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Thread: Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon

  1. #61
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  2. #62
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Double Bloody Mary confirmed. Also lucky lucky Tenzou. Girl was constantly flaunting her ass at you!

  3. #63
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Neito priding herself in being able to evade attacks thanks to her small bust was highly amusing. I wonder if the Trump #2 is what remains of the wife Drake ate.

    Talking about Drake, was the mentality to "correct" England's justice all it took to render his armament harmless? It seemed completely ineffective against Gin. Drake did say that Gin had "a bazillion" moves.. but if that alone doesn't make any difference.

    If the move bypassed his Armament's defence, then it means it'll be effective even if she keeps using it (unless Drake himself learns a counter). If the move IS repelled by the Armament, but Gin keeps using new moves, then the Armament will just keep repelling all attacks instead of stopping their intention. Whether Gin changes moves or not shouldn't matter.

    I "get" everything Mary's said so far, but I still don't know what the entire "Double" part is about. Are both of them supposed to be executed? They both appear to have scars in the same spots (at least on the face).. which is highly improbable if that wasn't the intention.

    Edit:.. Ah, I forgot that the Testament Union was trying to re-enact history down to the very people. So "Double Mary" is the title given to the girl who is assuming the identity of both the historical figures Mary Stuart and Mary Tudor (since one of the mothers couldn't give birth).. and doesn't refer (necessarily) to the fact that there are currently two Marys in front of Tenzo right now.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 08-15-2012 at 12:22 AM.

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  4. #64
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The other one (her nose scar faded once Tenzo accused her of being an impostor, it was an illusion) is Elizabeth. We've seen her before, voiced by Tamura Yukari then, and was here too once her voiced changed along with the fading scars. That makes sense, because she was the reigning Queen who defeated the Spanish Armada.

    I would guess that the two of them are twins, and one succeeded the name and historical role of Elizabeth and is quite happy being a complete bitch to fulfill that role and exert dominance over many, and as you said, Madam Scarred has been forced to inherit the name of both Marys.

    Regarding Gin, she was making lots of little stabs, all 100% different, so they were bypassing Drake's defenses just enough to keep nicking him. Like how Naruse's initial attacks were partially effective. Gin's were avoiding the same problem that Naruse had because she constantly starting over fresh. Somehow, there was no similar motion that the armament could foil before it was initiated. I guess it couldn't "get a bead" on how her attacks worked, so it couldn't really block them. You're right, that's kind of a strange point. She finished it off by taking advantage of the way it causes accidents by "slipping" on a banana peel and verbally announcing how effective that was, giving her the freedom to "fall" some more and raise her arms up. Thus, it wasn't an attack that sliced off his arms, just an accident. ♥~Gin~♥

    Speaking of Naruse, I should have mentioned this episodes ago, but I was lazy:
    I really appreciate the fact that this series destroyed Naruse's broom/magical girl focus, and it is gone. After the Spanish God of War destroyed it, it doesn't come back, and they've made a plot point in the story that she's trying to still be useful even without it, but usually losing many of her fights anyway. I can't remember another time I've ever seen a series dealing with a magical girl losing her ability to fight, and it not being just a temporary thing. It's really neat. Naruse is starting to get pretty torn up about it, but Margot is letting her do it, rather than trying to comfort her and say that she can stand at the sidelines. I guess she has a lot of faith that Naruse will be able to figure something out with her own raw abilities.

  5. #65
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    The other one (her nose scar faded once Tenzo accused her of being an impostor, it was an illusion) is Elizabeth. We've seen her before, voiced by Tamura Yukari then, and was here too once her voiced changed along with the fading scars. That makes sense, because she was the reigning Queen who defeated the Spanish Armada.
    Ah. I recognised her ":3" when she was unmasked, but then Mary showed up and the whole Double thing made me think they were both Marys.. (and I guess the realisation afterwards didn't auto-correct my thoughts enough).

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Regarding Gin, she was making lots of little stabs, all 100% different, so they were bypassing Drake's defenses just enough to keep nicking him. Like how Naruse's initial attacks were partially effective. Gin's were avoiding the same problem that Naruse had because she constantly starting over fresh. Somehow, there was no similar motion that the armament could foil before it was initiated. I guess it couldn't "get a bead" on how her attacks worked, so it couldn't really block them. You're right, that's kind of a strange point.
    If we boil down Drake's weapon into simple terms, it

    nvm.. RandomC's write-up is up with some explanations. I'm not in 100% agreement with their explanation on how Gin thwart Drake's Armament, but it's probably as close as a theory can get to making sense. In the episode, Naruse did say that the Armament "rejects anything that could harm justice at some point in time". Even if (according to RandomC) Gin was able to follow up after the armament makes her miss, the resultant "follow up" should still be affected - unless that move had no chance of hurting Drake (which makes it an opening and a useless move).

    Drake also said that "this woman's attack had a one-in-two success rate, but now each and every attack is coming straight at me." The "Gin learning to compensate" theory matches with this, but it still doesn't address the point about how the resultant harmful effect doesn't get repelled. Even static objects that don't have a will of their own get repelled, after all.

    What Drake's words hint at though, is that perhaps the armament can only reject things that will harm him, not might.

