Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
I thought her name was Muru Muru, not Murmur.
Of course it is Murmur - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murmur_%28demon%29 - if you write his name in katakana you get murumuru... scanlator/translator didn't knew that and just put <urumuru in manga.

Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
Geez Sapphi, lol.

edit: Yuno came out of the shock.. much more unharmed than what I expected. Then again, I'm no expert on electric shock lethality.

9th coming to rescue Yuki's the biggest headscratcher by far. She wants to kill him, now she feels sympathy? Wtf?

Thought 4th wanted to capture the 9th.. so he only really wants to capture her heart now?

It also irked me that Yuno knew who the 5th was, yet her cautious self was letting him bath with her and all? Come one.. what happened to bringing tools with you to the battlefield, then feeling "relieved" that they were "nicer than you thought"?

Am I just disappointed because my balls didn't shrink an inch from seeing Psycho-Yuno lvl up this week?

edit2: Question about the translation - when 5th said he doesn't really need such a right (to kill Yuno), he finished with "betsuni iranai". How does that double negative turn out into what you guys had "don't really need"?
I think that Yuno noticed that he was 5th after the bath. Part with the salad was just her general paranoia.