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Thread: Persona 4: The Animation

  1. #1
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Persona 4: The Animation

    Alternative Title: ペルソナ4 the ANIMATION

    Type: TV
    Episodes: 25 / 2 cour
    Source: PS2 / PSVita Videogame
    Studio: AIC A.S.T.A
    Genres: Adventure, Mystery, School, Sci-Fi, Super Power, Supernatural

    Synopsis: When Narukami Yuu moves to the rural country town of Inaba, he's expecting a lot more peace and quiet than he's been used to in the big city. Instead, the peace has been shattered and the only quiet is the quiet of the grave, as a rash of mysterious murders and kidnappings sweep the countryside. With the police stymied, Yuu finds himself joining with a group of other teenagers in a desperate bid to solve the mystery. A mystery that is somehow connected to both the local weather patterns and a strange world which Yuu and his friends can all enter. And where each must wield a unique weapon and learn to use amazing powers if they wish to survive. Journey beyond the Velvet Room as the hit PlayStation 2™ game becomes a spectacular anime in Persona 4 the Animation!

    Sources: ANN | AniDB | MyAnimeList | Official Site

    Narukami Yuu: Namikawa Daisuke
    Satonaka Chie: Horie Yui
    Hanamura Yousuke: Morikubo Shoutarou
    Amagi Yukiko: Koshimizu Ami
    Adachi Tooru: Madono Mitsuaki
    Doujima Nanako: Kanda Akemi
    Doujima Ryoutarou: Ishizuka Unshou
    Kujikawa Rise: Kugimiya Rie
    Kuma: Yamaguchi Kappei
    Shirogane Naoto: Paku Romi
    Tatsumi Kanji: Seki Tomokazu

    Episode 1
    HorribleSubs Torrents: 720p / 360p DDL: 720p / 360p
    Doki Torrents: 720p / 480p DDL: 720p / 480p
    Commie Torrent DDL

    Episode 2:
    Commie Torrent DDL
    Doki Torrents: 720p / 480p DDL: 720p / 480p

    Episode 3:
    Doki Torrents: 720p / 480p DLC 720p / 480p

    Episode 4:
    Doki Torrents 720p / 480p DLC 720p / 480p

    Episode 5:
    Doki Torrent 720p 480p DLC 720p / 480p

    Episode 6
    Doki Torrent 720p / 480p DDL 720p / 480p

    Episode 7

    Episode 8

    Episode 9

    Opening: "sky's the limit" by Shihoko Hirata
    Ending: "Beauty of Destiny" by Shihoko Hirata feat. Lotus Juice

    Persona 4 Never More ~ Reincarnation ~ Disc

    RandomC Preview

    1st Post will be updated to include the link of each episode and music release when released.
    Synopsis was slightly edited from original due to misinformation.
    Yes, I made the thread a few days ahead of release. Sue me.

    Considering this series is based on a PS2 videogame, heavy plot spoilers exist on the net. If you are new to the Persona 4 universe, please refrain from visiting websites that talk about the game to prevent heavy spoiling. If you've played the game please refrain from talking about upcoming events in consideration of those that may not have played the game.
    Last edited by RyougaZell; Thu, 12-01-2011 at 11:02 PM.

  2. #2
    You got my hopes up that the first episode had been released earlier when I saw the topic. I wonder if there's going to be any new material or if it's just going to follow the game completely then again maybe they'll add things from The Golden.
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  3. #3
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Bitch you stole my description :O

  4. #4
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    1st Post updated with episode 1 links
    Episode 1
    HorribleSubs Torrents: 720p / 360p DDL: 720p / 360p
    Doki Torrents: 720p / 480p DDL: 720p / 480p
    Commie Torrent DDL
    Last edited by RyougaZell; Thu, 10-06-2011 at 11:32 PM.

  5. #5
    Nitpicking: well I'm slightly disappointed with the first episode as it suffers from the same problems as other animes based on games in the pacing since it's moving forward pretty fast though I'm expecting it'll get better after the introduction is over. The animation felt weaker than I expected from a first episode as it had it's moments when it looked slightly off/weird. And what was the point of Yuu having his uniform zipped up through most of the episode? It just felt weird.

    The good: I like the touches from the game as they had a lot more music from the game than I expected, it's good and bad since I thought they'd have more new tunes, the calender, the eyecatch and when Yuu used zio/lightning attack. The things I remember them skipping from the game were pretty minor so that's ok, though it might have helped the pacing if they were included since it would have meant more character interaction instead of jumping around so much.

    I guess Daisuke is happy now as he finally got a name that they call him, speaking of which it's kinda neat that he doesn't say that much in the anime.
    You are here alone again
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  6. #6
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I pretty much agree. Even if one did not play the game, it feels pretty disjointed. The izanagi part was also pretty random. I love the inclusion of the soundtrack and colour themes though. Those two things made persona persona, at least in terms of style.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  7. #7
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I care not for poor pacing in the introduction, the prologue in the game was torture as well.

    I'm just wondering how they'll handle the harem romance on this one, obviously we won't get to the final scene on any of them but a platonic replacement would feel pretty weak.

