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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #1861
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    The King just has a concussion. He's learned stuff, but he doesn't consciously remember it. That's why he's confused. He doesn't feel superior, but he doesn't remember why.

    He hasn't lost his character development. He's just misplaced it.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  2. #1862
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Why does pouf think that the king finding komugi dead (at his hands) is going to end well for anyone?

  3. #1863
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Why does pouf think that the king finding komugi dead (at his hands) is going to end well for anyone?
    He would probably try to get rid of the body, and the whole existence of Komugi, before the King has a chance to see her at all. But even if the King did see the body, it wouldn't automatically mean he would remember everything related to her. In that case Pouf would have also won because it would be just another corpse. Pouf is always ready to die for and by the King, so getting punished lethally wouldn't bother him at all. On the other hand he also has a huge ego and imagines he knows what's best for the King, so there's nothing in his personality that would prevent him from hurting Komugi behind the King's back in this sort of situation.

  4. #1864
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    -- - - - - -

    Man, Pouf. He's losing it. I think he lost too much of his brain when he fed most of himself to the King. The King is already looking down on the palace and no doubt everybody within and around since he's practically a god already, so Pouf running around trying to achieve anything behind the King's back at this point is pure foolishness. Youpi is already the smarter of those two. Furthermore, it was pretty funny Pouf even dreamed of beating anybody serious with his partial clone. He couldn't fight decently to begin with in his full form. His only worth was controlling nobodies. Too bad he's so hard to kill.

    Killua going all biribiri is pretty cool. Such mastery of an element is no doubt a sign of nen mastery. A few eps ago he was even reviving himself directly from a power socket, which is quite significant in my opinion.

    The King needs to be reunited with Komugi. His personality is as ruthless as ever, but his powers have warped. He needs a limiter.

  5. #1865
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    He couldn't fight decently to begin with in his full form.
    Well, we don't know that for sure, because he never actually tried.

    He didn't have one real fight in this arc, and now, I'm not sure he's going to get to.

    I thought there was going to be an actual fight against that clone, but nope, he just kept leaving.

  6. #1866
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Well, we don't know that for sure, because he never actually tried.

    He didn't have one real fight in this arc, and now, I'm not sure he's going to get to.

    I thought there was going to be an actual fight against that clone, but nope, he just kept leaving.
    Isn't that the same thing? If he theoretically could fight but always leaves instead, he would be a lousy fighter in practice. Looking at the situation a bit deeper, he didn't accept Youpi honouring the agreement, which suggests in Pouf's opinion leaving opponents alive using any reason or excuse is not good. Thus we can deduce he would rather fight than withdraw. But because he does retreat easily, it means he has no confidence in his fighting prowess. The final conclusion: He's weak.

  7. #1867
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Isn't that the same thing? If he theoretically could fight but always leaves instead, he would be a lousy fighter in practice.
    If he were leaving out of cowardice, then yes. But every time he's left a fight, it's because the fight wasn't his goal.

    When fighting Morel, his only objective was to get to the King. He didn't care if he defeated anyone or not, all he cared about was getting free of the smoke, finding out where the King went, and going after him.

    When fighting Knuckle and Killua, he similarly had other objectives, first killing the girl, then destroying the gungi board. Knuckle didn't have the girl, so he left, and Killua didn't have the board, so he left.

    So far, I haven't seen him leave a fight because he was afraid of losing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Looking at the situation a bit deeper, he didn't accept Youpi honouring the agreement, which suggests in Pouf's opinion leaving opponents alive using any reason or excuse is not good. Thus we can deduce he would rather fight than withdraw. But because he does retreat easily, it means he has no confidence in his fighting prowess.
    I think that's a stretch. I think he retreats because his true goals are often time sensitive. He could take the time to fight Morel, but in the time it would take to do it, something could happen to the King(and he ended up taking too long as it was). He could take the time to fight Knuckle or Killua, but in that time, the King could end up discovering the things he's trying to hide from him.

  8. #1868
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But if Pouf was actually powerful in a straight fight, he would have just killed Morel instead of trying to sneak away. If it would take him more time to kill Morel than to escape, he is a not as much of a fighter as the other 2 guards, at least.
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  9. #1869
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    If it would take him more time to kill Morel than to escape, he is a not as much of a fighter as the other 2 guards, at least.
    Not arguing that. Just arguing with Kraco's "he couldn't fight decently to begin with" statement. Being weaker than Youpi and Pitou and being weaker than anyone on the human team is a vast power gulf. It took 5 of them to even bring Youpi to the point where he wanted to make an agreement with them.

  10. #1870
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Not arguing that. Just arguing with Kraco's "he couldn't fight decently to begin with" statement. Being weaker than Youpi and Pitou and being weaker than anyone on the human team is a vast power gulf. It took 5 of them to even bring Youpi to the point where he wanted to make an agreement with them.
    And one of them was Killua, who was using Godspeed.
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  11. #1871
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The ants aren't really that fast (except the King, especially in his current state). They are just stupidly tough. Without that almost cheat like toughness, they would already be dead many times over. Rather than them being great fighters, they are just great survivors.
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  12. #1872
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Technically I said he has no confidence in his own fighting power, which makes him weak. If he's ready to tell others they shouldn't spare opponents, he surely shouldn't do it himself. However, I reckon there's another facet to his weakness as a warrior: He places no intrinsic worth in the act of fighting itself and thus not on the fighting strength either. He's only looking for the profit vanquishing someone might bring. I suppose that's the outlook of modern warfare in RL, but these guys are mostly martial artists, so it's disastrous to his practical battle prowess. Pouf can't dream of beating people who have given their all to train upon training and acquiring battle wisdom from multiple sources if he doesn't give a shit about his own strength and only hopes to somehow reach his objective.

