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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #1601
    Seeing this episode animated was simply amazing, you guys covered pretty much what I wanted to say about it already so not worth repeating from me.

  2. #1602
    damn that was an emotonal episode, the animation and strugle were perfect

  3. #1603
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure if Gon attacked Nef, she would have defended herself, causing Komugi to die, then she will kill the two brats in vengeance. Simply dying is not a choice, because that would have also caused Komugi to die, leaving Nef with nothing.

    In the larger scheme of things, Killua made the right choice, since it delayed the guard and saved his friend's soul.

    I really hope Nef doesn't turn traitor after this. I really like her and I hate those who go back on their words.
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  4. #1604
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Despite everything, I must say that Killua is way underestimating Pitou/overestimating himself. Does he reeeeally believe that Kite can still be saved? Because if that isn´t true, he´s giving up their best chance at defeating a member of the royal guard. Add to that that they´re likely still way weaker than Pitou.
    Yeah, but if Kite really can't be saved, does it really matter if they defeat Pitou or not? The battle between Netero and the King will be long over then, and that's really the only one they care about.

    Any way you look at it, the job Gon and Killua were given by the Hunters was too keep her from helping the King. And they've done that for the next hour at least(although technically, if they hadn't shown up, she'd have been busy for 3-4 hours).

    Now their own personal mission of helping Kite? That's another matter.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I wonder how honest Pitou was when she said "I´ll do anything if you let me save this girl". If I were Gon, I´d have made the demand "save Kite, then kill yourself".
    At the bare minimum, they should be asking her to explain how her powers work.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I will make this prediction: Pitou lied and will instantly go on the offense once Komugi is healed.
    I want to say...Pitou will keep her word unless the King gives her a direct order. His command is more important than her life or her honor. If things go badly for Netero, the King may come back and order Pitou to kill them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Why delay somebody for an hour if the other alternative is to delay them for an eternity? Makes zero sense unless there's some heavier reason to choose the single hour.
    That's assuming that you really do get to one-shot Pitou. And some survival instinct doesn't kick in, she instinctively raises her aura to protect herself, Komugi dies, and then you have a full-power Pitou, enraged at having failed her King to deal with.

    Better to just let her waste an hour if she'll do it willingly.

    EDIT: Basically, what Shinta said.

  5. #1605
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Bullshit. They were planning to win, not die trying in vain. People may say they are ready to die for the mission but only brainwashed nogoods actually do it willingly, real men would only do it when there's no other choice. Shoot was perhaps already accepting his death, but as Knuckle demonstrated, they didn't go in planning to die. Gon would have never done it anyway; not in his personality or way of thinking. In the first place, his second goal is to save Kite, which would hardly go together with getting killed in seconds.
    Are we watching the same show?

    None of them want to die. They all know they are weaker than the ants, and that they probably will die. And they know that their mission is worth it, since they are the world's last line of defense against the ants.

    Not to mention what you said isn't replying to my point. Why delay somebody for an hour if the other alternative is to delay them for an eternity? Makes zero sense unless there's some heavier reason to choose the single hour.
    Because the alternative isn't to delay them for eternity. The alternative is to let Gon allow his emotions to control him, attack Pitou in a fit of rage, and get killed instantly by an enemy with better instincts, reflexes, and powers.

    Killua knows what their mission is. To delay the Royal Guard, so that Netero can deal with the king one on one. Killua knows that he and Gon are both too weak to kill Pitou.
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  6. #1606
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    So you thought this was a good episode?
    With all the repeats and almost no development episode?
    DB was mentionned, and yes it was your below average DB ep with so much delaying you think nothing happened for over 20 minutes. And that was almost that.
    And it comes after so many eps that does the same thing, it starts to become really annoying.

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  7. #1607
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    People really have to appreciate the more subtle things in life. I have a friend who says the exact things as you do. While I understand your desire for story development, the delivery in this episode was impeccable. In order to enjoy this, focus less on your time efficiency and more on the details. Gon's reaction itself is a treat to those who watch a lot of anime, since it departs from the usual shounen hero trope. Comparing this to DBZ charging episodes is absurd. Just Killua's thoughts in this episode alone comprise more content than such drivel.
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  8. #1608
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Any way you look at it, the job Gon and Killua were given by the Hunters was too keep her from helping the King. And they've done that for the next hour at least(although technically, if they hadn't shown up, she'd have been busy for 3-4 hours).
    From Pitou's side, there are many advantages to overestimate the time it takes to heal or to delay the healing like extra time to come up with a strategy against Gon + Killua, waiting for the other Royal Guards to be done with their opponents so that they can help her, diverting some of that aura from Dr. Blythe to regenerate her broken arms, and to let Gon cool his head so he's less furious (and hence, stronger).

  9. #1609
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    True. Most of what happens next is going to be based on whether Pitou is a liar or not. And there's no real way to predict until that get's revealed.

  10. #1610
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Firstly, I'm also with David about feelings for this episode. It was good and bad in ways. Firstly it was weird if nothing else in watching both Gon and Pitou acting so out of their normal character. And really, it did feel kinda long. It may have been necessary, but it still felt that way. I screamed "get the fuck over it" once, at least.

