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Thread: Boku wa Tomodachi Sukunai

  1. #101
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    I'd say her hair changing is part of her charm/character. She's doing it to get a compliment/reaction out of Kodaka. Not to mention she's always been spontaneous and an otaku.
    And on the other hand, I like stability. I also saw the frequent change in hairstyle as being desperate for a compliment. That desperation comes across to me as her feeling weaker in character - on top of the visual effects of hairstyle/colour changing.

    (Note that she may not truly be weaker since she recently revealed that she uses glasses for appearances anyway - indicating she's always been trying to appeal with her looks all along. It's the sudden change in pace of "Look at me!" that contributes to the emotion and feeling of weakening.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    You've failed on a basic level to see past the surface.
    As far as anime is concerned, I place a lot of emphasis on the surface (ie looks). I admit that.

    While I don't agree with you that I failed to see past the surface (at least in this case), just because I can see beyond the surface doesn't mean it overrides the surface components (or that it contributes to the decision-making process in a relatively significant way).


    And that means: I liked Sena before I even watched the show. She's hot, got long blond hair and has a nice hair accessory. After watching I still like her for pretty much the same reasons.

    I liked Yosora a bit more after her haircut not because her attitude changed, but because she looked better.

    Yukimura... I never treated her as a girl in my books, so he's in the "whatever" category.

    Kobato's like a mini-Sena. And goth-loli wins.

    Maria: never really liked nuns that much. Shitty, bratty character made it worse.

    Rika: Never really clicked. The first change-up felt refreshing and better, but also made her less defined (glasses/simple-hairstyle/labcoat archetype) - yet that was alright.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #102
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I generally am pretty shallow when liking anime characters, but I can grow to dislike ones I previously liked based on aesthetics if they suck as a character.

    I love Rika no matter how she looks.

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  3. #103
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Rika manages to look very good in this season.

    maybe I have something for that over-shoulder hairstyle (see yuusha-thread) but that looked really good on her. The other ones were nice to look at too, I'm actually really glad about her changing her hair so often

    and in my opinion she is also the most amusing character in the show... and recently (last 2-3 episodes) the most "normal" of all the girls
    totally different from what I could remember about her in the first season, where she was all "boyzluv" , "Mechasex" and a "soon to be lesbian"
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 02-12-2013 at 12:54 PM.

  4. #104
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    and in my opinion she is also the most amusing character in the show... and recently (last 2-3 episodes) the most "normal" of all the girls
    Nah. She's definitely the mad scientist she tries to be. The other girls have their bad personality problems, but they are still much closer to Earth. Rika is just somewhere out there, and I doubt the others really understand half of what she means with her actions and ramblings. Naturally that does make her quite interesting, compared to someone like Yozora, who's only anti-social and ill-mannered, little else.

  5. #105
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    As absurdly backwards as it may seem, I agree with KrayZ33. Rika actually comes off as the most "normal" of the girls.

    Sure, she's the worst kind of fujoshi, reads her mecha porn aloud, tries to get Kodaka to have sex with her, wastes no time in feeling Yukimura up in a public hallway, tells the others that she has to go to the "Rika Room" and masturbate on a desk or something...

    ...but she actually seems to understand what normal social behavior is meant to be. She just doesn't really care most of the time.

    In this recent episode, when Sena stupidly tries to get back at Yozora by doing exactly what she did back to her, laughing snidely at all the same points, putting in the random name, etc., Rika confronts her directly. Not in a particularly crazy way, but more of a, "Why would you even think that is appropriate way to act after the way you're treated? Do you not realize that getting Yozora to play games benefits you too?"

    Aside from the overt attempts at getting Kodaka to like her fuck her, she changes her hair to draw his attention once she realizes that she is his type (since he did admit it). That's a fairly normal thing to do. Maybe not to the extreme where she dyed it blond, but she's definitely trying to pinpoint his preferences, another frequently used tactic by "normals." Compare that to Yozora, who feels that she only way she and Kodaka can continue their friendship or go beyond that is if the two of them are completely alone. Or Sena, who is too stupid to realize it. Or Kobato, who obviously wants to monopolize him.

    She's weird as hell, sure, but I think that she, "gets it," the way that the others don't.

