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Thread: Chihayafuru

  1. #441
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    The chihayafuru card got a fast reaction. The video has kind of an underwhelming beginning with all the faults.
    Yup, had the same reaction.
    But faults and empty cards are also part of the game... that part was fun also.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #442
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    4:20 looked like some crazy Arata-style cross (had he actually taken the first card).

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #443
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    That´s how we played Karuta in Germany when I was a kid:



  4. #444
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 26 (ova) - Commie

    - -- - - - - -

    Nothing really memorable, but then again, it was just a single episode. In that sense more of Sumire chasing Taichi was a good idea for a plot since they decided not to have anything serious. All in all this felt like something that could have really happened, had this show had more filler and less 100% karuta. Well, it had girls in kimono if nothing else.

  5. #445
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I was surprised that Chihaya could stay focused on a role and act. At first I thought they simply gave one of the other girls a wig and had them look like Chihaya just for effect.

    I had forgotten that Oe was a TaichiXChihaya shipper. A pleasant surprise, that one.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #446
    Began watching this series last night, I'm up to episode 11.

    I have to say that I'm really enjoying this one. I not fond of josei/shoujo series, but glad I took a chance on this one. I really like the Chihaya character, she's fun. The series and main character takes me back to Nodame Cantabile for some reason.

    Anyways, hope to catch up soon and also hoping this get a 3rd series at some point since by the looks of it there's plenty of people calling for it.

  7. #447
    Just finished both season, and really this was a very good series to watch. I may dare to say right up there with some of my favorite sports anime easily, and coming from a Josei, that's an accomplishment.

    I thought the whole series was well balanced, fun characters that won you over even when their first impressions weren't the best, good character interaction, and romance that was both the center of the drama and peripheral to it for the content for it was minimal... merely a presence.

    My main complaint was how inconsistent they were with Chihaya, she overcomes a hurdle and they place the same hurdle over and over again, etc. But that's the usual.

    The other thing that bothered me was that when we first got introduced to the present Chihaya it seemed like she had some sort of pattern and routine to her play, yet after that it was never seen or seldom seen. The only trait that remained was her sleepiness after matches. But for example, the use of chocolate was only brought like once or twice after that initial introduction and more importantly, the loud/screaming Chihaya who was all about making throwing off the opponent was replaced by the serious/introspective Chihaya from then on. To the point that when other competitors were loud and screamed it was suddenly something new, something unheard of... yet Chihaya was introduced as a player who played like that all along, only to be forgotten.

    Those kind of small details bothered me a bit.

    Romance-wise, loved the treatment it got here. I really detest love-triangles, but when presented as it were in this one, I more than welcome it. Of course, Chihaya pining over Arata sometimes got a bit too overwhelming, but glad it was 99.99% about a sports goal and friendship.

    Anyways, I really enjoyed this one... really hoping for a 3rd season at some point. A few months ago there was a big announcement which everyone thought it would be for a continuation of the anime, but it was for a live-action adaptation instead.

    All this said, thinking of picking up the manga... anyone here reads it? (not to discuss it in this thread of course, but curious how they're finding it in general terms).

    Chihayafuru, A+ in my book.

  8. #448
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Arata X Queen.
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  9. #449
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Arata X Queen.
    So... I just put an episode of Strike the Blood to see where I had left off a year or so ago, and I topple right away to a scene with Chihaya's and Arata's VAs. Recognized them right away.

    Anyways, I'm leaning more towards Taichi X Chihaya. I didn't care much for Taichi through much of the beginning of the series, but I warmed up to him.

    And Arata X Queen is indeed one I'd like to see myself.

  10. #450
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    If Arata x Chihaya didn't happen to my great dismay, then naturally I'd want Arata to get together with the Queen. I might have accepted Taichi a bit more if he had treated Arata at least respectfully, even if not warmly for obvious reasons. But no, he treats Arata as a thing he must be somehow beat down, no matter if it's cleanly or dirtily. Since I like both Chihaya and Arata, just Arata getting a good ending isn't enough. Chihaya also deserves something better than a snake like Taichi.

  11. #451
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Taichi x Chihaya.

