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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #841
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, there´s one more thing to consider: Is Nen really the only way to become (superhumanly) strong? After all, the Nen we know is more of a way for measy human beings trying to expand their might through unusual means. What if the Chimera-monsters possess some natural strength´s somewhat a counter power to Nen? Like, say, Rock Lee vs. Sasuke, Taijutsu vs. Ninjutsu. :> And then imagine the future King to combine both

  2. #842
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I'm with Buffalobiian. I don't see any evidence that the Chimera Ant's phagogenesis is any kind of Nen ability.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    True, but in the HxH universe nen isn't, per se, any magical ability. It's inherent to the world and the raw potential a person has is dictated by their genes.
    This is a completely semantic argument. Especially since there are settings where actual "Magic" is itself inherent to the world and the raw potential a person has for Magic is dictated by their genes.

    Nen is just another generic "chi" trope. Whether you consider that stuff to be "natural" or "magical" is a pretty pointless distinction to try and make.

  3. #843
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    And some human supremacy thinking isn't completely pointless? Humans are far from the best in everything but logical and certain emotional brain power in this world. And since Gon can use nen splendidly, we know with 100% certainty it doesn't depend on one's intelligence.

    The difference between magic and nen (chi) that I was referring to is that magic often requires different sorts of rituals, mumbling arcane spells, drawing magic circles, using ingredients, staves, whatever. Chi, however, doesn't require anything of that sort (at least not for everybody in HxH. Some have certainly had spell like details). Some nen users we have seen are sort of living in perfect harmony with their special kind of nen (like some of the shadow beasts, for example).

  4. #844
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I'm saying, it's irrelevant, since they not only obtain genetic traits, but clearly they also obtain learned abilities.

    If they hatch from their eggs with complete human language skills, then they can hatch from the egg with fully trained Nen abilities if the queen manages to eat anyone that is actually trained.

  5. #845
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    That's also irrelevant, because we know Gon & Gang is going to beat the whole bunch before this arc is over (unless this arc is really going to surprise me). So, what does it matter if they get nen abilities or not if they are going to get beaten by the main characters anyway? In fact, everything happening in this series is irrelevant because Gon is going to meet his old man before the end to conclude the story.

    Right, DE?

  6. #846
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    So, what does it matter if they get nen abilities or not if they are going to get beaten by the main characters anyway?
    Because whether or not the ants have Nen abilities or not is probably going to determine whether them getting beaten but the main characters is going to be interesting to watch or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    In fact, everything happening in this series is irrelevant because Gon is going to meet his old man before the end to conclude the story.
    Ah, I see what you're doing now. You're trying to suggest that because I suggested you were saying something pointless that if it is, then everything must be pointless.

    You were trying to differentiate between Nen and Magic in a shounen series. Which is irrelevant because everything is magic and nothing is. You're trying to give a term a definition that it doesn't have by trying to define "Magic" in overly narrow terminology. That's pointless. There are series that actually call their supernatual abilities "Magic" and follow NONE of the "requirements" you assign to differentiating Magic from Chi-like abilities.

    The things that happen in a series are not pointless. And you trying to equate the series entire plot with the same importance your weird theory is dumb.

  7. #847
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Then I suggest you review your high school biology books if you think there's nothing strange about how this phagogenesis works. It's even stranger than Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics. Yet you need to do nothing but add nen to the equation, and you have a perfectly working system. I can't fathom why you wouldn't even consider it.

    That was my whole point. I see nothing wrong with beasts using magical abilities (such as nen), but I can't see them using ritualistic magic. After all, folklore and fantasy are packed full of magical beasts.

  8. #848
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Then I suggest you review your high school biology books if you think there's nothing strange about how this phagogenesis works.
    Is it really any stranger than tigers with unicorn horns that cook their food over a campfire?

    I think the main problem with your theory is that so far, everyone we've seen has had different Nen abilities. Even people who are directly related.

    While phagogenesis is a power that works exactly the same in all Chimera Ants. If it was really a Nen-based ability, I don't see why it would be so specific, and also so identical in all Chimera Ant queens.

  9. #849
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    At this point, I guess we do not really care. What we need is a good story with exciting moments and nice pace. If chimera ants get nen and this fullfills the requirements I just named, then it'll be great

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  10. #850
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I think the main problem with your theory is that so far, everyone we've seen has had different Nen abilities. Even people who are directly related.

