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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #901
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    My initial feeling is that I expected more from Gon & Killua or conversely less from the ants. But then again, looking at it more analytically, this must have been a lieutenant class ant and I reckon we saw its full power already. We didn't see Gon and Killue fight at 100%, though. They just didn't feel the pressure or weren't fired up enough at this point. However, the ant dude was already defeated and would have died if not saved by Captain Dutiful. Based on this my earlier prediction wasn't entirely correct as the captains could already be a major obstacle for Gon & Killua, not only the royal guards.

    The ant society is falling apart nicely internally, in any case. That much was to be expected when the ants started to show so human characteristics. Maybe that's the reason why the whole world isn't dominated by that species, apart from starving to death after having consumed all food, since they seem to be incapable of anything beyond aggressive hunting & gathering.

  2. #902
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Here's the thing Kraco; this was a 2 on 1 vs a lieutenant who's below a captain who's below a royal guard who's below the king.

    Ergo, the King is gonna shit on them really fucking hard.

  3. #903
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't honestly see Gon & Killua having any business fighting the king. Fighting 2vs1 with a captain I could see them winning, with the correct win or die trying attitude. However, I deem to face a royal guard they would first need to go through some shounen training gaining lots of new power. I'd prefer the king to be defeated by someone else as it it would feel cheap if Gon and Killua could pull it off based on what we saw in this episode. In the end those two are still brats and it was only a very little time ago that they discovered nen. Gon is still a far cry from Uvogin. So, they don't need to be able to save the world just yet.

  4. #904
    Considering how much progress they've made in just 1 arc since learning to use they're powers, Gon doesn't seem THAT far from Uvogin.

  5. #905
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    gon and killua were granted a shit ton of peaceful training time, though. Kaito won´t have the time (and skill?) to train them. So there´s really no logical jump in power to be expected. Other than some bullshitty "My will is giving me the strength to defeat you!!1".

  6. #906
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
    Considering how much progress they've made in just 1 arc since learning to use they're powers, Gon doesn't seem THAT far from Uvogin.
    Are you serious? Rewatch Uvogin's fight with the shadow beasts and the mafia mob to remind yourself. This ant warrior would have broken its arm trying to hit Uvogin, and then died. I'm sure down the road Gon will catch and surpass Uvogin's level, but he's got ways to go. However, it's true that temporally he might not be so far because his progress is obviously highly accelerated.

  7. #907
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
    Considering how much progress they've made in just 1 arc since learning to use they're powers, Gon doesn't seem THAT far from Uvogin.
    All of my wat. Gon's punch couldn't kill that man rabbit thing, Uvogin's punch destroyed a everything within 100~ meters.

  8. #908
    I should have been more clear. The distance between Gon and Uvogin is wide. But considering the rate at which he's learning, the time to close that distance shouldnt be as long as one would imagine for normal hunters/nen users. In just one arc Gon went from no Nen powers to a canon punch.

  9. #909
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 82's out!


    Sooo awesome. I never get tired of seeing Killua go into assassin badass mode. I suppose the training he lacked while he healed his hands does put him behind Gon overall, alongside the inherent difficulty of transmutation - but he doesn't need it. I do enjoy that better, since it puts variety into the show so it's not an entire Nen-showoff. I suppose snake-arms and dracula-claws are transformations in their own right though.

    The others were also good to watch. Gon's growth is always cool and Kite was slick, but Killua's CQC prowess, sharp mind/attitude along with his kung-fu-inspired outfit does it for me.

    (edit: just realised Gon has the same pants/shoes, but a sleeveless shirt instead - which probably puts him closer to traditional chinese clothing than Killua's turtleneck.)

    It was also hilariously apparent that the simulation wouldn't be correct as soon as centipede started.

    I really have to wonder if Rammot got his Nen powers by absorbing/learning from the fight, or whether the injury simply pushed his rage to the max and released his innate potential. Gon and Killua will undoubtedly have to learn during combat, but the former would mean that there's no clear advantage since the Ants would also learn from you more and more.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 06-02-2013 at 12:08 AM.

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  10. #910
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I really have to wonder if Rammot got his Nen powers by absorbing/learning from the fight, or whether the injury simply pushed his rage to the max and released his innate potential. Gon and Killua will undoubtedly have to learn during combat, but the former would mean that there's no clear advantage since the Ants would also learn from you more and more.
    Maybe Gon's attack caused the forced awakening of Rammot's nen powers, kind of like how Wing awakened Killua and Gon's nen. Although it was kind of a delayed reaction.

  11. #911
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    How freaking awesome is that shit that´s going on here?! In just one episode, we get three battles, new powers for known characters and a crazy nen-awakening for the Chimera-ants! And now one of the commanders is on the hunt for our three heroes.

    Absolutely loved the animation during all three fights. Gon´s sword is cool, infinitely better than his uncreative punch. Didn´t see it coming. I actually expected him to use a punch, but unlike the spider guy´s prediction, it´d be so strong that not only his left arms, but his complete body would splatter to violett blood.
    Killua went assassin again, after what felt like an eternity. Very cool.
    And Kaito is just so elegant while fighting. Yet, while his moves kinda looked playful, they didn´t give off the feeling of taking the opponent lightly. It was a matter of perfect effeciency. Fantastic.

