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Thread: Chihayafuru

  1. #21
    Just watched the 3 episodes there. Really enjoyed them. Thought the part when Arata says that he loses to Chihaya on first syllable cards and then gets very competitive was funny as it showed a different side to him and that he hates losing. Looking for ward to more of this

  2. #22
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 4 - HS

    -- - - - - -

    Arata's home looks quite morbid somehow. Granted, not much of it was shown and the level of darkness could simply be because it's late evening and he might conserve electricity, but still it seemed empty and lifeless. Not to mention his voice and tone were like a man's who has been forced to give up everything. I hope his is a cruel and not boring story; Chihaya saving him would taste that much better.

    The match in this ep was quite good, but with totally unknown opponents and not that much shown preparation it was kind of lacking in excitement. I realised I wouldn't car if Chihaya loses or wins because the plot would likely serve her needs in either case. I'm sure in the future with properly built contests it'll be a different thing.

  3. #23
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Chihaya owns.

    I simply love her personality. The complete contrast between the way she acts and the way she looks gives her so much character. I couldn't help laughing when she was stuffing her face with expensive chocolate and then immediately passed out for a ultra quick nap. That and her obstinacy during the match. The two of them passing the chihaya card back and forth was pretty great. I was actually surprised that she went to hug Taichi, and not her opponent for giving her such a great match. What did surprise me is her motivation for joining track. I figured she switched because she didn't have anything better to do (perhaps because her middle school didn't have a karuta club) or was forced into it by classmates. But she chose it of her own free will as a stepping stone to improve her game.

    Attempting to hit Taichi with her bag was another great moment, as was her struggle to resist telling someone about Taichi's girlfriend and her nickname for him.

    I was not surprised about the development with Arata. I saw that one coming a mile away. It's fairly understandable too. Chihaya apparently didn't bother to call him much this last year or so. Growing up, first real Tokyo friend not calling for some reason, why continue? I imagine he's got a much better reason than that for quitting, but I can't say I'm shocked the way Chihaya obviously was.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 10-25-2011 at 05:56 PM. Reason: minor correction

  4. #24
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Growing up, first real Tokyo friend not calling for some reason, why continue? I imagine he's got a much better reason than that for quitting, but I can't say I'm shocked the way Chihaya obviously was.
    I will be exceedingly disappointed if his reason for quitting is something as boring and stupid as that. He was playing Karuta at a high level long before Chihaya and was a loner to boot. If he happened to have a friend or two for a while sharing the hobby, moving away from them and not being in overly much contact wouldn't logically affect him to such an extent. It's not like his personality would have even changed that much during their short friendship.

    I have to agree on the contrast between Chihaya's personality and looks being a source of great entertainment. Still, she must be doing something to maintain those looks. We already know she's at least somewhat sporty. Maybe living with a teenage model sister also rubbed something off on her.

  5. #25
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The reason obviously lies with Arata's family, particularly his Meijin grandfather. The whole empty and dark house scene was shown to imply that.
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  6. #26
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    The match in this ep was quite good, but with totally unknown opponents and not that much shown preparation it was kind of lacking in excitement.
    I was actually rather entertained by the fact that her opponent looked like a stocky, dumber version of Arata.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinta
    The reason obviously lies with Arata's family, particularly his Meijin grandfather. The whole empty and dark house scene was shown to imply that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Chihaya owns.

    I simply love her personality. The complete contrast between the way she acts and the way she looks gives her so much character.

    I agree. The fact that the phone was ringing for so long without anybody yelling for someone else to get the phone..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    I was not surprised about the development with Arata. I saw that one coming a mile away.
    I'm with Shinta on the reasoning. I can see his grandfather dying being a factor somehow for not playing Karuta, but I have no idea how his family would link in - not that we ever saw much of them.

    I'm feeling a lot better about her adult form this episode. I guess this means my previous problem with her wasn't really the mismatch (I don't care that much about how she looks actually, but of course hot is good), but the fact that she just looked and felt like a depressed, shut-in version of her former self in episode 1. This episode had her rebound back into shape thanks to some Karuta matches, use of deformed faces and (reluctantly..) Taichi.

    As much as I dislike some bits about Taichi, it's understandable and also pretty real. He's the most "normal" out of the group, and the most able to fit in to society like everybody else. He loves Karuta deep down, but has to pretend not to like it in front of people because it's not "cool". Not too unlike closet anime fans huh?

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  7. #27
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I like her in a ponytail much more than with her hair simply draped down.

    Taichi does not love Karuta. He loves Chihaya. He practically admitted as much this episode.
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  8. #28
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I like her in a ponytail much more than with her hair simply draped down.

    Oh, and wide-eyed more than her 20-45% closed-eyes. Again, linking back to the depressed/sad expression.

    They sure make an effort to colour her lips too. It's a little different to what I usually like, but I think I can get used to that one.

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  9. #29
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Yeah I'm assuming Arata's grandfather probably passed away. Perhaps earlier than he should have.