    While phagogenesis is a power that works exactly the same in all Chimera Ants. If it was really a Nen-based ability, I don't see why it would be so specific, and also so identical in all Chimera Ant queens.
    On the contrary, I think it only strengthens my theory. The ants have little intelligence to speak of initially, I reckon. So, they basically have no choice or option how to develop their abilities. They only have instincts to eat stronger and bigger prey to make their offspring inherit better characteristics - to hunt even more varied prey. In fact the queen is still exactly like that, despite having wits. It's not like tiny ants could choose to develop special nen techniques like humans do. An insect only has what its genes grant it. And we know genes play a big part in nen.

  11. #851
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    It's not like tiny ants could choose to develop special nen techniques like humans do.
    But if Phagogenesis is a Nen ability it would be the most specialized Nen technique ever. It'd either be Specialist as fuck, or the most insane Conjurer ability ever.

    Given their simplemindedness, if Chimera Ants had Nen they'd probably all be Enhancers. And the ones that weren't STILL wouldn't all have the EXACT same ability.

  12. #852
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    But if Phagogenesis is a Nen ability it would be the most specialized Nen technique ever. It'd either be Specialist as fuck, or the most insane Conjurer ability ever.
    We have even seen a specialized genius nen ability of predicting the future... If that's not specialist as fuck, I don't know what is, because it's a divine ability. But anyway, why not? This phagogenesis is actually very specific and streamlined ability, even if the results are outrageous, as we have seen. Something like that would suit brainless insects much better than summoning a vacuum cleaner or something else as outlandish.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Given their simplemindedness, if Chimera Ants had Nen they'd probably all be Enhancers. And the ones that weren't STILL wouldn't all have the EXACT same ability.
    The flying offspring actually are technically either enhancers (because such a big thing would need lots of extra power fly with such small wings) or manipulators (to alter gravity to fly). But I feel like it's useless to go down this path...

  13. #853
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    And I feel like your debate is taking place way too early. We simply haven´t seen enough to guess either way.

    Personally, I like to think that the chimera ants either achieve their strength by natural development, putting the fancy nen-powers in their place, OR they´re natural nen-gatherers, absorbing nen through their cells and using the fantastical ability that is phagogenesis without even realizing what they´re doing. But that´s all baseless speculation.

  14. #854
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    But I feel like it's useless to go down this path...
    That's what I said 2 days ago. And yet here we are...

  15. #855
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    OR they´re natural nen-gatherers, absorbing nen through their cells and using the fantastical ability that is phagogenesis without even realizing what they´re doing. But that´s all baseless speculation.
    That's basically what I've been meaning. Although naturally the queen at this point already realises what it's doing, since its intelligence is equal to a human of some level. But since we are talking about eating and breeding, consciousness isn't required.

    Quote Originally Posted by DE
    That's what I said 2 days ago. And yet here we are...
    Well, it's not like there would have been too much other stuff to talk about at this point, before the new episode. Certainly not the culinary sense of these ant beasts...

  16. #856
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Although naturally the queen at this point already realises what it's doing, since its intelligence is equal to a human of some level. But since we are talking about eating and breeding, consciousness isn't required.
    Which isn't saying much because the vast majority of humans don't even know what Nen is. Even those that are using it without realizing it.

  17. #857
    Episode 79 is out. I suppose no filler was too much to hope for, there wasn't nearly this much focus on the drug dealers.

  18. #858
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    That Koala bear was annoying. At first he seemed like some kind of more sophisticated, intelligent chimera monster, but as time went on, he just randomly killed everybody he met, spouting his nonsense "no hope". whatever.

    What the fuck is wrong with the bee hunter girl not knowing to fight at all?! That´s just bullshit. Running from the monsters, then tripping to the ground and screaming in fear. Pathetic. But I fear the bow hunter guy will die, too, when they meet one of the stronger chimeras

    Also, something I actually noticed last week: Why are they chimera leaders wearing clothing ? Lol, sure, so we dont see Zazan´s bare titties, but does it make sense on a more reasonable level? One explanation, of course, would be their human DNA parts. However, with how much the chimera despise human beings, you´d think they wouldnt touch human clothing from a thousand miles.

  19. #859
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It helps to show their level of civilised thinking and individuality.

    Welcome to NGL
    *sees desert*

    ^ that got a chuckle out of me.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #860
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Man, Ponzu got hot.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Also, something I actually noticed last week: Why are they chimera leaders wearing clothing ?
    I know right? Where are they even getting them?

    I know that Koala didn't get that suit from anywhere in this country!

    For that brief second there when he was holding that Uzi, that Koala was the coolest looking thing ever...

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