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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #1921
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    At this point I can say: I knew about some sort of transformation, it was spoiled to me years ago by some manga reader. But I had no idea how Gon would look like and how the fight would go. wtf. So awesome.
    And I agree, disappointing at the same time. All this build up for a fight, and then itīs so one-sided.

    You guys are talking about Gon losing Nen because of this power, but youīre thinking too small: The way itīs presented, it feels like the price is Gonīs life itself. OF course, he wonīt die, but I think weīll have to see how he can avoid dying.

    What was dumb: Him blowing his own arm to pieces. Someone could have reattached it. :/

    Also, damn, Pitou looked super hot in this episode. She kinda reminds me of a classmate, that I happen to have a crush on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    What we saw here wouldn't have been enough to kill the king.
    You donīt know that and I will disagree, anyway. Unless youīre speaking strictly about Meruemīs power upgrade, if so, itīs possible that Pitou didnīt have the full grasp of her kingīs new powers. Otherwise, this Gon had it all. He was so much faster than Pitou that he could afford to toy around with her. One kick left her breathless, the next attack sent her out cold, and it was only because of her weird nen-ability that she could deal another blow to Gon.

    Actually, I think Meruem vs this Gon would have been the best fighting match up in terms of pleasuring the audience, us. Two physical combatants, not relying on fancy summons.

    I will agree with others that this arc is likely over, but I gotta say, itīd really 1-up itself if they managed to get Meruem vs Gon. Which wouldnīt make any sense, of course, considering Gon only could use this power because of his hatred towards Pitou.

    Damn, what an episode ...

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  2. #1922
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    By having his cells either regress or remain dormant and remaining that way for 20 years or something.
    If his cells can regress, he's effectively immortal, aside from accident. Hunter x Wolverine.

    If his cells stopped working for 20+ years, he'd be dead and buried, until he suddenly woke up. Hunter x Vampire.

    Edit: Aww, a whiner is butthurt. Cute.
    Last edited by poopdeville; Wed, 05-28-2014 at 03:37 PM.
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  3. #1923
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Hm, I think thereīs one solution to this whole arcīs problem: Komugi will bring the king to the "good" side. The king infuses his nen into Gonīs body, basically recharging Gonīs life power. At the same time, the king becomes weaker, thus stopping to be a dormant danger for mankind. The end.

    Other than that, hm ...
    I mean, something thatīd be certainly interesting would be a Gon without nen powers. Imaging Naruto without chakra, or SonGoku without Ki, or Ruffy without his gumgum-powers. Itīd be game changer. Hereīs the question: Is Nen all there is to "our" existence? What I mean is that Gon could strive to search for alternate power sources. Not necessarily sciene based powers, but simply something akin to Nen, but stemming from a different path of learning. Ever since nen was introduced to this series, we took it for granted that this is HXHīs version of chakra/ki/whatever.
    Itīd be a fresh take on an old concept, if a shounen series actually featured more than just one source of power. Although itīs questionable how believably this new power source could be introduced. After all, wouldnīt all these nen masters like Netero, the Zoldyeks or the Spiders have heard of them already? And weīve never heard a single hint at something like it.

    Nah, no idea how Gon can survive, get back to normal and keep using nen.

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  4. #1924
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You are assuming the reason Gon will survive would make sense and be believable.

    After the nuke thing and the crying scene, I do not trust the author as much as I did before (which was a lot).
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  5. #1925
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Imaging Naruto without chakra, or SonGoku without Ki, or Ruffy without his gumgum-powers.
    Or Edward without his Alchemy. Which happened, but that was also the end of the series.

    Also, it's more like Luffy without his Haki.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Itīd be a fresh take on an old concept, if a shounen series actually featured more than just one source of power.
    You mean like One Piece does pretty much all the time.

  6. #1926
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I am SO getting this figurine, lol. Hilariously awesome.
    Just wish weīd get a hot Pitou-figurine

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  7. #1927
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I feel like it's weird that they keep establishing the fact that you can obtain enormous power if you're willing to sacrifice.

    If that's the case, wouldn't every Nen user do that in a situation where there's about to die?

    "This guy is gonna kill me for sure, I'm gonna give up my Nen abilities forever to get crazy powerful for this fight." And then you win. Sure, you pretty much have to retire afterwards, but at least you're alive.

