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  1. #1061
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Netero just confirmed that Neferpitou is stronger. If this is a one Royal Guard, who the hell is going to stand a chance against 3 of them and the king (no doubt several times stronger than Neferpitou)?

  2. #1062
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    He also said there are stronger people than him, and the strength difference means they'll have to resort to some sort of smart idea in order to overcome it. It goes back to Killua's analysis about chances.

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  3. #1063
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    He also said there are stronger people than him, and the strength difference means they'll have to resort to some sort of smart idea in order to overcome it. It goes back to Killua's analysis about chances.
    Yeah but it's not going to be as easy as that. So far they have only planned for Neferpitou, who knows what kinds of monsters the other 2 royal guards are? Also, these ants are part human too, which means they should be more than capable of strategizing. This butterfly guy already seems less single minded that Pitou. Right now, they aren't even planning for the worst case scenario that the king hatches which we all know is probably going to happen anyways.

  4. #1064
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splash! View Post
    Yeah but it's not going to be as easy as that. So far they have only planned for Neferpitou, who knows what kinds of monsters the other 2 royal guards are? Also, these ants are part human too, which means they should be more than capable of strategizing. This butterfly guy already seems less single minded that Pitou. Right now, they aren't even planning for the worst case scenario that the king hatches which we all know is probably going to happen anyways.
    2 months was the minimum time it'd take for the king to hatch, apparently. I have no idea how they derived that approximation though,

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  5. #1065
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    1.) I hate everyone who writes "Bisky". Itīs pronounced "Biske", so please write exactly that. sigh

    2.) I have no idea whatīs supposed to be happen anymore. Netero may state that there are stronger nen-users than him, but I have to wonder who that should be, and how those mysterious super-powers are thought to arrive at the NGL. Just because youīre strong doesnīt mean you care about helping out here.

    Also, wtf, so Kite IS alive? What was that scene with Pitou playing with his ... ?severed? head then? Canīt say I like this, as it robs last weekīs episode of its impact.

    And then again, how to defeat the royal guard ... and the king, lol. Or worded differently: Who IS stronger than Netero? I donīt think any of the spiders are. Uborgin might have had a small chance, but all the others are too delicate for a fight against monsters. Hisoka? Would be overwhelmed by sheer power. Killuaīs family? They struggled against Crolio. And thatīs it in terms of the strongest known characters. I doubt Ging will enter the fight. That leaves unkown characters and a weird, bullshitty improvement of Gonīs and Killuaīs.

    As I see it, Gon and Killua will fight (and defeat?) Pitou, because sheīs personally involved with them. She also seems to be the weakest of the three royal guard members. Again, no idea how the author is going to explain such an enormous power up in such short time to make this victory possible, but itīs what I think will happen.

    Fighting the king? Well, I guess we might have to stop thinking so much about "power" here. After all, there are lots of special abilities. So, ability trumps power. See Kurapika. Thinking about it, all this power talk really is stupid. Imagine that black-haired Spider girl with her vacuum. Or the guy the Spiders kidnapped that could hide objects within a mere towel, or something like that. Or, more obvious, imagine Majin Boo transforming Vegeto into a piece of chocolate (even though that backfired). Both we as the readers as well as the characters have to start thinking outside the box again. And then victory IS possible. At least then thereīs a chance. Fighting head on with your fists will bring nothing but doom, sure.

  6. #1066
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Who's saying they need to fight 1 to 1? If they hadn't taken their sweet time, it's possible the mind reader hadn't hatched yet. They only knew of Neferpitou from Killua's report, so they could have tried to see if just a single enemy had stepped out if provoked (they would have known from Killua's report that Neferpitou is eager to seek a fight). Even if it's two now, it would still be 3 to 2, not such bad odds. However, even they know the odds are only getting worse. This doesn't make much sense if you ask me.

    But then again, I still think they should get a bomber to drop canisters of pyrethrin around the nest. Maybe even DDT for good measure, since this is but an isolated case. At the end of the day, it's still insects they are fighting. Why make such a big deal out of it?

  7. #1067
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Who's saying they need to fight 1 to 1? If they hadn't taken their sweet time, it's possible the mind reader hadn't hatched yet. They only knew of Neferpitou from Killua's report, so they could have tried to see if just a single enemy had stepped out if provoked (they would have known from Killua's report that Neferpitou is eager to seek a fight).
    Neferpitou's En is so strong she can notice anything within about a 2 Km radius. She is such a monster she would probably trash all three pro's at this point, otherwise yes they would have just lured her out. I don't see how they've been taking their sweet time when you don't really have time reference. For all you know the Chairman could have arrived there ASAP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Even if it's two now, it would still be 3 to 2, not such bad odds. However, even they know the odds are only getting worse. This doesn't make much sense if you ask me.
    Running in unprepared could get them killed. See: Kite. When the Chairman is weary enough to fight one royal guard, why would they rush in on two?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    But then again, I still think they should get a bomber to drop canisters of pyrethrin around the nest. Maybe even DDT for good measure, since this is but an isolated case. At the end of the day, it's still insects they are fighting. Why make such a big deal out of it?
    Only counter-argument here I suppose is that they would need enough bombers such that Neferpitou couldn't possible strike them all down.

