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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #1701
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I wonder how that scene will play out. Will Nef manage to stop Pouf from interfering? The only way for him to leave them alone is if Nef manages to explain the value of the girl's life, and how Pouf's interference can light the bomb that is Gon into causing the girl's death.

    This basically means that our shounen hero is holding a frail, injured and innocent girl hostage to achieve his goals. I love HxH.
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  2. #1702
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I don't think Pouf cares honestly. I think the only reason he's in that room is to see if Gon or Pitou know where the King went. If they can tell him, he'd probably leave immediately.

    Of course, neither of them knows where the King went. So will he attack Gon to try and vent his frustration? Probably. But we already know Killua was watching him so that's probably going to get him a big ol' lightning bolt up the ass.

  3. #1703
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The Hunters would really benefit from having somebody who can use fire in some form against Pouf. First make him scatter and then burn the little things. After all, the smaller a particle, the better it burns. I don't immediately see what other huge weaknesses Pouf's technique would have.

  4. #1704
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't get why it was so dire to stop Pouf's approach anyway. That Gon would snap and decide to fight, then decide to beat up Pitou instead?

    Also, pregnant girl this episode was pretty girly.

    I suppose that the unstable girl is the one who got caught in the cocoon. Until they revealed that, I had thought perhaps she hid inside the corpse of the silent ant who was serving pregnant girl.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #1705
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I don't immediately see what other huge weaknesses Pouf's technique would have.
    I'm guessing if anyone had good enough senses to tell which one was the real him, they could just one-shot him when he was tiny.

    Or, someone like Killua, watching him from afar and then waiting for him to break into pieces and send all his pieces away like he did earlier in this episode.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I don't get why it was so dire to stop Pouf's approach anyway. That Gon would snap and decide to fight, then decide to beat up Pitou instead?
    I'm guessing she's afraid that if Gon and Pouf start fighting in the room, Komugi could get hit in the crossfire.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Also, pregnant girl this episode was pretty girly.
    Now I'm worried cause if they do all go back downstairs, Ikalgo will have to deal with them. Of course, I had thought that taking that taking her out was originally Ikalgo's objective, since an ant with the power to remove other people's Nen powers from people could screw up a bunch of their plans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I suppose that the unstable girl is the one who got caught in the cocoon.
    Oh Palm? That makes sense I guess.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Wed, 03-12-2014 at 07:45 AM.

  6. #1706
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    - - - - - - - - - -

    The central characters have nicely different personalities and during a situation and mission as tense as this, those personalities developed further, or cracked like Knov. Why Knuckle cancelled his technique is a good question. I suppose it really goes down to learning to respect Youpi. Without that Knuckle wouldn't have trusted Youpi, no matter how big an idiot he is. Furthermore, according to his own words, he can't fight Youpi anymore now that he respects him and doesn't consider him a bad guy, so there's no need for the technique if there's no fight. In other words, he had given up. When he told Youpi to kill him right there and then, I at first thought it's just cowardly idiocy, but if he knew he couldn't fight Youpi anymore, then it's giving up indeed. Saving Morel granted him a perfect excuse.

    The chairman really was grasping at straws when building this team. Too many eccentrics who will behave god only knows how when push comes to shove. Thus it's a good thing he didn't actually need them for anything but the initial shock, until they could ferry the King away from the palace. At least he had the reliable Zoldyck for the more critical, error sensitive part of the operation. That was a good call.

  7. #1707
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Man, it's as if Youpi sucked up every ounce of character coolness that Knov ever had.

    Still, Netero is apparently confident that none of the Royal Guards can get to the King in time. So I guess that means they don't have to be defeated anymore.

    Which means if they suddenly become cool, they don't actually have to die in this arc.

  8. #1708
    I feel sad. Knuckle sucked so much. For all he knows Yupi killed Shoot and is going to do the same to Morel but he feels no grudge against him nor gives acknowledge to all the efforts 5 guys did to make Youpi go bankrupt and finish his threat (an inmense one he can beat 4 pro hunters) once and for all.

    Yeah well this show was being too good it had to suck somewhere and its here with all the flower power cool guys and respect and lets let everyone live. Pouf is "bad" and he will be killed (some1 has) thats for sure, Pitou I have doubts. I think she is going to make it alive out of this and the king to. After this arc everybody is going on a picnick and to karaoke together.
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  9. #1709
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4 View Post
    Yeah well this show was being too good it had to suck somewhere and its here with all the flower power cool guys and respect and lets let everyone live. Pouf is "bad" and he will be killed (some1 has) thats for sure, Pitou I have doubts. I think she is going to make it alive out of this and the king to. After this arc everybody is going on a picnick and to karaoke together.
    And that would be awesome.

    Not everything has to end with someone blowing up a planet.

  10. #1710
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    And that would be awesome.

    Not everything has to end with someone blowing up a planet.
    Or throw Galaxies as shurikens

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  11. #1711
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Just so.