    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    I think he grew like 20 years worth of hair, all at once.
    If that were the case, wouldn't he also have, like, 2 foot long fingernails?

  8. #1928
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't think every nen user could pull it off. Probably only the most gifted ones. This seems like a special talent, not a general option available to anybody knowing nen. Otherwise almost everybody would use it in a lethal situation with no other way out, and some would use it also otherwise, not caring about the consequences.

  9. #1929
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I feel like it's weird that they keep establishing the fact that you can obtain enormous power if you're willing to sacrifice.

    If that's the case, wouldn't every Nen user do that in a situation where there's about to die?

    "This guy is gonna kill me for sure, I'm gonna give up my Nen abilities forever to get crazy powerful for this fight." And then you win. Sure, you pretty much have to retire afterwards, but at least you're alive.
    Sigh... that's not how it works. It functions on a spiritual level, how much you're willing to sacrifice or restrict yourself from along with the importance you give to it translates into power. Sacrificing your already forfeited life doesn't mean shit, you can't bulshit your own Nen.

    It doesn't seem to be something you can rush either but i'm not 100% on that, Gon and Kurapika were boiling in hatred for a while before they actually made anything out of it.

  10. #1930
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Sacrificing your already forfeited life doesn't mean shit, you can't bulshit your own Nen.
    I call bullshit on this because without this powerup, Gon would have been totally dead here. Pitou was about to straight up fucking murder him, so he sacrificed nothing he wasn't about to lose anyway.

    So you can absolutely bullshit your own Nen.

  11. #1931
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think only special people in special circumstances with special sentiments can do it. It isn't an eject button, but a nuke trigger. You gotta have it to use it.
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  12. #1932
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Like for Cheetu (it was his name right?), it's a bit underwhelming to get rid so fast of a character that was developped for so long.
    But that's also why the story keeps being entertaining. Knowing that almost anyone except maybe the MC can die, helps spicing things up.

    Regarding Gon, I just hope the sacrificie isn't just his hair... that he'll use to reconstruct his arm and remain bald for say... 2 months?

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  13. #1933
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Between this and NGNL, madhouse is doing some great stuff this season.

    Sad to see Pitou go, he was a pretty good villian. It's not often that you get an androgynous cat boy as a major character.

    The fights really are the major redeeming factor about this arc, good to see them all being adapted well to anime.

  14. #1934
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    The fights really are the major redeeming factor about this arc, good to see them all being adapted well to anime.
    Couldn't agree less. With the exception of Meruem vs. Netero, pretty much all of the fights in this arc were disappointing. They were almost all completely one-sided beat-downs, or non-starters.

    I mean, hell, I think Ikalgo vs. Brovada might have been the second most interesting fight in this arc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    It's not often that you get an androgynous cat boy as a major character.
    ...yes it is. This is anime.

  15. #1935
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    Sad to see Pitou go, he was a pretty good villian. It's not often that you get an androgynous cat boy as a major character.
    Wat? Did they mention Pitou being male and i just blanked on that? Someone provide evidence of this, otherwise i'm calling bs.

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  16. #1936
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    Wat? Did they mention Pitou being male and i just blanked on that? Someone provide evidence of this, otherwise i'm calling bs.
    I'm pretty sure the 'evidence' can only be found in the form of HxH fact books.

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  17. #1937
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Because of all the design changes, some people are saying that Nef is masculine in the manga and feminine in the anime.
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  18. #1938
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    Wat? Did they mention Pitou being male and i just blanked on that? Someone provide evidence of this, otherwise i'm calling bs.
    ignore him, heīs trying to stir up shit because of ... reasons.
    Pitou is female, unless your definition of "female" is ignorant and fucked up.

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  19. #1939
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Not this shit again.

    "Can chimera ants soldier ants reproduce?"

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    Pitou clearly has a penis, since he can make women pregnant. Also, he called himself a "he" once. A fact you ironically ignore. It's his choice to pick his gender role. And he did. And he chose to be a he. So stop lecturing us.
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  20. #1940
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    Not this shit again.

    Pitou looks like a woman.
    Sounds like a woman.
    Gives off the feeling of a woman.
    And certainly does not "clearly have a penis".

    When just about everything about her is female, who are you to say sheīs not? And she never called herself a "he", she just uses "boku" for fun. Thatīs tomboyish at best.

    This shit debate was, is and always will be infuriating. Everything about Pitou is female. So stop denying reality.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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