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Thread: Boku wa Tomodachi Sukunai

  1. #121
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    People with Down's don't have this much trouble making friends. The joke stops being funny went they try to force drama out of it.

  2. #122
    Good job Sena.

    Also, I wonder how many more episodes until Rika finally snaps.

  3. #123
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    Good job Sena.
    Exactly. About time someone told her to stick it.

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  4. #124

  5. #125
    Looks like Yozora's broken.

  6. #126
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    Looks like Yozora's broken.

  7. #127
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    Looks like Yozora's broken.
    Not sure that I like a broken Yozora, but there was sooo much satisfaction when Sena slapped her, both because:

    1) Sena finally gets to use the flyswatter for once, and
    2) Yozora slumping was so pathetic that it warranted the slap.

    Sakamichi no Apollon Taiyo reference.. didn't expect that one.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    1) Sena finally gets to use the flyswatter for once.
    I thought she used it atleast once before?

    It is nice to see Sena developing a backbone. I just hope it doesn't inflate her ego more than what it already is.

  9. #129
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's nice to see Yozora completely unraveling. First she loses the "childhood friend" advantage she had over Sena, and then Kodaka finds out the plagiarized the entire script. Her "genius" writing ability just doesn't exist.

    Then on the other side, Kodaka found out even more how amazing Sena is in terms of natural ability. If you combine this new information with her admission two episodes ago that Stella picks out all her clothes and does her makeup for her, it reinforces the idea that she really is a modern-day princess.

    I just hope that Yozora's fall from grace combined with Sena officially being his fiancée doesn't result in a sympathy-pick kind of victory for Yozora. That would be terrible. Yozora is best left as Kodaka's best friend, while Sena becomes his wife. Someone with a level of common sense is necessary to keep her in line. Kodaka is certainly more aware of Sena in that way than any of the other girls, and Sena definitely likes Kodaka (with the bonus of becoming Kobato's sister-in-law). It's not clear that Yozora wants anything more out of Kodaka that can't be satisfied with being his friend. She just wants to be his only friend.

  10. #130
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    I just hope that Yozora's fall from grace combined with Sena officially being his fiancée doesn't result in a sympathy-pick kind of victory for Yozora.
    I'm totally expecting that to happen. Not so sure about the sympathy-kick, but Yozora's victory. Other people don't care about the whole childhood thing, but if you were to stack it up against Sena's photo and engagement, Yozora wins in practice.

    Kodaka doesn't remember meeting Sena when they were kids and just called off the engagement as well. While on paper Sena wins in all regards, Kodaka's childhood with Yozora is the the only bit that's meaningful to him. (or, perhaps more accurately, was more meaningful to him).

    It's still hard for me to imagine Sena being athletic though. Not when she swings her elbows in that stereotypical, girlish run.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vejita
    I thought she used it atleast once before?
    You may be right, now that you mention it.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #131
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Based on everything we have seen during these two seasons, I have no idea how on Earth Kodaka could have been friends with Yozora back in their childhood. The dude's so unbelievably dense and stupid. In that sense I'm actually also expecting Yozora to win. Maybe Kodaka suffered a major concussion back then, temporarily allowing him to accept a friend when his brain was rattled, and Yozora happened to be at hand. But now that he's his normal self, he's 100% rejecting anybody attempting to become a friend, so the others haven't got a chance. But then again, logically Yozora would be stuck in the friend zone, because analogously Kodaka should be unable to allow her to upgrade her status to a girlfriend.

  12. #132
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'll just say Kodaka suffers from Dense-MC-Syndrome along with PTSD from losing his childhood friend, along with long term social isolation due to his appearance.

    edit: lack of libido as well.

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  13. #133
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Kodaka is probably no.1 in the list of dense MCs...
    even shirou wasn't that stupid and passive when it came to romantic feelings

    I can get along with those "I want your dick so much MC" - "sry, what did you just say?" moments in most animes, but this is getting annoying

  14. #134
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Kodaka was probably a lot less dense in childhood. Yozora was probably a much better person as well. Their separation changed them negatively in terms of social ability. Yozora became extremely distrustful when Taka just disappeared without a word. Both lost their best friend and probably felt that they could no longer find something similar. The time travel thing clearly showed how much Kodaka cared for Sora back then, a feeling which is exponentially reciprocated by Yozora herself.

    I am actually rooting for Yozora, just because she probably will not survive not being picked. Sena, like already explicitly shown in the show, is practically superhuman. While she likes Kodaka, she will manage to move on if Yozora gets picked. Heck, she probably wants Kobato more than Kodaka anyway.

    Yozora, on the other hand, needs Kodaka. It is not just being a friend. Her feelings are extremely possessive, and is obviously romantic. When Yukimura was revealed to be a girl, Yozora was agitated because it became possible for Yukimura and Kodaka to become a couple. Someone only wanting to monopolize Kodaka's friendship would not care about the gender of her rivals. She would hate them all the same.

    She is also far weaker than any of the other girls. She is already breaking down with just the recent revelation. Imagine if Kodaka and Sena actually become a couple. It's going to be School Days all over again.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sat, 03-09-2013 at 08:22 PM.
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  15. #135
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Kodaka was probably a lot less dense in childhood. Yozora was probably a much better person as well. Their separation changed them negatively in terms of social ability. Yozora became extremely distrustful when Taka just disappeared without a word. Both lost their best friend and probably felt that they could no longer find something similar. The time travel thing clearly showed how much Kodaka cared for Sora back then, a feeling which is exponentially reciprocated by Yozora herself.