    As for Taichi and Karuta, I think it's more of the fact that he's always done things that he/his mom know that he can win or be the best at. I also believe he likes Karuta but realized the fact that he probably won't ever be on Arata's level like he said so there's no point in trying so hard. But then he sees that Chihaya is having so much fun and that seems to inspire him that perhaps he should just do things for the fun of it and not always worry about being the best.

  10. #30
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Taichi does not love Karuta. He loves Chihaya. He practically admitted as much this episode.
    I'm with Idealistic.

    He's just a little shallow and a bit twisted by his upbringing. He did what his mother told him, and all that time thinking that he's got to be the best at anything he does had to have ground at him a bit. It's poisoned him. The first time he got inspired, it was because Arata was so much better. The second time, it was because Chihaya beat him. The first time he got inspired to play, it was because Chihaya beat him. The second time he got inspired, it was because Arata was so much better. You could argue that he got fired up because he likes her (that being the reason he picked on Arata). But losing to Chihaya was more important than the fact that he lost to Chihaya. I think that was when he really felt what competition is. He wasn't the best. Someone he thought was inferior at the game turned out to be better than he was, simply because she cared more.

    Now, he's gotten fired up again not because Chihaya is still playing, but because Chihaya's gotten really good at it. Taichi finally saw that giving something your all really can make a difference. You don't have to just give up because you don't think you're making headway. He'd probably enjoy soccer, but he's seen that Chihaya's spent all this time striving for her goal of making A Tokyo no less. She's also done it faster than nearly everyone else expected her to, and she's enjoying herself the whole time.

    That it is Chihaya (his former crush) is just icing on the cake.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 10-26-2011 at 06:41 PM. Reason: had it backwards, corrected.

  11. #31
    The fact Arata doesn't play Kurata anymore suggest that his grandfather died shortly after he returned (from what I gather). So did he get any better? I'm sure he'll start playing again, and if/when he does, will he be at the same level as Chihaya or on a whole new level? Would kinda suck if he was on same level or near, I liked the fact he was so much better than the other too, brought a funny side to it with the competitiveness and what not

  12. #32
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Ryll - I'm pretty sure that he would never play Karuta again if Chihaya did not play it. He may enjoy Karuta, but Chihaya is the trigger and a big reason for that.
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  13. #33
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gos27 View Post
    The fact Arata doesn't play Kurata anymore suggest that his grandfather died shortly after he returned (from what I gather). So did he get any better? I'm sure he'll start playing again, and if/when he does, will he be at the same level as Chihaya or on a whole new level? Would kinda suck if he was on same level or near, I liked the fact he was so much better than the other too, brought a funny side to it with the competitiveness and what not
    He would still be pretty god-mode. Chihaya might be able to get more cards from him now (all the first syllable ones) other than just the Chihaya card, but his memory and skill would still make him the better player overall (at least until the end of the series).

    I would have said that he was A-rank to begin with, though it may take him an episode or two to shake the rust off himself now.

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  14. #34
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    [HorribleSubs] Chihayafuru - 05 (720p)

    It's all...complicated.


    Taichi had a pretty good set of lines about love. It's not the usual gushy interpretation we usually see. His moroseness about the situation and obviously his love life was a nice parallel to Chihaya's numb expression during the train trip and on the platform. We didn't need to hear Chihaya's inner turmoil on the train, it mirrored Taichi's, even if she doesn't really understand it. She's terrified/anxious about seeing Arata after so long, devastated by the news she got over the phone, yet longs to see him. She did later express it verbally, but it wasn't really necessary.

    That said, Chihaya's still her lovable bizarre self. Looks like a supermodel, acts like...something else entirely. Tearing Arata off the bike, performing a superb shoulder throw on Taichi, heh. Never an iota of tact or delicacy. I loved her little random notes written on wrappers, total stream of consciousness, just like all other dialogue that comes out of her.

    This episode was quite strong in terms of visible emotions. The scene with Taichi struggling to grab her hand, knowing she thinks he's happy with his girlfriend. Arata blasting past them and Chihaya knowing right away, her fingers narrowly missing Taichi's. The drop of water off Chihaya's face when she's in the bath. Chihaya fixing her hair at the end right before Taichi mentioned he'd help her form the club. Even the goofy stuff like Chihaya melting in her seat.

    Arata had a pretty good reason for quitting. Melodramatic, but a pretty good reason.

    I'm very interested in why a girl in the kyuudo club might want to switch to the karuta club.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 11-01-2011 at 05:38 PM.

  15. #35
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Arata had a pretty good reason for quitting. Melodramatic, but a pretty good reason.
    It turned out to be a much more straightforward reason than I was expecting. That, and the fact that it pretty much resolved itself in one episode are both good points for me. I would hate to see Arata seemingly owe Chihaya too much for returning to the karuta world. They're essentially on even grounds now, with Chihaya only acting as a trigger. Not to mention, Chihaya trying to persuade someone (and hence using brain cells :P ) would just seem off.

    My favourite line of the episode - "You sure you're not rounding? You've always been a corward."

