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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #2221
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I honestly wouldn't mind if HxH stopped here. More good stuff is welcome of course, but with Gon's main quest done, the point of this series has been achieved. Or are we supposed to feel attachment to our characters and find them to be more important?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #2222
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. Gon has met his goal and doesn't particularly have any shounen quest in mind at this point. Moreover, Ging's dream sounds like something that will need twice as many episodes as what we have had so far, so even if Gon decided to follow the same path, the mangaka would never finish it in our lifetime, with his working speed, or rather a lack of speed. Thus, this is a good point to end the show. I doubt we will see a continuation anymore. This was purposefully a fillerless version of the story, so it's not like they had a choice in any case.

    Not a bad last episode, all in all, even if so uneventful that Ging telling the chicks to shut up was the highlight...

  3. #2223
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Ging's teaching to his son was probably the most meaningful thing in the episode.
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  4. #2224
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Ging's teaching to his son was probably the most meaningful thing in the episode.
    Yeah? His teaching was basically to chase your dreams and make lots of good friends along the way. As if Gon hadn't been doing that exact thing all along.

  5. #2225
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That's the point. He made his son realize the value of the journey he has had so far. It wasn't meeting Ging but gaining comrades. The look of happiness and fulfillment in Gon's face after he heard those words reflect the value and meaning in them.
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  6. #2226
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I honestly wouldn't mind if HxH stopped here. More good stuff is welcome of course, but with Gon's main quest done, the point of this series has been achieved.
    I don't know why people keep saying this.

    Gon didn't become a Hunter to meet his dad. He became a Hunter because it sounded like the most amazing thing, and catching his dad was just a way for him to prove he'd reached a certain level of skill at Hunting.

    Now that he's no longer chasing his dad, he's free to hunt what HE wants.

    It's also a shounen series. Shounen series don't end until their main characters are the most powerful characters in the series. And even though Gon met his dad, he's clearly not stronger than him. I mean, shit, even Ging is only a 2-star Hunter, and there are apparently 3-stars. Gon doesn't have any stars yet. And the series just introduced an entire new dimension of potentially stronger characters out there.

  7. #2227
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Wait, Gon's goal wasn't to find his father?

    I remember that being his goal and that becoming a hunter was the method to achieve it, at least originally.
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  8. #2228
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Wait, Gon's goal wasn't to find his father?
    Not really. Remember that it was Kite, not his father, that made him want to be a Hunter in the first place. And it wasn't to find Ging. It was because being a Hunter was so amazing Ging left him behind to continue being one.

    It wasn't until Mito gave him that puzzle box from Ging, well after Gon had become a Hunter, that he actually started actively chasing his dad. And that was basically because the box said, "Come and find me." It's because Ging had given him a quest.

    Before that his goals after becoming a Hunter had been "Rescue Killua" then "Get stronger in the tower".

  9. #2229
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I thought he initially left the island because he wanted to find his father.
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  10. #2230
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    It's also a shounen series. Shounen series don't end until their main characters are the most powerful characters in the series. And even though Gon met his dad, he's clearly not stronger than him. I mean, shit, even Ging is only a 2-star Hunter, and there are apparently 3-stars. Gon doesn't have any stars yet.
    That doesn't mean anything. Does Ging look like a man who would care about the number of stars printed on his card? Would he care to update it or go through whatever examination to have it done? In the first place we don't even know if it directly tells about power. It could refer to the person's position, years in Hunters, or years directly serving the organization like belonging to the Zodiac or working as a trainer/Hunter exam organizer, or just sticking to and developing the Hunter ideology. There also isn't any way to measure a person's level of power since it would vary dozens of percents based on who's the opponent.

    As we saw in this last arc, there were truly lousy people working as pro-Hunters when Hisoka and Illumi wiped the floor with scores of them. Even one of the top 10 candidates in the election was one shot killed by Hisoka like a sheep. Gon is worlds above those. For all we know, he might qualify for a single star due to his contribution to the ant incident, but I reckon there are other factors that would prevent it, like being a kid and only having a year of membership under his belt.