    Taichi is smart and human. He's grown up. And he's hot. Just do it.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #452
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Taichi is a petty jerk.
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  13. #453
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Taichi x Chihaya
    Taichi x Queen

    Arata commits suicide

    Taichi impregnates both
    Chihaya and Queen find out about Taichi´s cheating
    Taichi vanishes without a trace

    16 year time jump

    Hayata (Chihaya´s son) and Princess (queen´s daughter) have become bitter rivals in the world of cards
    At not even 16 years old, they´re both at the top of the game, god-like skills compared to the competition
    As part of a tournament finale, they face off each other and a long-winded, exhausting battle takes place
    Eventually, Hayata enters a mode of rage and hatred, when suddenly he notices his half-sister in front of him heavily coughing
    He realizes that he´s become like what he always thought his non-caring father had been like
    Snapping out of it, just when his sister was about to faint, he sits down next to her, holding her gently.
    "I give up", he says

    As Hayata supports his tired sister to receive the winner´s prize and title, he notices her happy beams towards him
    Previously rivals, the two half-siblings would be best friends from now on, and maybe more, defying society and the law
    Just when Hayata was about to walk out of the big tournament room, he notices an alien presence, an obscure feeling of evil
    Unable to spot anyone, he finds a written paper lying on the ground near the exist
    "You are weak, son", it reads
    Shaken from anger, he destroys the letter, angry from his father´s insult towards him, angry from the indirect insult towards his half-sister, and angry towards "that" man daring to enter their life after having forsaken them even before their birth
    After some time of thinking it through, Hayata has decided: He will go on a journey to track down his father and beat him in a game of cards
    Unexpectedly, Princess finds out about that and, without leaving room for discussion, joins the journey

    Having fought many close matches against shady, strange and weird opponents located all over Japan, the two half-siblings finally find their target: The father they´ve never met before, Taichi
    "You are weak", his deep, threatening voice howls through the dark room, almost cave-like
    Hayata starts having doubts about his abilities, when a soft hand raises its pressure on his own: "Go beat him, King!"
    Hayata looks at Princess, the de-facto Queen, and shakes off any doubts. "Sure will!" he answers the sweet girl
    Hayata sits down in front of Taichi, and all of sudden the sides of the room are filled with people
    Their faces in the dark, their eyes attach themselves on the young challenger like iron to a magnet
    And just before an experienced woman´s voice starts reading the verses, an announcer celebratingly shouts:
    "Behold! The King versus the GOD!"

    In a match of legends, Hayata manages to win against his father.
    He demands his father to return to Chihaya and the Queen, apologizing to both of them, facing whatever consequences await
    When Hayata intends to leave, a small man in a suit grabs him by the shoulder: "You musn´t leave, Kami-sama. This is your place now. Please take responsibility for felling a god, thus you became one yourself."
    Hayata, instead of falling into despair, almost instantly realizes the situation he´s put himself in
    This is a new world, a society of cards, unbeknownst to the world, and he is that society´s supreme leader, their god
    "Princess", he quietly says, trying to get his half-sister´s attention
    "Yes?", the girl replies
    "It might sound ridiculous, I know, but ... now that I am the god of cards ... I need ... a goddess ...", he says with all of his courage
    Princess stares into her half-brothers eyes, suddenly blushing, then ... kisses him
    "You are the god of cards, and I´ll be your goddess. Of course!"
    Hayata smiles, tears of joy running down his cheeks

    When Chihaya and Queen would ask their pseudo-husband, Taichi would only answer "they´re strong"
    And then Taichi would continue washing dishes, cleaning the house and doing groceries


    (lol, damn. Once your start, this thing almost writes itself :P)
    Last edited by MFauli; Thu, 08-20-2015 at 08:13 AM.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  14. #454
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    Taichi is a petty jerk.
    I consider that his past self. He still gets pangs of jealousy. His sharp mind means he can come up with ideas on how to enact it before he even thinks about whether he should do something. Along the way he's learned how to reign himself in more or less though. I actually like that - he's much more interesting than someone who is pure and incapable of wrong-doing by nature. I think his efforts to do the right thing despite his urge and ability to do otherwise is commendable.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Taichi x Chihaya
    I'm very happy that you agree with the Taichi x Chihaya shipping.

    I'm also very happy that you're not writing Chihayafuru.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #455
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I consider that his past self. He still gets pangs of jealousy. His sharp mind means he can come up with ideas on how to enact it before he even thinks about whether he should do something. Along the way he's learned how to reign himself in more or less though. I actually like that - he's much more interesting than someone who is pure and incapable of wrong-doing by nature. I think his efforts to do the right thing despite his urge and ability to do otherwise is commendable.

    I'm very happy that you agree with the Taichi x Chihaya shipping.

    I'm also very happy that you're not writing Chihayafuru.
    I agree with much of this. I think most of the Taichi is a jerk sentiment are leftovers from early in the series. I think his inner struggle between friendship and rivalry is more than understandable, particularly when he's still confused about whether or not him and Arata were friends in the first place.

