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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #761
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The whole idea that only a certain number of cards can be in play at any one time, and that the number refreshes once the card is used suggests otherwise though.
    That's just game mechanics, nothing more. Maybe the two girls control such things (numbers, that is), considering they seem to spend their days accessing computer consoles.

  2. #762
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    On an aside note, I guess the author revealed all 100 of the restricted cards at some point. Kind of interesting to see the kinds of things Gon COULD have had. There is some seriously awesome and insane shit on that list(Pregnancy Stones? The fuck?!)
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Mon, 04-15-2013 at 02:59 AM.

  3. #763
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    He would have taken Gold Dust Girl if he hadn't needed accompany to find his old man.

  4. #764
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    He would have taken Gold Dust Girl if he hadn't needed accompany to find his old man.
    lol, what a card. Makes me think: Can these game masters even create life with their powers? Reeeally strange.

    I wondered anyway just how Greed Island is being managed. Do these game master have to be sitting around all those years, focusing on keeping up the game´s appearance? Or is it more of a "once created, it´s there" thing?

  5. #765
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Hormone Cookies! "After eating this candy, your sex will temporarily change for 24 hours. A set of 10 boxes; 20 cookies per box."

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    lol, what a card. Makes me think: Can these game masters even create life with their powers?
    Presumably, though they'd just be Nen constructs.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I wondered anyway just how Greed Island is being managed. Do these game master have to be sitting around all those years, focusing on keeping up the game´s appearance?
    Probably not. It's not as if Genthru has to concentrate on all his bombs after he set them.

  6. #766
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I presume that the creators of the GI game are nen monsters. If Gon at his age is one in a million nen user, my take on this is that part of the team... if not all the team comprises the top nen users of the world.
    For them, those cards a very easy to create, this is only a game for a pre-teen boy after all.

    I wonder what a trully gifted nen user would become at 30, 35 and 40 after 20 to 30 years of training and honing his/her skills. And I guess Ging is probably around 35. Probably at a peak where both his physical abilities are still top notch and his nen mastery gets better and better.

    The only problem is that past certain levels, I guess you could consider they are Gods or very near the idea of what a God might be.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  7. #767
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    I wonder what a trully gifted nen user would become at 30, 35 and 40 after 20 to 30 years of training and honing his/her skills.
    If the series goes long enough, presumably we'll find out.

    Though at the rate this writer writes, It'll probably take him 150 years to get that far...

  8. #768
    Imagine if Ging used the pregnancy stone to conceive Gon?

  9. #769
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    People actually peak in terms of abilities. I think around 30 would be the peak for nen users, since physical ability is also important in their trade, unless of course the person has a specific ability to prevent aging.
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  10. #770
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    People actually peak in terms of abilities. I think around 30 would be the peak for nen users, since physical ability is also important in their trade, unless of course the person has a specific ability to prevent aging.
    I doubt that's true. They might peak around 30 for raw power, but not otherwise. I reckon lots of nen users would spend most of their time training their core abilities and strength until well over 20, before they would become interested in more obscure techniques, theories, and possibilities of expanding their area of expertise outside of their initial type. I reckon many wouldn't even later. However, 30 would be too soon to think they could have gained significant broader knowledge and set of skills, as well as sufficient wisdom to judge correctly their opponents. It might be a bit different for people like Gon and Killua who always seem to have a new instructor materialize out of thin air when they need to expand their power and skills.

  11. #771
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I just think that those talented enough (like the monsters and soon to be monsters in their universe) grow so fast that they exhaust their possibility to develop at an early age. The Spiders don't seem to be older than 40 (most are much younger it seems), and they no longer seem to train to get stronger. I think if they could not learn it in a few years, they will probably never learn it (or learn it enough to be useful in real battles) because it is outside of their expertise.

    Maybe it is indeed different for normal nen users, who will probably spend years just to learn what more talented ones will learn in a few days.

    Experience for judging the enemy will still grow with age though, so I get that point.
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  12. #772
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Actually if we think it statistically, you might be correct indeed. If a person with potential only concentrates on getting stronger at his core abilities, which, I now think is probably the case for most in fact, then 30 might be it. Most of Spiders, or Bomber for example, didn't really show any awesome spectrum of skills. They were really good at the basics and then their specialty, but that is. So, they would peak when their strength is the strongest, which probably is around 30. In the end that's all they will ever need to be kings among normal humans, so there's probably little drive to go through the trouble of expanding their horizons. It's hard to say about Gon and Killua since they are still kids, but I got the feeling they would have neglected even lots of essentials without Biscuit.

  13. #773
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah, Nen is like a spiritual energy/martial artsy thing. Those NEVER don't keep going up with age.

    That's why all the most powerful mystical martial artists are either ancient masters, or shounen characters with inexplicable talent.

  14. #774
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    You all realize that the strongest nen-user (as far as we know) is probably the oldest nen-user. Even though he hasn't shown much most come to the conclusion that Netero is probably one of the strongest out there (if not the strongest). Definitely top 5. Another strong geezer is of course Zeno. Zeno held his own against Chrollo. And when Zeno used En to flush out Chrollo it was mentioned in the old anime that a nen master could create a 50 feet nen field while Zeno could use a 300 feet nen field without any problems. If i remember correctly this was never stated in this version. So even though they may be aging body wise, their nen don't seem to diminish.

  15. #775
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, but those guys are clearly exceptions. Would a "normal" dude, like Bomber for example, especially if he hadn't lost to kids, ever be motivated to study and train his whole life, challenging totally new things instead of using what he has to gain whatever he wants (money, influence, job, etc)? That's like assuming in our world most people would have, say a couple of master's degrees and a doctorate or two, instead of just studying their time normally and then getting a job requiring that particular knowledge. I guess most nen users might gradually expand their expertise a bit, but they might also actually grow weaker objectively because their experience would allow them to do stuff with much less effort than beginners need to put in everything.

  16. #776
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Netero and Zeno might have been stronger (or just as strong) in their youth.

    And Chrollo is young yet matched Zeno, so age doesn't really mean strength.

    Also, when I said peaked, that does not necessarily mean that they will get weaker with age (although most probably will due to normal human deterioration). What I wanted to emphasize was that they don't get stronger at that point. It is quite possible for someone to maintain their peak for a long time.
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  17. #777
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Also, when I said peaked, that does not necessarily mean that they will get weaker with age (although most probably will due to normal human deterioration). What I wanted to emphasize was that they don't get stronger at that point. It is quite possible for someone to maintain their peak for a long time.
    I think it depends what you're doing.

    HxH is shounen rules. Which means the more you fight, the stronger you get. The only way characters will ever peak is if they get complacent. As long as they continue to seek new challenges and new obstacles to overcome, they will never stop getting stronger, no matter how old they get.

  18. #778
    New episode is out, I dont know if my body is ready for this arc.

  19. #779
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Hmmm....I just remembered the part with Kite from the old anime. I guess they cut it out of this one.

    Didn't...didn't Gon totally know Kite from that time? That's how I remember it. But they're playing it off like they barely know each other here.

    Anyway, the new intro does not give me confidence that we're going to be seeing any Kurapica or Leorio any time soon...

  20. #780
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Incredible! Totally feels like back when Dragon Ball Z was finally shown on German television, after years of reruns of Dragon Ball (small Goku).
    One of the best anime seasons, I have to say, with both the best of shounen AND Shingeki no Kyojin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Didn't...didn't Gon totally know Kite from that time? That's how I remember it. But they're playing it off like they barely know each other here.


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