    Naturally he is helped by the bullshit divine strength of these ants; they don't need to do anything and they are basically as strong as the most experienced human nen masters. Pouf should have that potential as well, he's just utterly lacking the will and interest.

  13. #1873
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    So they have reached Kite. Will Gon just suddenly attack Nef once she fails to restore Kite?
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  14. #1874
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Killua going all biribiri is pretty cool. Such mastery of an element is no doubt a sign of nen mastery. A few eps ago he was even reviving himself directly from a power socket, which is quite significant in my opinion
    I'm not so sure. Killua recharged because electric Nen drains really fast. He claimed that he can play tag all night, but whether that's the case in practice is yet to be seen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Looking at the situation a bit deeper, he didn't accept Youpi honouring the agreement, which suggests in Pouf's opinion leaving opponents alive using any reason or excuse is not good
    I don't think that's the case, but rather that leaving an enemy to live when you could easily kill them only leaves problems for the future.

    Escaping instead of fighting Morel meant that he could trap Morel with his undersized self. I agree that Pouf's never thought "I'll beat the shit out of this guy", and I think his cautiousness prevents him from doing so anyway.

    As for Gon, I'm only slightly curious. His "lost it" mentality doesn't really interest me all that much.

    Palm on the other hand is looking rather sexy these days

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  15. #1875
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I'm not so sure. Killua recharged because electric Nen drains really fast. He claimed that he can play tag all night, but whether that's the case in practice is yet to be seen.
    The ability to recharge itself was significant in my opinion. Normally you'd think a nen user needs to rest, eat, and build up his lost stamina like a normal human, which is a rather slow process. Killua can simply stick his fingers into a power socket. Assuming a 16A fuse, he should be back to a top condition in no time! As long as they aren't in a backwards country, finding electricity outlets isn't really all that difficult. When you think about it, elemental powers aren't rare in fiction, and oft the elementalists are resistant to their own element, but only a fraction of them can eat that element to regain their strength quickly.

    I'm sure he will be able to extent the time he can use electricity as he trains and grows up. He's still rather small, after all, and battery capacity is directly related to the volume of the battery as well.

  16. #1876
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    You make it sound like he can use electricity to just cure whatever ails him. Stanima loss, Nen depletion, injuries etc.

    I just took it to mean that his lightning powers require a charge, and he can't use them without recharging. But that doesn't mean he can't use his other Nen abilities.

    Sure, it's great that he can artificially charge his special powers, but if he can only use them for 30 seconds at a time before needing to recharge, that seems like a drawback, not a benefit.

    Compare that to someone like Morel, who can use his powers continuously for days at a time. Would it matter if he could recharge them at a smokestack? Not if they never run out in the first place.

  17. #1877
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Sure, if we are talking about haxors who never run out... But then again, Morel didn't really manage to do a whole lot in this battle, did he, despite never running out (although he could do jack shit after stupidly losing his pipe to Pouf of all opponents; a huge weakness if any)? I admit we don't know yet enough about Killua's power to judge it sufficiently. And no, I very much doubt he can cure everything by sucking electricity. But if he can recharge his electricity based nen that way, then it's all good and nothing bad, as the alternative would be to rest like any regular person. I'm sure he can gradually extend the time he can wield it as well. Electricity also doesn't seem to be hugely popular among nen fighters, which means few opponents would know how to defend against it; even a monster like Youpi was helpless, although being a monster he didn't take too much damage.

  18. #1878
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    (although he could do jack shit after stupidly losing his pipe to Pouf of all opponents; a huge weakness if any)?
    Absolutely. Other characters have different kinds of weaknesses.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    But if he can recharge his electricity based nen that way, then it's all good and nothing bad, as the alternative would be to rest like any regular person.
    I still think you're looking at it backwards. Nobody else NEEDS to recharge their special Nen ability so quickly. Kurapica's chains never seem to run out of energy. Knuckle's ability works regardless of his own personal condition. Neither of their powers seem to weaken them, or disappear when they have to rest.

    Conversely, a special ability that has to be recharged by a physical source after a very short amount of time in use seems like all bad, nothing good to me.

    What if he was in a place like where Netero and Meruem fought, where there is no electrical source nearby? He'd be screwed.

  19. #1879
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Some powerful abilities can only work for short periods of time. Don't forget Kurapika's eyes. Killua's electricity belongs to that category, only his can be charged, while Kurapika needs actual rest.
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  20. #1880
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    At least he said he could go all day just using the insane speed boost. Maybe the heavy attacks he used against Youpi were too much. Also, though I'm repeating myself, he's still a kid. How long has he trained his electro attacks? Months? A year at most. And nobody can help him with it, since most people wouldn't be able to handle it.

    I actually like it more that they would get tired instead of going forever like a duracell bunny. It's far more human and makes fights more exciting. The arc is already losing it, or lost it, with the King becoming a god. The last thing we need is all the others becoming mini-gods as well.

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