    Sharp, to the point, but with a hint of wit. Even if Arata hasn't built up his self confidence over the years, his deep voice sure gives off that effect regardless.

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  16. #36
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    That said, Chihaya's still her lovable bizarre self. Looks like a supermodel, acts like...something else entirely.
    I really like this aspect. Sure, anime in general is full of bishoujo who just happen to be beautiful, but with Chihaya, and a series like this, it feels different. Like I said in an earlier post, she has the background to look like a supermodel and, again in a show like this, she has to do something do have those looks and not look like some karuta otaku. Yet, apart from looking like that at least partially consciously, it doesn't seem to matter to her at all, which makes it so great. The constrast is exhilarating.

    I'm quite satisfied with Arata's reason and how it solved itself. He had been a total loner until he befriended Chihaya and Taichi, so going back to this small town he likely depended on the grandpa to have any like-minded company. Yet with the geezer gone, he was again alone yet this time with the experience of what it is to not be alone. It's very spychologically plausible to make all the wrong choices under such circumstances and sweve off to undesirable paths requiring an outside force to return from. Basically nothing more than a small reminder he's not alone after all.

    I have no doubt Arata will still kick ass once he gets the rust off.

  17. #37
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I really like this aspect. Sure, anime in general is full of bishoujo who just happen to be beautiful, but with Chihaya, and a series like this, it feels different. Like I said in an earlier post, she has the background to look like a supermodel and, again in a show like this, she has to do something do have those looks and not look like some karuta otaku. Yet, apart from looking like that at least partially consciously, it doesn't seem to matter to her at all, which makes it so great. The constrast is exhilarating.
    If she was borrowing money from her sister to take this trip, her sister likely still lives in (or at least crashes at) the family home.

    I'd wager her sister doesn't let her out of the house without cleaning herself up a bit. Chihaya's exactly the type to go to a tournament wearing track pants and an old sweatshirt. It would be pretty embarrassing if a photographer snapped a candid shot of what would end up in the tabloids as, "Famous Supermodel Ayase Chitose on One of Her Off-Days!" Either that or Chitose rubbed off on Chihaya. Chihaya had always idolized her sister before she found karuta.

    Still, Chihaya certainly cares about her appearance enough to look good at both school and on rendezvous.

  18. #38
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 6 - HorribleSubs

    - - - - - - - -

    I was thinking from the beginning they would eventually put Chihaya's looks and background to use at some point, and indeed they did now. It was also not a forced plot element, remembering this is still fiction, so it's all good. One might say she did for free work that would have cost a bunch otherwise, but this ensures quite securely that Oe won't be running away any time soon, despite her dislike for the sporty aspect of the club; and I very much doubt she even hated modelling in beautiful, classic and modest clothes.

    All in all I think Oe will be a valuable addition to the club. I doubt she will be any good at the competitive karuta, but she brings much new depth into the play otherwise. And at least Chihaya was actually able to gain speed due to it. She's going to need all the speed she can muster once Arata has shaken his rust off.

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'd say that Kana is actually a vital addition to the karuta club. This is largely because she is a polar opposite to Chihaya, but shares a few similarities.

    She's a huge imperial court era otaku, and that contrasts sharply to a girl who plays in sweats and then passes out on the floor between matches. She's also reserved where Chihaya is notably not (being embarrassed about having to do anything in hakama despite loving them so much). But what really impressed and surprised me was the way Kana joined the club. It wasn't a one-sided affair solely driven by Chihaya. She didn't wholly charm Kana into joining the club with her charisma and high-energy attitude, something we've seen in damn near every series that involves school club activities...ever. Kana made demands, one might even say they're as equally overbearing as Chihaya can be sometimes. Kana is really a big fan of fine traditional clothing and the imperial court era. I suppose this also explains Chihaya's traditional garb in the OP now.

    It's pretty clear that if Kana had her way (or the financial means), there would be decorated screens and all kinds of other period decorations in the club room.

    It was a nice visual effect of Chihaya applying all she learned from Kana about the poems. She was able to attach stories and colors to the cards, similar to synesthesia, so now she can memorize them better. Chihaya modeling the kimono was pure, delicious fanservice, and I've got no complaints.

    I rather like Kana's character. She's a strong female counter-balance to Chihaya's mania. (Plus, although she is shorter, Kana appears to be better endowed than Chihaya...) She's not just a body to fill the club ranks, she too is a fully realized character. A trend I hope this series continues.

  20. #40
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I still can't think of how remembering the cards using another method such as replacing them with a mental image of colours/pictures help. If the card placements were static, I could understand a bit more since you could figure out a pattern, but with each round changing potisions, it should be about sheer mental capacity more than anything..

    I want to see how Taichi will improve now. We know that he's smart, but his memory will never be as good as Aruta. (who hasn't been noted for being particularly good at school yet, despite that delivery scene from the first episode).

    Kana was right when she said her store was doing badly. No one interrupted them the entire afternoon. Rent + lighting? That's some serious money.. I'm honestly surprised that she didn't offer to sponsor their dress needs. It would help them all out as well as serve as advertising.

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