    As for the comment about Killua overestimating himself/underestimating Pitou, I'm with the guys who are saying that this isn't the case. They're not here to kill Pitou. They're there to revive Kite (they still think that this is possible) and separate the King from his guards. The latter part is done already, and you need Pitou alive to do the former.

    Pitou is only "likely" to be telling the truth, but add this to the fact that he's saving someone it becomes the obviously favourable choice. Only Gon doesn't see this because his rage has nowhere to go. The best character this week was Killua. Props for keeping your cool and not going lashing out when Gon bitches back at you.

    As for Pitou's words, as said above she should probably honour her words unless they endanger the King directly (and not in some roundabout "maybe" way that only the overthinking Pouf/wolf would come up with).

    She broke her bloody arm damn it. If that's not enough then take her legs. She's offering those too, just in case you needed insurance.

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  11. #1611
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    So, some of you think Pitou could have terminated her healing technique and raised her own defenses in a fraction of a second, to be able to cover her whole body? Because if Gon had really attacked, Killua would have also attacked with the full skill of an assassin. We have already learned that a part of nen defense is to decide which part of your body to defend. If you guys are right and Pitou's brain operates at 5GHz, thus allowing her to somehow make it in time to defend against Gon's super attack, she still wouldn't have known which part of her body to defend against Killua. I very much doubt she could have simply evaded, sitting on the floor and everything. Not that she would have evaded in any case, seeing how she was sitting between Komugi and Gon. Following the king's order was more important to her than her own life. So, she had no choice but to act all meek and seek a diplomatic solution in order to continue healing.

    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    Are we watching the same show?

    None of them want to die. They all know they are weaker than the ants, and that they probably will die. And they know that their mission is worth it, since they are the world's last line of defense against the ants.
    I guess we aren't watching the same show. They aren't even the world's last defense. They are the first defense. A private organization working with the absolute bare minimum of manpower the organization bothered to send in, which includes two brats who are there only because they have a secondary, personal objective. I very much doubt they would have gone forth with the operation if they didn't believe in their chances. The whole delaying the royal guards, not defeating them, also sounds like something that prioritises the lives of the attackers, though naturally it's also crafty in the sense that it might make their pride force them to fight till their last breath, which is what almost happened to Shoot.

  12. #1612
    Komugi alive is a tool/hostage you can use against the king if Netero fails. Killua is thinking 3 steps ahead. Actually is Gon the one that is being stupid and ruining lots of possible usefull tactics.
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  13. #1613
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't think anyone would stoop so low as to use Komugi as a hostage, nor do I think it would actually work against the king if he was threatened like that.

    Still, it doesn't change the fact that Gon isn't thinking and can barely grasp anything else beyond punching Pitou. It's more about revenge/venting for him than saving Kite.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #1614
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I don't think anyone would stoop so low as to use Komugi as a hostage, nor do I think it would actually work against the king if he was threatened like that.

    Still, it doesn't change the fact that Gon isn't thinking and can barely grasp anything else beyond punching Pitou. It's more about revenge/venting for him than saving Kite.
    Thus far Komugi is the only one that has severely damaged the king. A 3rd party with the power to do damage/influence like that on the king can be useful in lots of ways and maybe being a show for kids they wouldnt write about using her that way but it makes lot of sense. Its human extinction they are facing if the king keeps the selection process and creates an army of millions of ants.
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  15. #1615
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Netero wouldn't, at least. Politicians probably would, but I see Hunters differently. For one, they even had to pay Killua's granddad out here, as if 'saving the world' wasn't enough..

    And it wouldn't work either. The king damaged himself voluntarily, but pressuring him into it? I see too much pride for that to happen.

    The whole point was that they had no qualms about killing the king because they thought he was some monster, but even though they're still proceeding with a fight the two aren't entirely sure they should be fighting the being who is capable of love.

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  16. #1616
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Gon "not thinking" was part of the plan. His and Killua´s job is to fight Pitou, and theirs´ wasn´t a stalling mission but a crystal clear kill-mission.

    And Gon isn´t doing anything for revenge. If that were true he´d have killed Pitou. He didn´t attack because Killua explained how they´d need Pitou alive to bring back Kite.

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  17. #1617
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    His and Killua´s job is to fight Pitou, and theirs´ wasn´t a stalling mission but a crystal clear kill-mission.

    And Gon isn´t doing anything for revenge. If that were true he´d have killed Pitou. He didn´t attack because Killua explained how they´d need Pitou alive to bring back Kite.
    These two statements seem to conflict with each other.

    Either they were on a crystal clear kill-mission, or they needed Pitou alive. Which is it?

  18. #1618
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That's hilarious. A crystal clear kill-mission where you don't kill.
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  19. #1619
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    That's hilarious. A crystal clear kill-mission where you don't kill.
    It makes perfect sense after a bottle of crystal clear vodka.

  20. #1620
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, what do you think they told Morel during the planning? "We´re trying to capture Pitou alive to save our friend"? Morel would have put them both off mission instantly. The mission was to kill Pitou, but the special, unexpected situation changed that.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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