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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #441
    The artwork when Kurapica killed Ubo was amazing

  2. #442
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Why is Kurapika not the main character of this story?
    He kind of was in the original anime, York Shin was all about him.

  3. #443
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    All the Gon build up and expectation better be worth it. If he does not outdo Kurapika, then what's the point?
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  4. #444
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    I'm actually glad that Gon isn't the strongest atm, less than a year after leaving the exam. I'm not sure if he's going to have a fight that's superior to this one though. This fight still stands as my favorite in the genre. Now, Kurapica's particular power kind of pissed me off originally. Like, they had *just* introduced the concept of nen mastery and how it works, and here we are with one of the main characters who has the power to break its rules. More than the chains and his restrictions on chain jail, that power allowed him to survive Uvogin's attacks and ultimately win. To make matters worse, he left that fight without a scratch. But I couldn't stay mad . Kurapica, vengeful warrior with a heart xD. He's way cooler than some other vengeful warrior we know in a much more popular yet highly inferior series...

    And I absolutely loved the giddy look on Hisoka's face at the end there. It said he was very satisfied with himself for having made a worthwhile alliance, and that it was now just a matter of time before he got to fight Lucifer.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

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  5. #445
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Why is Kurapika not the main character of this story?
    Especially Gon and to a lesser extent Killua are the traditional shounen heroes. Kurapika kind of feels like what the mangaka really would have wanted to tell about, but I can see various reasons why he opted to make Gon the primary one. Kurapika, as long as the spiders live, is quite one-sided in the end and his character development restricted to serve that one path, though naturally he still has humane sides to make him suitable for a hero. Nevertheless, he makes an excellent "fanservice" central character for single-minded, high-profile action.

    With Kurapika destined to follow such a dim road, I can see why he would enjoy Gon and Killua's company, since those two are also absurdly strong yet don't have anything so pressing and cheerless weighing down on their shoulders. They can just wander and goof around without a worry. Well, more or less. I guess a lesser dude would worry with Killua's background but he seems to be taking it easy.

  6. #446
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Am I the only one who sees some kind of flaw regarding the power levels here? When Uborgin wonders if Kurapika has fully mastered several Nen-classes, what exactly does this mean? Are we lead to believe that Uborgin and Kurapika a truly at 100% of what is possible AT ALL with Nen?
    Thatīs silly. And if it is indeed silly, there shouldnīt be a true mastery of any Nen-tree. Instead, itīd always be relative.

    That was my only complaint about this episode. Animation was superb, though Gon vs Hisoka remains the best-animated battle so far.

  7. #447
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Am I the only one who sees some kind of flaw regarding the power levels here? When Uborgin wonders if Kurapika has fully mastered several Nen-classes, what exactly does this mean? Are we lead to believe that Uborgin and Kurapika a truly at 100% of what is possible AT ALL with Nen?
    Thatīs silly. And if it is indeed silly, there shouldnīt be a true mastery of any Nen-tree. Instead, itīd always be relative.
    I think the 100% is the efficiency with which they can use a particular type of Nen, not their level of mastery. More specifically, they can utilize the skills that they have learned in a particular category at maximum effectiveness. But that doesn't stop different Nen users of the same type from having a different degree of expertise. At the end of the fight, Kurapika determines that his enhancement abilities are just about enough to overcome the physical brawn of Uvo. This suggests that Uvo's mastery of enhancement alone is probably far greater than Kurapika's since he needed to use Chain Jail to forcefully activate Zetsu and seal up his aura before he could actually do any damage.

    So Kurapika's specialization ability doesn't automatically make him a MASTER of all Nen types, it just removes any handicaps that normal users have in using skills outside their own class.

  8. #448
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Kurapika, as long as the spiders live, is quite one-sided in the end and his character development restricted to serve that one path, though naturally he still has humane sides to make him suitable for a hero.
    Just imagine how one-sided he'll be once the Spiders are dead, and there's no one left he's able to use his powers on.

  9. #449
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    Just imagine how one-sided he'll be once the Spiders are dead, and there's no one left he's able to use his powers on.
    He wouldn't be able to use his conjured chain on anybody else, but his specialization ability isn't tied to the spiders. He could always move on to mastering other Nen types besides conjuration.

  10. #450
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    Kurapica made that deal with himself because he dont care about his Nen once the Spiders are dead. He's probably gonna settle down and become a house wife, baking cookies all day long. And that is one of the reasons he ain't the main characters. He has no future beyond his revenge. Both Gon and Killuha has unwritten stories.

  11. #451
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splash! View Post
    He wouldn't be able to use his conjured chain on anybody else, but his specialization ability isn't tied to the spiders. He could always move on to mastering other Nen types besides conjuration.
    Except his specialization ability only works when his eyes glow, and with the Spiders dead, he'd have a hard time working himself up into the emotional frenzy needed to make them work.

  12. #452
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    I am sure there are plenty of ways he could get himself into a frenzied state if he actually had a motivation for doing so. Whether he cares about becoming stronger after he is done with the spiders is the bigger issue. Like TwisT said, he would probably be happier being a housewife baking cookies.

  13. #453
    I really enjoy how all the side characters have more complex stories and emotions than Gon. When the main character is so simple and provides a foil to the entire setting of the manga, its much easier for Togashi to draw the reader into a complex world without feeling convoluted. And whenever Gon does act serious, we are impacted much more than we would be for regular shonen heroes.

  14. #454
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Episode 48 is out!

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  15. #455
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I suppose Gon became a little more interesting with this episode focusing largely on pointing out Gon being a clear canvas for the colours of other characters to shine more brightly on isn't necessarily an all bad thing. If you look at it the way the apprivoise guy did, he's quite different by being so simple.

    Next episode should grant them a good lesson on power levels, based on the preview.

  16. #456
    You guys remember how I said I didn't enjoy Kurapika's story arch? Yeah, this new version makes me hate Gon X Killia X Leario episodes :P Get back to spider killing!

  17. #457
    49 is out!

  18. #458
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    This is just too awesome. The Spiders are Akatsuki done the correct way. Near-invincible monster, every single one of them, and impossible to defeat for the heroes by themselves. <3

    And so much stuff going on at the same time. The next couple of episodes should be really fun.

  19. #459
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Thing is, every single strong one in the show, would be fairly invicible even without nen or other supernatural powers. Why? because they have the wits, some have experience etc.
    Then they also happen to have incredible powers they can play with.
    However, they also have flaws and weaknesses.

    Something different about that show is that bad guys aren't necessarilly all that evil, like good ones aren't pure and saints.
    Bad guys aren't dumb or totally fucked up in the head (well maybe Hisoka is... )
    The troupe is great as even if they are incredibly strong as individuals, they still are able to work together as a group.
    Even if that coop is limited, it clearly increases their efficiency.

    Kurapika can't defeat them as a group right now, he'll have to wait for other people to kill some or to be able to team with others.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  20. #460
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    This show is just so good, it makes me feel the "awe" in the word awesome.

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

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