    I think it was very evident in that scene in which he was both frustrated and happy to see Arata coming back, how he found it hard to reconcile those two emotions. And despite all of that as the series has progressed, even when it puts him in a disadvantage with Chihaya, he tries to do the right thing by Chihaya constantly particularly when Arata is concerned.

  16. #456
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    IIRC, he did something petty and jerky when Arata came back into the picture. I can't remember exactly what, but it reaffirmed his NoShip status in my head.

    I think he prevented them from meeting by telling a lie, or something.
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  17. #457
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    even when it puts him in a disadvantage with Chihaya, he tries to do the right thing by Chihaya constantly particularly when Arata is concerned.
    I have no doubt he loves Chihaya, and, like Bill said, he's smart, so he knows it'd be best for Chihaya to also see Arata's matches. Not to mention he needs to see them himself in order to create strategies against Arata. So, all the better if he can sit right next to Chihaya and casually touch her when they watch those matches. However, his intelligence and tactics only take him so far. He can't cope with the unexpected from someone he detests under the surface, like the high five scene demonstrated.

  18. #458
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I have no doubt he loves Chihaya, and, like Bill said, he's smart, so he knows it'd be best for Chihaya to also see Arata's matches. Not to mention he needs to see them himself in order to create strategies against Arata. So, all the better if he can sit right next to Chihaya and casually touch her when they watch those matches. However, his intelligence and tactics only take him so far. He can't cope with the unexpected from someone he detests under the surface, like the high five scene demonstrated.
    And yet he was pissed during his Finals match when Chihaya went to see him instead of Arata playing, to the point that he almost threw his match away, his chance to finally reach Class A, in order to give Chihaya the opportunity to watch the Arata vs. Queen game.

    I mean, I don't mean to make Taichi a saint, but given his feelings towards Arata, the constant contradictory nature he has to them, that he manages to rise above it to do what's best for Chihaya as the series progressed despite when it would be a disadvantage for him makes him a bigger person than what he was initially portrayed as.

    Of course, there's still a level of immaturity from his younger days there, but he seemingly tries to oppress those impulses... and I think that's worth something at the very least.

    And I say all this as not a fan of Taichi, but he won me over through the series a bit in the shipping context.

    Let's not forget that Arata called him a coward early on (of course Taichi tormented him as a kid) and when Arata came back in the present, he gave him a message that was of similar nature as well. Though Arata does seem more inclined to believe they had a real friendship, he does foster the competition aspect of it as well... and has some taunts in him as well.

  19. #459
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    And yet he was pissed during his Finals match when Chihaya went to see him instead of Arata playing, to the point that he almost threw his match away, his chance to finally reach Class A, in order to give Chihaya the opportunity to watch the Arata vs. Queen game.
    As a person who relies on his intelligence, predictions, and plans, things he doesn't anticipate are a huge bother. He totally didn't expect Chihaya to come watch a Class B game instead of seeing the Class A till the end, even if as a spectator. He wishes the best for Chihaya karuta wise, of course, since success would make Chihaya happy. My problem with him isn't how he treats Chihaya, it's how he treat Arata (and likely any other he would view as an obstacle). It's made even nastier by how evilly Kanade supports him, sacrificing the rest of the karuta team just so that Taichi gets to be alone with Chihaya. At least Taichi didn't ask for such support. Might have been far too low even for his sense of pride.

  20. #460
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    As a person who relies on his intelligence, predictions, and plans, things he doesn't anticipate are a huge bother. He totally didn't expect Chihaya to come watch a Class B game instead of seeing the Class A till the end, even if as a spectator. He wishes the best for Chihaya karuta wise, of course, since success would make Chihaya happy. My problem with him isn't how he treats Chihaya, it's how he treat Arata (and likely any other he would view as an obstacle). It's made even nastier by how evilly Kanade supports him, sacrificing the rest of the karuta team just so that Taichi gets to be alone with Chihaya. At least Taichi didn't ask for such support. Might have been far too low even for his sense of pride.
    I was talking specifically to your scenario of seemingly having no problem going to the Arata match with Chihaya because he could sit by and touch her and what not as you say.

    Anyways it's fine. I think you're creating a bigger boogie man than he actually is, in fact I'd say you'd have a problem with just about everyone who has a love interest since just about everyone tries to stack the deck in their favor. Which Taichi hasn't really done mind you, if anything minimal.

    Just as I think you're overblowing how he treats Arata, childhood aside and their very first interaction in the present.

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