    RandomC's theory about Gin "powering through" the Armament's attack is also pretty flimsy. Yours (Ryll's) makes more sense about it pretending to be an accident.

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  6. #66
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    What I don't get about this history recreation thing is... if the whole Testament Union is doing this war thing to re-enact history.. wouldn't Tres Espania let England win because that's what happened in history? Who cares how strong the other person is? And if Tres Espania won, then they're upsetting history and the whole Union gets mad at them. >_>

    Horriblesubs - S2 Episode 08

    HorribleSubs - S2 Episode 09
    Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 02-24-2014 at 10:24 PM.

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  7. #67
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Can't say I've ever seen a slap that intense before.

  8. #68
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Why the hell is Touru still naked?

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  9. #69
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Do you mean Tori? He has always been like that.

    Is the censorship on his privates for the viewers only? Do the characters in the show see him completely naked?
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  10. #70
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    Can't say I've ever seen a slap that intense before.
    Yeah, It was good. I like how it turned effectively into an uppercut.

    As for Tori.. last time I heard he tried on Masazumi's clothes (as well as Asama's). I guess he wasn't allowed to keep them. His privates are probably only censored to the viewer.

    edit: what I don't get is why a half-elf like the blue-haired girl is seemingly normal. I thought you would have been able to tell them apart due to their low IQ.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 09-06-2012 at 12:18 AM.

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  11. #71
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Tori's nakedness is hilarious. I thought it would only be a few episodes, but now that it has been the overwhelming have to admit it is pretty clever. It is impossible for their enemies to take their Chancellor seriously as he hasn't been wearing clothing aside from his date, and the only other time, he was half-naked wearing his female vice-chancellor's clothing, and immediately declared he had also tried on shrine maiden clothes. That puts their enemies off guard

    So while he's being a major pervert as always, it is serving as a strategic benefit as well. Don't take him seriously, they're not a threat, one's guard is dropped. Shocked by his complete lack of shame, concentrations get broken. It's already worked a number of times, and since the Musashi residents are less appalled at his behavior (because he does stuff to them all the time), they can recover faster and capitalize while their enemies are flatfooted. Masazumi used it to her advantage while negotiating with Elizabeth, Juana lost her concentration and dropped the Armor of Deadly Sins she was using.

    The censorship is for everyone, viewers and the characters alike. It's a shrine sigil, the same kind that everyone else in Musashi uses (or the non-Asama sigils that everyone else in the world and the two witches use), and in episode 1, you can see Juana's hand ripple through it momentarily before stabilizing when she inadvertently grabs his junk. I'd put my money on Tomo setting that up to automatically apply to Tori. It disappears slowly when covered (Juana's hand, seaweed) only to reappear automatically. It's not a censorship sticker put on by the animators, it is a functioning element in their world.

    edit: Also, don't forget that Tori and Kimi both use the same mouse deity. The one that grants her power from exhibitionist and seductive ritual displays (like biting Malga's lip in this episode). His contract is different, but if being naked all the time makes him happy (which it obviously does) he's fulfilling it.

    edit2: Elizabeth sounded pretty upset about Musashi declaring a free for all battle, but from the brief time spent in Avalon, I don't think she's all that happy about losing her twin. She accepted the succession of the Elizabeth name, and acts like it outwardly, but it was starting to break down here.

    I do like that while members of the Testament Union are obligated to fulfill their roles in history (Spain losing most of its fleet), they love to twist history and get away with as much as possible. Only losing a flotilla of small dingies was always part of their plan, keeping their actual military might intact.

    Musashi spreading of the waves of chaos started by Motonobu being an asshole is probably better in the long run, the Testament Union has been manipulating history to their own individual advantages anyway.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 09-06-2012 at 03:46 AM.

  12. #72
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Ryll's point about the rippling effect of the mark as Juana touches Tori's junk definitely tells us that the censorship in inherent from the start of drawing/concept and wasn't just tacked on as steam or another after-effect.

    What I am unsure of, is if such a mechanic exists at all in the LN, where visual censorship is not required. Would Tori have been simply described as "naked" without further description? Not that it discredits any arguments about what happens in the anime specifically..

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #73
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    You're concerned about a world where they shatter through electronic sigils to cast spells, defend against spells, communicate with them, and even use chatrooms in front of their debate opponents (who are also using chatrooms)?

    It doesn't matter if it was in the novel or not. It certainly isn't out of place, and honestly makes it funnier.

    From its presence alone we can conclude this:

    The rest of the students at Musashi have given up on trying to get Tori to wear clothes, and just put a shrine sigil over his junk that activates/deactivates automatically.

  14. #74
    one of the most absurd shows I've seen and I'm hooked! Where can I find a batch of the first Season?

  15. #75
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitokiri View Post
    one of the most absurd shows I've seen and I'm hooked! Where can I find a batch of the first Season?

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  16. #76
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #77

  18. #78
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #79
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HorribleSubs - S2 Episode 12, 13

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #80
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Just started watching this anime. wtf did I just watch?!

    It was enjoyable, but I have no idea what´s going on. Everyone is dressed differently, or even shaped completely differently from each other. It looks like some crappy MMORPG-online meet up.

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