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Thread: Mirai Nikki

  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Aww man... reusing animation for the opening? That's just rude.
    I totally agree lol

    Is it just me or has the overall animation quality gone down? I guess it will go back up towards the finale.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  2. #242
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post
    I totally agree lol

    Is it just me or has the overall animation quality gone down? I guess it will go back up towards the finale.
    Not sure.

    It's not the animation quality or the reuse of scenes I'm worried about mainly.

    Buffed-up Yuno at least was entertaining.

    Encouragement - removes all negative effects on the target. Special Effect - Yuno: If given by Yuki, grants Happiness +110, increases all stats by 150% for 30 seconds.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 01-24-2012 at 08:49 PM.

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  3. #243
    Genin Animeniac77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Not sure.

    It's not the animation quality or the reuse of scenes I'm worried about mainly.

    Buffed-up Yuno at least was entertaining.

    Encouragement - removes all negative effects on the target. Special Effect - Yuno: If given by Yuki, grants Happiness +110, increases all stats by 150% for 30 seconds.
    LOLZ @
    Encouragement - removes all negative effects on the target. Special Effect - Yuno: If given by Yuki, grants Happiness +110, increases all stats by 150% for 30 seconds.

  4. #244
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Gotspeed - Episode 16


    Those who paid some attention would notice that the characters are revealed in their order in the OP. Interestingly Yuki's group of friends show up in 8th's slot. Aristocrat's previously said that Akise isn't a diary holder because his name wasn't in the ED credits as 8th.

    I propose the question: what if Akise's name isn't really Akise?

    The general trend thus far is that only diary holders give a shit about other diary holders. Even Yuki's dad only came to see him because he's a diary holder.

    I have no idea why Mars and the chick hid the phones in the flowers such that they could be easily snatched. Ai in particular seemed really timid when she was cool with throwing knives last time. Ah well.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #245
    Genin Animeniac77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Gotspeed - Episode 16


    Those who paid some attention would notice that the characters are revealed in their order in the OP. Interestingly Yuki's group of friends show up in 8th's slot. Aristocrat's previously said that Akise isn't a diary holder because his name wasn't in the ED credits as 8th.

    I propose the question: what if Akise's name isn't really Akise?

    The general trend thus far is that only diary holders give a shit about other diary holders. Even Yuki's dad only came to see him because he's a diary holder.

    I have no idea why Mars and the chick hid the phones in the flowers such that they could be easily snatched. Ai in particular seemed really timid when she was cool with throwing knives last time. Ah well.
    "I have no idea why Mars and the chick hid the phones in the flowers such that they could be easily snatched."

    They hid their phones in general (or the guy anyway) solely for the purpose of showing Yuki's Father's true colors, hence why they used doubles (fake similar phones), as to why they hid them in the flowers, it was "meant" so they could be "well hidden" and still be close enough to them as not to lose them, but well...we all know how that worked out didn't we?

  6. #246
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animeniac
    They hid their phones in general (or the guy anyway) solely for the purpose of showing Yuki's Father's true colors, hence why they used doubles (fake similar phones), as to why they hid them in the flowers, it was "meant" so they could be "well hidden" and still be close enough to them as not to lose them, but well...we all know how that worked out didn't we?
    I got that they were trying to show the father's true nature with the fakes (actually, why would Mars do that anyway??), but the way the phones were completely vulnerable at least to Yuno was pretty jarring for me. It could have been, say, leg-strapped on Ai for example.

    I can't make out which I was more surprised by though: the location of the phones or the ease with which Ai relinquished them when Yuno attacked. I expected Ai to be that feisty partner of Mars who kicked ass (almost) as much as Yuno did, that's all.

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  7. #247
    Genin Animeniac77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I got that they were trying to show the father's true nature with the fakes (actually, why would Mars do that anyway??), but the way the phones were completely vulnerable at least to Yuno was pretty jarring for me. It could have been, say, leg-strapped on Ai for example.

    I can't make out which I was more surprised by though: the location of the phones or the ease with which Ai relinquished them when Yuno attacked. I expected Ai to be that feisty partner of Mars who kicked ass (almost) as much as Yuno did, that's all.
    I expected Ai to be that feisty partner of Mars who kicked ass (almost) as much as Yuno did

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    Last edited by Munsu; Thu, 02-02-2012 at 11:28 AM.

  8. #248
    Since GotWoot decided to deny us an OP karaoke... I timed one.

  9. #249
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aristocrat View Post
    Since GotWoot decided to deny us an OP karaoke... I timed one.
    Hmm.. I knew the single was out but I never bothered to read the lyrics. Assuming this song was made with the anime in mind, it's pretty foreshadowing of future events (or perhaps it's better labelled as past events..).

    I didn't realise the entire song was in Engrish.. no wonder it made no sense aurally.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #250
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #251
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I forgot how much this show loves rape.

  12. #252
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Yukki being a dipshit is nothing new. I think I'm desensitised now.

    "You went too far. You just have to take their phone!"

    Then what? Say that you'll kill them if they don't hand you the parachute, take their parachute then leave them in the tower? Yeah, big difference. Oh, and let's forget that you were throwing a dart for the phone like 2 seconds ago? Dumbass.

    And of course, I'm not expecting Yuno's "proof of love" to impact on him. Yukki will still be dipshit Yukki.

    Yuno... got a voice change though. xD

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  13. #253
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Nah Yukki was telling Yuno that she only needed to break the phone. I guess it's his way of saying let them die peacefully rather than slitting their throats.

  14. #254
    No, he said she only needed to take his phone, not break it. Yukkii doesn't want to kill anyone and thinks taking their phones away will be enough.

  15. #255
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  16. #256
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    So..... perhaps it was current Yuno that killed time-travelling Yuno?

    I wasn't sure from Deus's words about whether he could have revived Yuki's parents or just reverse time if he was in full power. If the former, then going along with the "Yuno won the first round" theory she wouldn't have had to replay the entire thing.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #257
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Isn't it obvious that there is no time traveling, and the body belongs to the girl that Yuki liked? at least it seems that way to me.
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  18. #258
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xelbair View Post
    Isn't it obvious that there is no time traveling, and the body belongs to the girl that Yuki liked? at least it seems that way to me.
    That thought did come to me. I gave weight to 2nd-Yuno because:

    1) the police had trouble figuring out her identity
    2) Yuno decided she wasn't a threat (though perhaps took insurance too)

    I was more surprised at how Niijima was just comfortably talking to Yuno about the bodies. You normally do this under police custody.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #259
    I loved this ep. Yukkii was a badass.

    Yuno is a nasty freak on some of a murderous freak, she snowballed into his barf covered mouth.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  20. #260
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    So that was Yuno's motive all along? Protect Yuki so he can win and become god..... because she's ready to die for him whenever. You suck for pushing her away Yuki!

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