  8. #1068
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
    Running in unprepared could get them killed. See: Kite. When the Chairman is weary enough to fight one royal guard, why would they rush in on two?
    Yeah, indeed. Better wait till all three royal guards are out, and maybe even the king. Only then it will be worth it to attack. Bards will still sing of their heroics 100 years later.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
    Only counter-argument here I suppose is that they would need enough bombers such that Neferpitou couldn't possible strike them all down.
    Assuming Neferpitou could jump high enough to take bombers down (without knowing what they are and why they are there), why not? The hunters could sneak in to slay the Queen while Neferpitou's jumping up and down. Or they could just use rockets to deliver the poison.

    But this is just silly talk. Obviously each and every ant needs to be beaten to death by hand in a shounen show. I admit it would be a highly anticlimactic ending for this arc if they used insecticides.

  9. #1069
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    All this prepared-or-not-prepared talk is getting tiring. EVERYTIME someone loses, you could say "well, he wasnīt prepared well enough". Itīs idiotic.

    Outside of weird shounen-esque rapid power ups, you are who you are. And then itīs all about confidence. You keep walking a certain direction and when you run into something, you manage to deal with it or you donīt. The latter resulting in your death.

    There is no kind of preparation that would ever satisfy everybody. Thatīs why Kite wasnīt incompetent. He THOUGHT he was prepared well enough. He wasnīt. So he "died". The same goes for Netero now. Theyīre gathering intel with those ghost bunnies, and when thatīs done, theyīll probably enter the area. The THINK the are prepared well enough. If they die, they werenīt. If they win, they were.

    The point is that overthinking it makes no sense for reality. Letīs say Netero was the strongest nen-user. So he sees Pitou and realizes "sheīs stronger". Thereīs nothing more to prepare. He has two options: Engage battle and outsmart her. Or kill himself. Or wait for the Chimera ants to fully conquer the world, which is really the same.

    Fuck "preparation".

  10. #1070
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post

    Fuck "preparation".
    lol.. that's essentially what Gon said.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Also, wtf, so Kite IS alive? What was that scene with Pitou playing with his ... ?severed? head then? Canīt say I like this, as it robs last weekīs episode of its impact
    When we saw Kite in the ice coffin, we couldn't see the connection between his head and his body. Pitou suggests that she wants Kite re-animated though.

    I'll also write Biscuit as Bisky since that's what Horrible_Subs uses.. and I'm watching that every week. Is there an official English translation for it?

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  11. #1071
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I'll also write Biscuit as Bisky since that's what Horrible_Subs uses.. and I'm watching that every week. Is there an official English translation for it?
    You donīt need an official translation when you have functioning ears. They say "Biske", with an "eh"-sound at the end. "Bisky" would be pronounced completely differently.

  12. #1072
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    You donīt need an official translation when you have functioning ears. They say "Biske", with an "eh"-sound at the end. "Bisky" would be pronounced completely differently.
    According to Hunter Wikia:

    Biscuit Krueger (ビスケット=クルーガー, Bisuketto Kurūgā) is a professional Treasure Hunter that enlisted in clearing the video game Greed Island following the auction for the game in Yorknew City. She prefers to be called "Bisky."
    Leaving the last sentence aside, her full name is Biscuit. Basically:

    1) If you believe her full name should be written in romanji, then it's Bisuketto.. and her corresponding nickname would be Bisuke.

    2) If you believe her full name should be Anglicised as Biscuit, then her corresponding nickname would be Bisky.

    I'm in the latter camp, just as I prefer Shadow Clone Technique to Kagebunshin no Jutsu in my subs. It's not an absolute standard, since I do prefer Onii-chan to Brother (because "Brother" has a religious order feel in my head), but names have a proper meaning or form, I'd like that to be conveyed.

