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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #1621
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Ah, I see. You're saying the Hunter's Association's mission was for them to kill Pitou, but their personal mission was not.

    I agree with that.

  2. #1622
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    And Gon isnīt doing anything for revenge. If that were true heīd have killed Pitou. He didnīt attack because Killua explained how theyīd need Pitou alive to bring back Kite.
    The fact that Killua had to explain that to him tells you it wasn't the first thing on Gon's mind. His impulse was revenge, to "get Pitou back for what she did to Kite". Only after an entire episode did he accept the fact that Kite's well-being comes before his desire to pound Pitou. Even then he couldn't hold himself back for more than one hour, even though Pitou really holds the cards to Kite's revival.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #1623
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    - -- -- - -- -

    A somewhat useless episode. That also meant the narration took the main role and I began to bloody hate it. As soon as this infiltration mission launched, I've been feeling the narration is too overpowering, but it wasn't so bad when stuff happened. But now that pretty nothing happened, it felt like the narration was pure mockery.

    I admit I was wrong: Both Knuckle and Shoot are blistering idiots, who think dying in a grand fight is more important than completing their mission and living to tell about it. Truly Netero was scraping the bottom of the barrel when he was manning this mission.

    Cheetu got the kind of an end he deserved for being so stupid.

  4. #1624
    narrator is so damn annoying. I want to watch something, not listen to his annoying voice the whole time for the past few episodes!!!

  5. #1625
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I like the narrator. Definitely better than having characters explain the situation themselves while in life or death instances.

    Only 3 minutes have passed since the start of the mission.
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  6. #1626
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Poor Cheetu. Spared from his previous fight just so he can have a scene where he dies making the Zoldyks look badass.

    Shoots decision is obviously both hot blooded and infuriating. To know that the enemy would have just sat their while his power ticked away at him, and to decide to go poke the bear instead...

    Now it seems like Gon is going to take on Youpi as well, leaving Gon to deal with Pitou on his own. Though, if they really are just gonna sit there for an hour, Killia's got time to go around helping whoever and still be back into time to help Gon.

    He'll probably get wounded too badly fighting Youpi though so Pitou and Gon can have their big climactic shonen battle.

    Which, is kinda what I'm expecting for this arc. For it to be like the Invasion of Konoha arc in Naruto. Where the highest level battle in that instance is the 3rd vs. Orochimaru, and here's it's Netero vs. the King, the actual climax of the arc was Naruto vs. Gaara, or Gon vs. Pitou here.

    It just seems like everyone elses fights will be long over before Gon's even starts.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I like the narrator. Definitely better than having characters explain the situation themselves while in life or death instances.
    I agree. It's far less stupid than the trope of having people explain their own powers to their enemies.

  7. #1627
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    To be fair, I don't think we hate the narrator as such. We hate that time's moved so slowly for 3 minutes. The narrator's the side effect, not the cause.

    Killua might not get hurt much either, since he's got Meleoron giving him a free shot. Given that he says he only needs once chance, I'm expecting something big. The question is how that'll play in with Knuckle's plan since the latter's getting Youpi to explode and all.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #1628
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Narrator hater can suck it.

    Another good episode. There really havenīt been any bad episodes, itīs just that every single second is so great that the weekly wait for more is cruciating.

    But seriously, Knuckle and Shoot are dumb beyond belief. Suddenly turninng this into a fight for their pride. They really deserve to die now ... or not, since thatīs what they seek :/

    One more complaint: Here weīre having a "fight for humanity", and yet Zeno and Silva leave the battlefield. I canīt help but feel that this takes a lot of suspense and excitement away from the whole fight, because it creates an atmosphere of "well, maybe Gon, Killua and Netero cannot defeat the ants, buuuut there are enough other, stronger guys in the world. So no matter what, the ants wonīt win".
    In other words: The royal guard needs a serious power boost right now, and the king better be ridiculously, absurdly powerful. Otherwise, well, just get the Spider members there and itīs all over.