    Kodaka was going to tell her that day, but she was the one who never showed up, hiding around the corner because she was terrified to reveal herself as a girl, afraid it would ruin their friendship.

    The time travel gag only showed that he cared for her as a friend. Only a friend. He was never aware that she was a girl, because again, she hid that from him. Yozora has severe social anxiety. She is disgustingly possessive with regards to how she thinks friendships should occur.

    Yozora, on the other hand, needs Kodaka. It is not just being a friend. Her feelings are extremely possessive, and is obviously romantic. When Yukimura was revealed to be a girl, Yozora was agitated because it became possible for Yukimura and Kodaka to become a couple. Someone only wanting to monopolize Kodaka's friendship would not care about the gender of her rivals. She would hate them all the same.
    It isn't romantic. That thought never even occurred to her until very recently, and her angry mutterings over this season and the previous one prove it conclusively. She has always been obsessed with rekindling their Youth Drama style friendship. Every time Rika mentions having sex with Kodaka, Yozora gets very flustered and embarrassed. That is way too much for her. It's only after she finds out about various instances where Sena and Kodaka got closer, has the idea of converting him into a boyfriend made her simply blush and not lash out offended at the concept.

    She makes every effort to ensure that Kodaka, or anyone else for that matter, doesn't find her attractive as a girl. She wants Kodaka to view her as the boy he used to think of her as. As seen every time she makes a public appearance in a tracksuit, after she mistook "boyish" style for meaning unisex, the times she shows up in a full-body 1920s bathing suit, etc.

    Yukimura being a girl upset her not because of a coupling issue, but because it was a plan that backfired on her. She thought it would be funny to torture an innocent effeminate boy into dressing like a girl to somehow prove "his" manliness. What upset her was that she created the perfect target for maid fetishists, inadvertently making Yukimura more attractive and even more devoted to Kodaka.

    Yozora would be fine with merely being Kodaka's friend again. She just has to get past the issue that the other girls are also her friends, you don't have to have just one.

    Sena needs someone to keep her grounded and more humble. Kodaka is the ideal person to do that. He's apathetic where she gets obsessive, and he has been able to make her realize her limitations without running off crying (the pool episode).

  16. #136
    Question: Has Kodoka ever really stepped in when Sena is going over board though? I'm sure he has the ability to so and would be successful, but right now it doesn't seem like he wants too. He just sort of sits back and let's her do her thing.

  17. #137
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Ryll - Yozora may not be fully aware that she is in love with Kodaka, and that is the cause for all of her attempts to look boyish in order to rekindle their old friendship, but everything else she does shows that she likes him romantically. Just the fact that she is possessive and gets jealous is proof of that. Friends don't do that.

    Also, Yozora was indeed upset that her plan for Yukimura backfired on her. But why would she be upset at all? If she didn't care about Yukimura's gender and its effect and Kodaka, she would not be upset at all. I just rechecked that scene, and now I'm sure Yozora is pissed because a very powerful (cute, considerate, devoted) rival appeared, one that she never even minded when she thought of her as a guy. Yozora's lines clearly showed this.
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  18. #138
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Just the fact that she is possessive and gets jealous is proof of that. Friends don't do that.
    Yozora's concept of friendship is two people. She can't fathom that a person could have more friends than one. So, from her point of view if Kodaka gets friendly with someone else, he can't be her friend any longer.

    Nevertheless, I also think she has been interested in making Kodaka her boyfriend for a while now. Only she understands a romantic relationship no better than she understands a normal friendship. I reckon the reason she doesn't want to appear feminine and cute is just a part of that: She hasn't got a clue guys are typically attracted to cute/beautiful/sexy girls, and due to her self-imposed social isolation she has become so self-centered and eccentric she's an extremely slow learner. At least Sena has her dad and Stella teaching her what's proper and what's not (even if they have allowed her to develop her severe spoiled princess personality), but it looks like Yozora's parents are either dead or they are lunatics as well.

    Yozora wanting to reveal to Kodaka she's a girl already when they were children is a sign she wanted something to change. Back then she just lacked courage. Now she's lacking wits.

  19. #139
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I agree with Kraco on the first part, you are seriously underestimating how screwed up Yozora's concept of friendship is, which is why you are confusing it with love.

    Yozora should convert it to romantic feelings, but she hasn't yet. The idea embarrasses her too much still. She's starting to get it though, now that Rika and Sena are hammering nails of awareness into Kodaka's wooden head. Rika is probably more of a threat than Sena in that regard, she's his type, but unfortunately for her, Kodaka finds her behavior abhorrent. But he does get embarrassed around Sena, so she's probably made the most progress, and now we know she is open to the idea.

    Yukimura didn't care before, but now that Rika explained something to her, it would seem she's gotten very receptive to the idea.

  20. #140
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Yukimura didn't care before, but now that Rika explained something to her, it would seem she's gotten very receptive to the idea.
    During Rika's explanation, Yukimura said "Indeed, I do not have something like that".

    I filled in the blanks and automatically assumed Rika was saying that a true man would be able to bring Kodaka to orgasm with their penis. No one else thought like this? 0_o

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