    An I´m repeating myself here, but hot damn, this "shounen" does not hesitate to show gruesome violence: question for the experts: Is HXH seinen at this point? Both for actual violence as well as gruesome themes (abusing two humans as dogs)?

    Man, I love this show so much. And now I´m on to Shingeki no Kyojin. Best day of the week :>

    Edit: About the nen awakening: As I´ve said before, I´m now sure that Chimera Ants, at least the higher ups, are natural nen users. It´s just now that Rammot has wittnessed nen in action, that combined with his near death-experience and rage gave him a better understanding of his own capabilities. And by obversing him, the other Chimera Ants will experience the same.

  12. #912
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    What I understand is that CA have phagogenesis from their Queen, which redistributes potential powers from their prey.
    So each CA is born with a set of cards they have to understand/discover for some.

    Nen is an advanced power every human possesses (Was it stated earlier in the show?), so those evolved CAs having human genes just needed to know that there's that power hidden inside them... and now they can progress as individuals.

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  13. #913
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    These ants should start to show some weaknesses (in addition to their greedy scumbag personalities). They are getting too good and gifted at everything. Of course they could have a lifespan of a single years (except for the queen), who knows, so that would easily solve it, even if it made no difference for this arc, I guess.

    Gon showing an adapted technique was jolly indeed. Killua's assassin quirks are always welcome, even though in this case highly expectable. I guess Gon will grow a thicker skin during this arc, as he will need to kill and crush several talking, humanoid opponents before its all over. I don't expect Kite or Killua to finish off every single opponent he only crippled.

  14. #914
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Gon showing an adapted technique was jolly indeed. Killua's assassin quirks are always welcome, even though in this case highly expectable. I guess Gon will grow a thicker skin during this arc, as he will need to kill and crush several talking, humanoid opponents before its all over. I don't expect Kite or Killua to finish off every single opponent he only crippled.
    On that note, I should say that Killua made a mistake in his fight, just as Gon did. He was immune to poison, but the fact remains that he got hit. Had that hit been one designed to pierce his spine instead of just injecting poison, he'd be gone. He was saved by his conditioned body in the same lucky way that Gon was saved by Kite. Had the centipede bitten Gon (who just happened to be immune to poison), the outcome would have been the same.

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  15. #915
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    That's true. Though it's quite natural for Killua to make that mistake. In fact I wouldn't have been surprised if he had made the same mistake that Gon made. After all, the Zoldycks are assassins, that is, killers of humans. Killua is far better at fighting humans than anyone of his age should be due to his background, but when he lets his instincts and training guide him, it actually makes him weaker against opponents with nonhuman characteristics, especially those as ridiculous as these ant hybrids. I'm sure he would deal with dogs and such very efficiently (since assassins would need to deal with guard dogs), but how would one train himself to fight these things?

  16. #916
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    "It's been awhile since I flipped my switch."

    So awesome...

    I don't know why everyone seemed surprised about Scissors.

    Gon explained in the last arc exactly what he intends for Rock, Paper and Scissors to do. As soon as Gon said Rock wasn't working on their tough carapace, I knew he was going to show us Scissors and slice through him.

    I do think it's funny that the Ants are apparently going to keep stumbling into them in convenient groups of 3.

    Man, I don't even fucking know what's going on with Nen anymore...

  17. #917
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Rock, scissors, I wonder how paper will be depicted.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  18. #918
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    Rock, scissors, I wonder how paper will be depicted.
    A blast Galik Gun.

    Rock is reinforcement,
    Siccors is transmutation,
    Paper is a emission.

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  19. #919
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    Rock, scissors, I wonder how paper will be depicted.
    Energy ball would be my guess, something like Razor's.

  20. #920
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    "It's been awhile since I flipped my switch."

    So awesome...

    I don't know why everyone seemed surprised about Scissors.

    Gon explained in the last arc exactly what he intends for Rock, Paper and Scissors to do. As soon as Gon said Rock wasn't working on their tough carapace, I knew he was going to show us Scissors and slice through him.

    I do think it's funny that the Ants are apparently going to keep stumbling into them in convenient groups of 3.

    Man, I don't even fucking know what's going on with Nen anymore...

    Quoting the part relevant to this episode:
    "A student learning Nen trains to manually open and close their aura nodes so that they can control the flow of their aura. One typically learns this process slowly and gradually through meditation. The second method (colloquially called Initiation or Baptism) is by having one receiving an influx of aura from an experienced user that forces these nodes to open; despite how quickly it works, the method is typically frowned upon due to its danger to the student if the user is inexperienced or has malicious intent. Initiation via physically attacking another with the use of an enhanced aura typically causes permanent disability or death."

    The second method was how Rammot was able to awaken to nen.
    Normally, a human being that never used nen dies if attacked by nen. Rammot survived because he's not human. The ants are way more durable, and that's how Rammot survived and learned to be a nen user.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Energy ball would be my guess, something like Razor's.
    Would never be as strong as Razor's though, because Razor is an emission type, while Gon is an enhancer, which is why Rock will always be his best offense.
    Last edited by antiravage; Mon, 06-03-2013 at 12:20 PM.

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