. So I'm going to keep doing it. She uses sex to get what she wants, she's exchanging her body for commodities (loyalty, additional freedoms, etc.). That makes Arisa a whore. If her grandfather killed her, Arisa the Whore would have gotten what was coming to her. Instead, she didn't get Gai to give a shit about her, and now Arisa the Whore gets nothing to show for all her whoring. He sees anyone that isn't a "monster" like he and Inori (and apparently eyebrows-kun) as expendable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I'm actually looking forward to more Shu now though. He got over "OMG MY KING POWER?!" pretty quickly.
    Indeed. There is an extremely slim outside chance that Shu will actually do something cool and now that he's missing an arm (as I idly wonder how the bleeding was stopped...) he'll recall that Gai and Ayase and Tsugumi and all the other Undertakers were accomplishing quite a number of things without his ridiculous powers, that he doesn't need the Void powers to succeed.

    It's more likely he'll just start using them again from his stump like some mystical phantom limb or reclaim it somehow and be all over-the-top again, but we can hope.

    They really need to give Ayase a new Endlave. She didn't get to use her new legs too much. This series feels like it is written by three people at different times. The normal guy (who is mediocre) does most of the episodes, a 14-year old nephew (who writes the really shitty contradictory episodes because it would LOOK SO SUPERCOOL!), and a third guy who should have been writing all along, because he has to fix what the second one screws up so that the series can make any sense at all (maybe 3 episodes).

  20. #220
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Indeed. There is an extremely slim outside chance that Shu will actually do something cool and now that he's missing an arm (as I idly wonder how the bleeding was stopped...) he'll recall that Gai and Ayase and Tsugumi and all the other Undertakers were accomplishing quite a number of things without his ridiculous powers, that he doesn't need the Void powers to succeed.

    It's more likely he'll just start using them again from his stump like some mystical phantom limb or reclaim it somehow and be all over-the-top again, but we can hope.
    Watch the opening, he'll be getting some new magical circuits in no time.

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