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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #1841
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Just a head's up, but Togashi is back. There will be new manga next month.
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  2. #1842
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    - - - - - - - --

    Netero shouldn't have been such a cheapskate. A few kilotons more would have done the trick. Still, the King is a real monster to revive even from such a sorry state. I don't really see how they could ever hope to vanquish him after this without a mystic nen power instead of physical one. Assuming they need to beat him anymore. His personality didn't seem to have changed that much, though, so he ought to be a danger still.

    It was quite funny Pouf actually believed he could eliminate anybody with his partial clone in such a short time. He expected Komugi to be still in the same room, yet that would have meant Gon would be there as well. Pouf wouldn't have had a snowball's chance against Gon. He might have lost too many brain cells by feeding himself to the King.

  3. #1843
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ok, this is now boring. I dont see any scenario where any of the remaining heroes could be capable of defeating the king, whoīs now even stronger than before fighting Netero. Now itīs all set to end in a peaceful way, someone talking the king into giving up his cruel plans. Like, Komugi saying something and then the king falls in love with her and decides to be a couple or something lol. I also thought that maybe Killua could stall the king by using Komugi as a hostage, but I donīt see it. The king is too fast, too deadly, heīd simply dash over, grab Komugi and kill Killua, all in the tenth of the blink of an eye.

    My prediction:

    - king will stop his plans because of Komugi
    - Pouf will be killed by the king when his mind games are revealed somehow
    - Youpi stays loyal to the king and whatever he decides
    - Pitou is either killed by Gon or beaten but alive and joins Youpi and the king
    - the end

    Now, what Iīd want to happen is that the king remembers everything and is as villainous as ever. But then we arrive at the problem: WHO can beat him? Netero couldnīt. I donīt see the Zaoldyeks being able to. The spiders are below his level, too, outside of some special ability of Croloīs.

    No, I donīt see it. Shitty peaceful solution it is.

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  4. #1844
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    That was the gayest thing ever.

    Ugh. It sucks that the King got amnesia, basically just to undo all of his character development.

    For a while there I was CERTAIN the King was just going to finish eating Pouf and Youpi.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    - king will stop his plans because of Komugi

    Near as I can tell we've got two fights left:

    Gon Vs. Pitou

    And Pouf's Clone vs. the rest, who should be winnable for them because the clone only has a fraction of Pouf's power. And since Bankruptcy is apparently transferred from the clone to the real Pouf, defeating the clone means defeating Pouf entirely.

  5. #1845
    Well that was a load of bullshit.

  6. #1846
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yeah, I didn't like the developments in this episode. All of a sudden, feeding the king regenerates him? I'd understand passing the powers because that was mentioned before, but if the king can regenerate from eating, the entire arm surgery thing that even allowed all these events to happen is now completely superficial.

    I actually hope some random OP hunter just pawns the king. Or they use a nuke 100x the power of the last one. I just want this arc to be over. The only interesting thing here now is Gon's fight, which I don't actually want to happen because Nef is gonna die.
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  7. #1847
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    All of a sudden, feeding the king regenerates him?
    I think it was WHAT he was being fed that allowed him to heal. I doubt he would have recovered if they'd just fed him some cheeseburgers.

  8. #1848
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well, of course. What I am questioning is HOW feeding is causing regeneration. We have never seen any chimera ant do that before.

    I would have liked some foreshadowing of this regeneration effect. If anything, Nef's arm operation on the king actually made this less believable.
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  9. #1849
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Well, of course. What I am questioning is HOW feeding is causing regeneration. We have never seen any chimera ant do that before.

    I would have liked some foreshadowing of this regeneration effect. If anything, Nef's arm operation on the king actually made this less believable.
    Well there's no need for the king to eat someone if his arms' just lying there waiting to be stitched. Pouf made a ditch effort that may or may not have worked. It banked on the idea that when the king eats he "absorbs someone's power for himself". I think the guards were mostly afraid the king was going to die from blood loss the time he chopped off his arm, not that he couldn't regenerate it himself.

    The point of that scene was that he was offering his arm as a sign of his disrespect. The conceded when the guards cried to repair him.

    I'm rather glad Pouf is still scheming. It keeps things interesting because I don't know what else will, really. That said, the beginning of the episode was pretty hilarious.

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  10. #1850
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    It banked on the idea that when the king eats he "absorbs someone's power for himself".
    Yeah, but neither Pouf nor Youpi have displayed regeneration powers either. So even that explanation doesn't make sense in the context of the information we have.

    I'm curious whether Youpi will ever actually recover from this. Just he just need to eat a bunch to restore his biomass, or is he gonna chibi forever?

  11. #1851
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I'm curious whether Youpi will ever actually recover from this. Just he just need to eat a bunch to restore his biomass, or is he gonna chibi forever?
    These ants and their physiology have long since left behind any last traces of rationality, so I bet he just needs to eat a mountain of food and he's as good as new.