  11. #2231
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    In the first place we don't even know if it directly tells about power. It could refer to the person's position, years in Hunters, or years directly serving the organization like belonging to the Zodiac or working as a trainer/Hunter exam organizer, or just sticking to and developing the Hunter ideology.
    True enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    There also isn't any way to measure a person's level of power since it would vary dozens of percents based on who's the opponent.
    That we know of.

    Just because they haven't shown us scouters or someone with a power like Fukuro from One Piece, doesn't mean they don't exist in the HxH world.

  12. #2232
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Fantastic last episode. As much as it hurts to have no more HXH, this was the best way to end it. No cliffhanger, no truly open quests. Great.

    Now to the most important part: WHAT in the world was Ging talking about when he mentioned other worlds? We saw some fantasy map, but surely mankind in HXH is evolved enough to have mapped out the whole globe already, right? So ... aliens or alternate dimensions? Man, this anime/manga could be the most amazing adventure of all times, if only its mangaka did some properly paced work :/
    Travelling to other planets is exactly the kind of out-of-nowhere crazy shit that is necessary to follow up the Chimera Ants-arc. It´d also be a great entry level point where ALL hunters/nen-users are the same, nobody knowing more than the other. And given that it´s not earth, they really could introduce additional systems other than Nen. Thinking about gets me so excited ... and it´ll never get anywhere :/

    Anyway, best Shounen-anime.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #2233
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Excellent final episode to cap off one of the best shounens I've ever enjoyed. It's been a good three years and a most wild ride. I hope to see more someday; but for now this has become the measuring stick.

  14. #2234
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    btw was the soundtrack already released? Rewatching the Greed Island arc, and I´d love to listen to some of these songs during playing smash bros or whatever

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  15. #2235
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    btw was the soundtrack already released? Rewatching the Greed Island arc, and I´d love to listen to some of these songs during playing smash bros or whatever

    Hunter x Hunter (2011) Music Collection

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #2236
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Now to the most important part: WHAT in the world was Ging talking about when he mentioned other worlds? We saw some fantasy map, but surely mankind in HXH is evolved enough to have mapped out the whole globe already, right? So ... aliens or alternate dimensions? Man, this anime/manga could be the most amazing adventure of all times, if only its mangaka did some properly paced work :/
    Manga Spoiler:

    No spoilers, thank you
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  17. #2237
    Well, finally managed to finished off the series. I had left off in the Knuckle / Youpi fight.

    Very glad this remake was made, even though they screwed up by censoring some of the best fights from the original one... they couldn't hide much of the violence in the Chimera Ant arc though.

    Anyways, very satisfying series. One thing that bothered me with the last development was that during the Greed Island arc Gon was adamant that more important than finding Ging it was introducing Killua to Ging, so a bit disappointment that Gon didn't push that issue or even mention it once getting to Ging was a step away.

    Coincidentally, the anime stopped right where I had stopped reading the manga...which I plan on reading soon. Of course, considering that stop point a few developments weren't introduced, but that's besides the point.

    Hopefully we get to see more Hunter X Hunter animated, though the series as it is left me satisfied. And if it returns, I hope they don't make us start from the very beginning once again, as enjoyable as the journey has been.

  18. #2238
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it comes out 20 years later I could do with a refresher in 300Hz 4D 8000p video though.

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  19. #2239
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    If it comes out 20 years later I could do with a refresher in 300Hz 4D 8000p video though.
    Meanwhile, the rest of us will just be watching through our neural interfaces, grandpa.

  20. #2240
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Meanwhile, the rest of us will just be watching through our neural interfaces, grandpa.
    Meanwhile, I´ll be married to my A.I.-induced RealDoll-Neferpitou.

    I win :>

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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