  12. #1712
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I want the King to die, but Nef has been so great that she has to live.
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  13. #1713
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Knuckle sucks, thatīs true. It really shouldnīt matter if Youpi shows respect or whatever. Heīs a man-eating monster! As long as thatīs an unchanged fact, all ants HAVE TO DIE.

    And while I, too, think itīs refreshing that not every shounen-arc has to end with a massive death toll, this anime is in dire need for more (significant) deaths. Itīd cheapen all the tense build-up, if everyone comes out unscathed. Gon and Killua are probably plot-invincible, but other characters should die. Morel really should have, maybe to spur some true growth in Knuckle. Or have Knuckle die in front of his teacherīs eyes to provoke a reaction from him. Have Palm dead already, showing how futile and naive everybodyīs rescue-plans were. Youpi, as I see it, is going to suicide-bomb himself to support the king against Netero. Pitou must die once Gon realizes that Kite cannot be brought back to life (I didnīt read the manga, I just strongly assume that Kite really is dead for good). Pouf will undoubtly die, because honestly heīs the most boring of the royal guard, both in personality and ability.

    No idea about the king and Netero. Judging from Neteroīs attitude and the kingīs willingness to open up to those that impress him, I could see the both of them survive though this arc and become life-long friends, weird as that sounds.

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  14. #1714
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It would have been quite refreshing indeed if Youpi had killed Morel and Knuckle after Knuckle cancelled his technique. That would have taught Knuckle a lesson of war he could have put to use in the afterlife.

  15. #1715
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Heīs a man-eating monster! As long as thatīs an unchanged fact, all ants HAVE TO DIE.
    Which is...dumb. Since there's already several that aren't. So it's not even remotely a fact.

    I mean, seriously, half their fucking infiltration team is made up of fucking ants.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    That would have taught Knuckle a lesson of war he could have put to use in the afterlife.
    Well, your lesson's wrong cause Togashi said so.

  16. #1716
    This ants have killed more humans than Pol Pot and Stalin together. I understand that its a shounen for kids and inmature boys but I dont get how they dont care about blowing peoples heads off with a tail sweep, eating childs and orphants etc but if you speak about getting some significant hunters death you are treated like a weirdo. It is all this macho-respect-love what it is incoherent to all the ant arc thus far (and even back to some parts of greed island and the spiders arc).
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  17. #1717
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I think I've said something along the same lines much earlier in this thread, but these folks aren't any heroes out to save the world for unselfish reasons. I'd say there's a reason why they are called Hunters. Because they are strong individuals hunting their own interests, some of them hunting humans. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say they have as many moral codes as they have members and probably not too much in the way of ethics provided by the organization, so more differences than similarities. If they have something they share, it might be their respect of their fellows as hunters. It's a pretty flimsy thing, though, and certainly won't tell anything at all about morals nor friendliness. You can respect your enemy every bit as much as your friend, especially if you are a martial artist.

    In other words, if the ants are hunting humans, the ants are also hunters, the same as humans hunting ants. It's up to the individual to judge if that's okay or not (for example if they feel like defending their own species). I personally like this setting, instead of any forced goody two–shoes setting.

    Other than that, considering how human these ants already look, who knows what would happen if the King copulated with a human woman. The offspring might look even more like humans but could have inherited awesome powers. It could even be a good thing for the humans as a species. That one backwards nation did pay a heavy price, but they were weak anyway. A plague might have done the same any day, considering they had nothing modern, including medicine, available.

  18. #1718
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I think you guys are just being intentionally obtuse.

    "It's kill or be killed! If they aren't ruthless it's definitely the end of all humans! There's no other option!"

    Except for all the exceptions the series keeps introducing of individual ants learning, and changing their ways, and becoming alright guys after being exposed to other alright people.

    Oh, there's a bunch of them that are really strong and killing a bunch of people? How is that limited to ants? There are people like that all over the place. This is not something that only applies to the ants.

    It just feels like you guys are intentionally ignoring a ton of evidence so you can hold on to some weird opinion you formed earlier in the story arc.

  19. #1719
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, other thing I forgot to mention.

    It's pretty lame that Killua has to recharge his lightning powers at a wall outlet.

  20. #1720
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    ep 122 is out.

    while itīs still good, i have to shift discussion to some growing complaint of mine: this uber tense atmosphere has vanished. remember when every episode ended making you feel like "goddam, fuck, fuck, fuck, this is so hopeless! please dont die, guys!"? Itīs not there anymore. Gon being with two royal guards? Netero facing the king? Well, itīs interesting and fun to see what happens. But thereīs no more tension. It kinda hurts me to say all this, but for how much I loved the beginning of this arc, itīs definitely gotten worse. And by worse I mean "good for other shounen-series". Just not up to the standard Iīm used to from earlier HXH-arcs.

    Maybe itīs really the lack of dying heroes that took away tension. Dunno.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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