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  13. #1073
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I don't care about anything else aside from Biscuit (and her new hairstyle) now.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  14. #1074
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Yeah, indeed. Better wait till all three royal guards are out, and maybe even the king. Only then it will be worth it to attack. Bards will still sing of their heroics 100 years later.
    You have been the one complaining about running in unprepared. The Chairman couldn't even spot the other royal guard. If they rush in while the enemies are fewer, they also have a higher percentage of making a mistake. As a matter of fact, I don't see the point when the Chairman readily admits he would lose in a fight to Pitou. He would simply be throwing his life away to accomplish nothing, because the rest of the ants are so strong they can probably take on pro-hunters themselves. Gon and Killua could barely finish off a lieutenant who hadn't even realized his nen powers. And the Hunter Asssociation doesn't want to throw away too many of its professionals who might become food and make the Ants even stronger.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Assuming Neferpitou could jump high enough to take bombers down (without knowing what they are and why they are there), why not? The hunters could sneak in to slay the Queen while Neferpitou's jumping up and down. Or they could just use rockets to deliver the poison.
    I think its safe to assume she can, considering the instant leap she made last episode. You're assuming the Ants couldn't take down rockets. In fact, you're assuming a lot about the Ant's limitations.

  15. #1075
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage
    You have been the one complaining about running in unprepared. The Chairman couldn't even spot the other royal guard.
    Maybe... or he just walked into view after the Chairman stopped looking. Pitou didn't know his name, so he was probably just born (as in.. a few minutes ago).

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #1076
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Regarding Bisuke... There's another play on words with french slang word "biscottos" meaning biceps (or more generally muscles). Just sharing

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  17. #1077
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Pitou has perhaps the craziest motivation I've ever heard for developing healing powers.

    "I want to revive him so I can kill him again!"

    Maybe Kite will be back. But I'm honestly surprised the Queen isn't insisting on eating him.

    I already hate hair chick...alot. She's fucking creepy AND she makes every scene she's in boring by blathering.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
    In fact, you're assuming a lot about the Ant's limitations.
    Exactly, they have all the strengths of the animals that make them up(and much more so in the case of the Royal Guards). If those animals aren't killed by simple bug spray, then neither will the Ants.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sun, 06-30-2013 at 11:33 AM.

  18. #1078
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
    You have been the one complaining about running in unprepared. The Chairman couldn't even spot the other royal guard. If they rush in while the enemies are fewer, they also have a higher percentage of making a mistake. As a matter of fact, I don't see the point when the Chairman readily admits he would lose in a fight to Pitou. He would simply be throwing his life away to accomplish nothing, because the rest of the ants are so strong they can probably take on pro-hunters themselves. Gon and Killua could barely finish off a lieutenant who hadn't even realized his nen powers. And the Hunter Asssociation doesn't want to throw away too many of its professionals who might become food and make the Ants even stronger.
    The chairman is a badass and has two other badasses with him. That's quite a bit different compared to one badass walking in with two kids in tow. Even with Killua's warning, I still find it funny they seem to be far more careful and unhurried than Kite, despite their superior power. It makes Kite look all the worse.

  19. #1079
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    "Their superior power"

    lol, your Kite-hate knows no boundaries. One assumption after another.

  20. #1080
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Even if it's two now, it would still be 3 to 2, not such bad odds. However, even they know the odds are only getting worse. This doesn't make much sense if you ask me.
    You make it sound like none of the squad captains even exist and they would be nothing more than cannon fodder if they were engaged simultaneously. Kite may have crushed a bunch of inconsequential ants but he didn't face a single one with nen powers (before Pitou). With Pitou having the other ants go through the awakening process, it becomes exponentially harder to rush in. While Netero & Co. may be able to dispatch them one by one (which seems like what they are planning), what makes you think they could take on all of them simultaneously together with the Royal Guards. You know what Morel said about a battle between nen users going either way applies to the Ants too, it isn't just a saving grace for the good guys.

    Even before all of this however, you have to factor in what THEY know and don't. They DON'T know how strong the rest of the ants are (even the weak ones), because they can't even get close enough to the nest. They DON'T know that there are other royal guards around or not. All they know is that better ants hatch as the amount and quality of their food increases, and that the King is possibly a couple of months away of hatching. That and there being at least one ant as strong as Neferpitou. Given this, why would they go "Oh gee, lets just rush in now because we don't have a minute to spare" when they could inadvertently end up contributing to ants' food supply and screw the whole world over in the process. Only the viewer is aware of how rapidly things are unfolding, the characters themselves don't know jack shit. What you call 'taking their sweet time' is them trying to get better grasp of the situation (because they don't know much).

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Even with Killua's warning, I still find it funny they seem to be far more careful and unhurried than Kite, despite their superior power. It makes Kite look all the worse.
    Wait! Did you just say Kite looks worse for hurrying too much? Weren't you complaining about how he didn't just rush and deal with it all before Neferpitou hatched? Seems like whatever happens, he looks worse...
    Last edited by Splash!; Sun, 06-30-2013 at 12:03 PM.

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