    Yukimura might be on her way there too, now that she comprehends that she is, in fact, a girl. It already feels like Yukimura is pretty happy with the "more natural" relationship available to her, instead of the samurai-page love affair approach she was going with (see episode 13, the group story writing event).

  6. #106
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yes, I agree she gets everything that normal people should, unlike the other girls, and in that sense she's more normal than the others. But unlike normal people Rika doesn't have any limiters to her behavior, which is quite abnormal. That's why she's a mad scientist: Everything that can be done will be done.

  7. #107
    I am also on the Rika rocks bandwagon, if it weren't for the fact that I think she deserves and could only reasonably maintain a relationship with someone more interesting and 'extroverted' let's say than Kodaka I might root for her pairing. As it is I still stand by the OTP of Kodaka x Sena. Kobato x Maria would make a nice lesbian beta couple once Maria realizes its stupid to be a child genius nun. I will also only be fully satisfied if Yozora ends up living a long life as the Japanese equivalent of a cat lady, receiving occasional post cards from Kodaka and his happy family to remind her how much she failed.

  8. #108
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yuki
    =Obvious True Pairing?

    I would have thought that Sora was the true pairing, with Sena being the red-herring who would never actually get Kodaka.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #109
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    No way. Sena is the one he belongs with.

    Sena is booksmart but a ditz and needs a trustworthy, sensible guy like Kodaka (despite his terrible sense of humor) to keep her insanity in check. She hasn't been afraid or embarrassed to ask him for help twice so far (swimming lesson and cell phone), she just didn't want other girls, specifically Yozora, to use her lack of experience and knowledge as an insult against her. His big hurdle will be toning down her creepy behavior around Kobato. Sena never had problems getting boyfriend candidates, she wanted female friends. However, she does need someone who will let her be herself...within reason.

    The point would be for Sena to steal Kodaka at a natural pace while Yozora keeps sitting on the sidelines scheming about how to get rid of all her rivals rather than just talking to Kodaka. Yozora appears to believe that that once they are alone, they'll just miraculously become friends again. If she loses Kodaka romantically to Sena of all people, then Yozora might learn her lesson, be herself, like Sena does all the time.

  10. #110
    Somehow, I doubt it will be that easy for Yozora. If (and a big IF) something should happen between Sena and Kodoka, I can imagine Yozora getting worse before getting better.

    Speaking of which, Sena and Kodoka getting together seems too good to be true. Don't get me wrong, I want it to happen. But, it seems like the author is making their relationship too obvious. Plus, I doubt it would set too well with Kobato.
    I speak only when I feel it's necessary.

  11. #111
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    You're all assuming Kodaka wants to get it on with any of them, the way i see it the dude just wants a friend and somehow got surrounded by bitches who all want his dick.

  12. #112
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That's exactly it, I think.

    I don't see him opposed to the idea though.
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  13. #113

  14. #114
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    How can Sena ace academics yet still fall for such basic fortune telling, especially coming from her archenemy? Anyway, I was happy to see Yozora's initial plan to monopolize Kodaka fail once again.

    It looks like in the next ep they will be elsewhere than in the club room, which is always welcome.

  15. #115
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Sena exemplifies pure innocence and naiveté, with a touch of hubris.

    I think her very first phonecall...ever, where she called Kodaka in order to ask him about cellphones last season displayed that nicely. Her lack of experience in so many things makes her a bit gullible. She was so overly polite and followed some kind of bizarre 19th century phone etiquette.

    She's sheltered and cared for by her father and Stella, and unfortunately for her, her natural inclination is to trust people who flatter her. She probably didn't do much but study before she joined this group. Now she has other hobbies like stalking Yozora, trying to get Kobato to like her, and playing ero games.

  16. #116
    I'm surprised that they resolved the osananajimi thing so quickly. I guess the others felt they couldn't do anything about it and just dropped it? Good episode overall. Nice to see the others put on the maid uniform (although the OP was a bit deceiving).

  17. #117

  18. #118
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Kate gets points for being reasonable, too bad she's a dirty hog of a chick.

  19. #119
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Kate gets points for being reasonable, too bad she's a dirty hog of a chick.
    She has got a real woman's body, though.

    It's starting to seem like the girls are getting more and more frustrated by Kodaka's tungsten worthy density.

  20. #120

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