  8. #8
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    I care not for poor pacing in the introduction, the prologue in the game was torture as well.
    Heh. Indeed. This episode covered at least the first 5 hours of gameplay. I can see why new viewers would be overwhelmed. To be fair it seems it was pure fanservice for the fans of the game. Personally? I fangasmed. But my opinion will always be biased on this series...

    I laughed out loud when we saw the calendar and the status screen. Seriously? And the critical hit was win.

    I can see why the series won't really appeal to most gotwooters, but I hope more give it a chance.

    I would have liked an explanation for Igor's Tarot Cards at the start though. According to RandomC the upright Tower and Moon indicated a change and a mystery. Fitting.

    Oh... and I liked the transition scene Yuu (Souji/P4MC) had when he unbottoned his jacked when his Persona awakened.

  9. #9
    Speaking of Persona 4, I never got around to finishing the game cause I got kinda bored and gave my copy of the game to my cousin.

    Not to mention unlike Persona 3, I didn't find the females very appealing. They looked too generic.

    I think I stopped around the part with the military looking underground bunker?
    Last edited by animus; Sat, 10-08-2011 at 09:28 AM.

  10. #10
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    Speaking of Persona 4, I never got around to finishing the game cause I got kinda bored and gave my copy of the game to my cousin.
    Same here, though i know how it ends from dem spoilers everywhere.

    PS: Bitches and whores

  11. #11
    Getting kinda curious now if he's only going to use Izanagi or if he'll bring out a bunch of different personas.

    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    Not to mention unlike Persona 3, I didn't find the females very appealing. They looked too generic.
    I always liked Chie more than any of the females though it's probably because I like the tomboyish attitude, so for me they're just better than in P3.
    You are here alone again
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  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I haven't seen any Persona games, and so my view is a lot different from you guys. I thought Yuu was involved in something strange from the beginning with his lithium countenance, but in fact that strangely calm behavior paid off in later scenes. I especially liked the store scene where he was calmly entering the TV as if it was everyday business. I like that sort of scenes in general, as opposed to the scenes a moment later when they chose to immediately flee from a harmless looking teddy bear thing but only stared stupidly at the obviously hostile shadow creeps, even though the local teddy bear ran away in panic.

    I'll keep watching for now. I liked some aspects, some not, but all in all this showed some promise.

  13. #13
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I was mainly pissed by the face coloring, felt utterly strange.
    Other than that, for someone not knowing the game at all, it felt quite rushed. I'll have to watch ep 2 to check wether I like it or not.

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  14. #14
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I especially liked the store scene where he was calmly entering the TV as if it was everyday business. I like that sort of scenes in general, as opposed to the scenes a moment later when they chose to immediately flee from a harmless looking teddy bear thing but only stared stupidly at the obviously hostile shadow creeps, even though the local teddy bear ran away in panic.
    I think the shadows looked cuter than Teddy, he's a weird looking mofo.

  15. #15
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    HorribleSubs seem to be late this time around. Even Commie released first.

    Commie Torrent DDL

    Doki Torrents: 720p / 480p DDL: 720p / 480p
    Last edited by RyougaZell; Thu, 10-13-2011 at 10:00 PM.

  16. #16
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Yep, that's P4 alright

    >Complete and utter denial towards your hearts true desires
    >Fight scene
    >I'm ok with myself now!

    Who needs time and a psychologist? Ass whooping is where it's at!

  17. #17
    The second episode felt a lot better paced than the first one, probably because almost everything happened during the same day this time. All in all feel more satisfied with it now.
    You are here alone again
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    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  18. #18
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart View Post
    The second episode felt a lot better paced than the first one, probably because almost everything happened during the same day this time. All in all feel more satisfied with it now.
    I don't think new viewers would have been interested if we only had a 1st episode with Souji (Yuu) arriving and meeting Ryotarou, Nanako, Youseke and Chie though. It indeed was a rushed episode... but it was needed due to all the content previous to the persona awakening.

    Lets see how next episodes turn. A bit dissapointed not many here are giving this show a chance though.

  19. #19
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This second episode didn't seem so interesting. One thing ruining it was how the sidekick's negative side sounded like Hichigo from Bleach and as a character wasn't much different. Still, the setting wasn't bad nor the little psychological warfare. Yuu being the cold fish surprised by nothing also continues to amuse me.

    Chie's tantrum was pretty funny, especially knowing how the dudes had been moments before fighting for their lives and she had been sitting on the store floor in safety. Even Yuu's usual lithium calmness seemed a little shaken in front of it. A guileful woman fishing meals out of it.

  20. #20
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Caught up on the first two episodes because I promised Zell I'll give this a try. I guess I'm pretty neutral about all this..

    For one, I'm a lot more interested in the mystery, murder and the elusive atmosphere of the fog and such more so than the combat. Actually, I really dislike the combat. Enter-the-screen, use your superpowers to defeat some monster, call it a day. That formula will always remind me of digimon. (PS: overall, I dislike digimon).

    Some of the above comments suggest that it'll move beyond this though (be it a harem or actually solving the mystery), so I'll keep onboard unless I get swamped by too many shows. (Still catching up on others..)

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