  12. #1852
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Yeah, but neither Pouf nor Youpi have displayed regeneration powers either. So even that explanation doesn't make sense in the context of the information we have.

    The King had that power (the ability to absorb external energy and apply/change self.. that is, eat and add to himself). Regeneration is one application of it. What made less sense was why he was this fiery figure in between his recovery. That the fact he was eating Pouf/Youpi didn't matter as long as he at rich, Nen-rich cells.

    Youpi shows metamorphic abilities. Whether he'll eventually gain mass again lies in whether he can actually multiply his cells or not.

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  13. #1853
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Yeah, I assumed the king as able to regenerate thanks to Youpiīs magic beast-cells.

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  14. #1854
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    What made less sense was why he was this fiery figure in between his recovery.
    I assumed that was just glowing with energy, not fire.

  15. #1855
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What Mfauli says actually makes sense. Youpi CAN regenerate himself (along with transformation), as long as he has the cells to do it. After absorbing Youpi's cells and gaining his Nen power, the King can now regenerate or transform himself much like how Youpi does it.

    It is more convincing than saying that the King incidentally had the ability to regenerate through eating aside from his Nen ability absorption ability.
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  16. #1856
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Well, Youpi can morph into many things, so it helps for regeneration. Pouf also manipulates his body/cells so that he creates many clones or chibi bees.
    Absorbing cells from both of them certainly was a great help for the king in the predicament he was, and feels enough to explain how he totally recovered.
    Pouf and Youpi were even depicted losing a great deal of their bodies and probably strength. So even there it felt balanced in a way.
    I guess Youpi and Pouf can go back to their original size by eating too, logically they'd need quite a lot of average life forms and could speed up the process with higher quality ones... Like what the Meruem experienced. Hunters at the castle are a good source I guess...

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  17. #1857
    The poo that the king is going to land after all that (unless he also is 100% efficent in energy processing and fuckoff thermodinamics and entropy) must be legendary. This was the worse development I could ever imagine. Not only is he alive but in a few minutes is back in one piece and stronger than ever. Im going to give the show the benefit of the doubt and pray that this evolves into something cool/logic/entertaining. Cant hide that this was a very big dissapointment and a letdown. If things dont look good in the next couple episodes im done with this show.
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  18. #1858
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I wonder if Meruem can also split into a bunch of little clones now too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4 View Post
    This was the worse development I could ever imagine.
    I dunno if I'd call it the WORST. We've basically transformed the Meruem's loss into losses for Youpi and Pouf. So instead of beating the King, Netero has essentially beaten two of the Royal Guards.

    And given that Pouf has consistently proven to be a bigger asshole than Meruem, we're probably going to be better off in the long run that Pouf was brought down instead of Meruem.

    But again, given that Meruem has had all of his character development wiped, it's going to come down to Komugi. And I don't see Killua and Co. letting Pouf get to her now.

  19. #1859
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I dunno if I'd call it the WORST. We've basically transformed the Meruem's loss into losses for Youpi and Pouf. So instead of beating the King, Netero has essentially beaten two of the Royal Guards.
    Isn't that only temporary? Besides, Netero could have beaten these two royal guards without much trouble had he been fighting against them. I agree with Edort (and nearly everybody) that this was bad development. It's rare that a nuke is used to solve anything in anime (or in any media) and thus it made quite an impact: The King was so fricking tough that Netero never really had a chance in a totally honest fight, and thus we got the rare nuclear solution. But since the King survived even that, it's either obvious he's not going to go down in a fight but possibly live a mushy live with Komugi, or if he's indeed still going to fight, those fights will be truly hard-pressed to have any impact whatsoever.

    I also wonder about Meruem losing his character development. How much did he have that in the first place? His basic personality was built sufficiently, perhaps, but that's still there, isn't it? Uber arrogance and superiority. He was ready to slay Pouf if Pouf lied a second time, without any hesitation, and he did whatever he wanted. That's exactly like the King had always been. His history is really short in the first place, and Komugi is basically the only piece worth mentioning.

  20. #1860
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Isn't that only temporary?
    We don't know yet. And even if it is, if someone else shows up to take on Meruem right now(or Gon gets a crazy Shonen powerup and comes to face him after beating Pitou), then Pouf and Youpi are probably in no position to effect that battle at the moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I agree with Edort (and nearly everybody) that this was bad development.
    I agree, I'm just saying, it's not the worst. The worst would have been the Meruem surviving and being able to recover without two of the Royal Guards having to sacrifice themselves for it.

    And, as far as the remaining characters are concerned, Meruem dying would probably have been worse for their chances of survival, if they'd had to face off against a berserk Pouf and Youpi, instead of one mildly disinterested Meruem who's probably going to have a non-violent resolution to this arc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Uber arrogance and superiority.
    Yes, but remember that Netero said as he was triggering the bomb that Meruem was underestimating humanity. And the last thought Meruem had before the explosion was that he'd lost before the fight even began.

    So Meruem might have lost some of that sense of superiority, if he'd had any recollection of the battle he lost.

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