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  9. #1629
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Maybe they are just ridiculously professional and never do anything unless paid for. That is what gramps said in this episode anyway. It's the first time he killed someone without a contract.
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  10. #1630
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    One more complaint: Here weīre having a "fight for humanity", and yet Zeno and Silva leave the battlefield. I canīt help but feel that this takes a lot of suspense and excitement away from the whole fight, because it creates an atmosphere of "well, maybe Gon, Killua and Netero cannot defeat the ants, buuuut there are enough other, stronger guys in the world. So no matter what, the ants wonīt win".
    Like I said before, this isn't any last stand for humanity. I guess you could call it the second stand since the mission to stop the king before he hatched failed, but this is still nothing but an effort by a few members of a private organization to do some pest control on their free time. Obviously nobody in the world cares about the North Korea like country they are in right now, either, so even if everybody in it was eaten by ants, the rest of the world would hardly make more than a few headlines out of it. The Zoldyck honchos simply leaving when their part of the mission was over illustrates that further: The threat simply isn't so significant yet that anybody but those directly involved would go out of their way to do anything about it.

  11. #1631
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    They also made it pretty clear that Killua's grandpa thinks Netero is stronger than he is. So if he can't beat the King, the Zoldyks probably can't either.

  12. #1632
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I guess we aren't watching the same show. They aren't even the world's last defense. They are the first defense. A private organization working with the absolute bare minimum of manpower the organization bothered to send in, which includes two brats who are there only because they have a secondary, personal objective. I very much doubt they would have gone forth with the operation if they didn't believe in their chances. The whole delaying the royal guards, not defeating them, also sounds like something that prioritises the lives of the attackers, though naturally it's also crafty in the sense that it might make their pride force them to fight till their last breath, which is what almost happened to Shoot.
    Did you miss the part where they sent in the world's strongest fighter to fight the world's strongest magical beast? And that if the strongest man loses, no one can stop the magical beast? That the king would eat the world's strongest man and gain his powers?

    Yes, they are the first line of defense. They are the only line of defense. Because if Netero fails, no one will be able to succeed.
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  13. #1633
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    Did you miss the part where they sent in the world's strongest fighter to fight the world's strongest magical beast? And that if the strongest man loses, no one can stop the magical beast? That the king would eat the world's strongest man and gain his powers?

    Yes, they are the first line of defense. They are the only line of defense. Because if Netero fails, no one will be able to succeed.
    Haha, yeah, right. In the first place I don't think Netero is the strongest. He doesn't think so himself, I believe. I imagine for example Gon's old man is a level above. If the world was lost should he fail, Netero wouldn't be fighting the king one on one. That would make absolutely zero sense. Send ten strong men in all at once and be done with it. In fact he could have just paid Zoldycks a bit more to have those two backstab the king in the middle of the fight (if he had needed to pay anything at all, since they would also be saving themselves if they were saving the world). He would need to be as stupid as Shoot and Knuckle to stick to some ridiculous honourable duel if the fate of the world was decided in it. The ants have no such luxury since for them it's just the king, three royal guards, and some scattered small fries.

  14. #1634
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Some people obviously value their honor more than the survival of the human race.

    The argument being that if you can't win while maintaining your humanity, then does humanity really deserve to win?

    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    That the king would eat the world's strongest man and gain his powers?
    Wait, what?

    He's not a Queen, he can't make new ants with other people's Nen just by eating them.

  15. #1635
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think it was mentioned that the King grows stronger if he eats strong people.
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  16. #1636
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    That show gets stupidly boring by stretching every bit of thin air they can...
    The DB analogy really makes sense now...

    The only thing I like is how Cheetu has been taken care of.
    Killua's father seems to be stronger than Youpi, should we compare the crater he created with a single blow and being composed and Youpi's destruction at his peak of aura/wrath.

    Now, please give us eps that advance plot or/and people.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  17. #1637
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I think it was mentioned that the King grows stronger if he eats strong people.
    Indeed. I think it was when the King invaded the castle and ate that guard that had nen. Pitou then explained The Kings nen power.

  18. #1638
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    The argument being that if you can't win while maintaining your humanity, then does humanity really deserve to win?
    Does a single man really deserve to decide whether humanity survives or not? Netero never really gave me the kind of impression he would think so impossibly highly of himself. I also think he plans to duel honourably. Which is why I can't see this being humanity's best or last chance. You can easily bet your own life, but you can't be the lives of all humans unless you are the worst super criminal or don't have any choice whatsoever (like a galactic emperor abducts you to challenge you to a game you can't refuse. If you lose, he will use the death star on Earth).

    Let's also not forget the king here is the result of the queen eating who knows how many humans. Technically you could say Netero could bring as many people with him as the queen needed to eat to produce such a mofo.

  19. #1639
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Maybe Netero has some weird skill that only works or works better when he is alone. That is the only meaningful reason for dueling the King. He does not strike me as someone who would risk the world for a manly face off.
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  20. #1640
    I know it was from the last episode, but...

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