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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #1581
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think Darth is expecting Gon to act like a shounen hero and let Nef heal the girl first before fighting.

    Mfaili wants Gon to attack her without caring. Darth is saying that is out of character.
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  2. #1582
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I think Darth is expecting Gon to act like a shounen hero and let Nef heal the girl first before fighting.

    Mfaili wants Gon to attack her without caring. Darth is saying that is out of character.
    Ah I see. It would be certainly out of character, but still within the real of possibility in the sense that if he did go after Pitou while endangering the girl then clearly Gon isn't in his right state of mind.

    So while Gon doing that would be out of character for him, Gon isn't operating from circumstances that are quite normal for him either. The being the case, I don't see what the problem is one way or another.

    In the end, what does out of character even mean in this context? That Gon would be doing something that's not the norm to him? OK... what's the problem then? We're clearly not operating under normal circumstances. That being the case, the most important aspect for me is, if Gon does end up acting out of character... is it something that him and other characters around will recognize, or will they take it in stride as if it where normal for him to act that way?

    I think that's the better way to look at it. Say Gon "messes up" and didn't act as he should've according to his own principles, what are the repercussions then? And would Gon learn from the experience or not?

    I wouldn't fixate so much on what Gon is going to do or not, but on what comes after and how it affects Gon individually, those around him, and how they view him.

  3. #1583
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think Darth wants Gon to not act out of character because he likes him that way. Not that way that way. Just that way.
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  4. #1584
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I think Darth wants Gon to not act out of character because he likes him that way. Not that way that way. Just that way.
    Good characters don't fit into nice tidy little box. You just have to understand the reasons behind actions, the context, and how the story develops from there.

    That said, one things is acting out of character and it's another to not even entertain the possibility that Gon may act a certain way because if you discount the possibility of Gon acting this way then you don't know Gon at all.

    Gon is a walking contradiction.

  5. #1585
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Btw. what would be really interesting is if Komugi died due to the disturbance caused by Gon and Killua, and how Pitou reacted then. she´d go totally nuts, I guess. She´d lose her right to face the king ever again, so she´d likely put everything into reasing the people that are responsible for that from the face of the earth.

    Anyway, how about we talk some more about Knuckle? Of all the characters, he seems to be super-fucked right now. From what we´ve seen, he should be weaker and slower than Youpi. He cannot get away from that monster and he has no means to defeat him. So what´s his plan? He definitely needs reinforcements the most.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  6. #1586
    Right now I'm on the episode that Pitou is introduced, she's awesome... one of my all-time favorite HxH characters. Hope to see more of her as I catch-up.

    I have to say that I'm enjoying the Chimera Ant arc quite a bit more animated than in the manga, it feels like I'm watching this story for the first time as I don't recall a lot of the details.

    Heck, you guys are discussing what Gon will do against Pitou and I don't even know right now after I had read the manga when it came out.

  7. #1587
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    From what we´ve seen, he should be weaker and slower than Youpi.
    Why would Knuckle be slower? Youpi is really top heavy, so he might not be a fast runner. Pitou has been shown to enlarge her legs to gain the uber speed she has, but Youpi has been doing nothing but adding mass to his upper body, which should, by the same logic, make him not only slower but also clumsier when moving at high speed. Knucle has nothing to worry about as long as Youpi simply is following. But even Youpi might not be stupid enough to continue that for too long.

  8. #1588
    OK, I'm all caught up now. Have really enjoyed seeing this arc animated, in all a much better experience than what I recall when reading the manga.

    Here's hoping the next handful of episodes are epic.

  9. #1589
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I think Darth is expecting Gon to act like a shounen hero and let Nef heal the girl first before fighting.

    It's like Krac said. Gon values his friends. But more importantly, Gon considers pretty much anyone who isn't expressly an enemy to be a friend. If he thinks attacking Pitou will kill this girl she's healing, then he won't do it.

  10. #1590
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    And my stance is that Gon doesn´t stand the slightest chance against Pitou if he leaves any room for mercy.

    We´ll see how things will turn out. I just want to add that IF Gon is all typical shounen-hero, all these close-ups showing his dark expressions were for naught. That´s dumb then. To me, these expressions were meant to show that the usual Gon is away-from-keyboard and a Gon with only one goal - killing Pitou - has entered his body. In other words, the current Gon is more akin to what we know Killua for. That´s what I find exciting.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  11. #1591
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The anime is still ridiculous for having Gon react this way over a character he technically barely knows.

    None of reaction makes sense since they cut out that arc from the manga.

  12. #1592
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Are you talking about that bear-killing thing when Gon was young?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #1593
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Are you talking about that bear-killing thing when Gon was young?
    Yeah, but in the manga, it wasn't just a bear killing thing.

    Kite hung out with Gon for, like, months back then basically teaching him to be a Hunter. He's the one who ACTUALLY inspired Gon to become a Hunter and was really more of a father to him than his actual father was.

    All of that was in the original anime series, but not in this one. So his insane reaction doesn't make sense here. Kite is a guy he met once as a kid, and then recently went on one mission with. He's had a grand total of a few days worth of interaction with the person. This whole thousand yard stare thing he's doing just doesn't feel warranted in this situation because of it.

  14. #1594
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Yeah, but in the manga, it wasn't just a bear killing thing.

    Kite hung out with Gon for, like, months back then basically teaching him to be a Hunter. He's the one who ACTUALLY inspired Gon to become a Hunter and was really more of a father to him than his actual father was.

    All of that was in the original anime series, but not in this one. So his insane reaction doesn't make sense here. Kite is a guy he met once as a kid, and then recently went on one mission with. He's had a grand total of a few days worth of interaction with the person. This whole thousand yard stare thing he's doing just doesn't feel warranted in this situation because of it.
    In general I'd agree, but that has little relevance for a character like Gon who is quick to make attachments to other characters and build friendships, etc.

    Also, you can rationalize some of what's been eating at Gon is not merely about a friend being killed in battle, or injured, thare's a very brutal and inhuman aspect of what has been done to Kite... robbing him of his self. And above all, Gon still has festering anger at himself for being too weak to prevent this in the first place.

    So whether it be knowing someone for a few months, years, days, or minutes... it really has little relevance when it comes to Gon. But that aside, there's a lot of factors influencing his current state, and it's not solely that this particular character named Kite was made into a tortured zombie.

  15. #1595
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    oh wow, this tension!

    Absolutely loved this episode. Gon didn´t quite do what I hoped for, but he also definitely didn´t react like his usual self or a typical shounen-hero. If it wasn´t for Killua, he´d have raped Pitou without any mercy. He even verbally attacked his best friend, saying "you have it easy".

    Despite everything, I must say that Killua is way underestimating Pitou/overestimating himself. Does he reeeeally believe that Kite can still be saved? Because if that isn´t true, he´s giving up their best chance at defeating a member of the royal guard. Add to that that they´re likely still way weaker than Pitou.

    I wonder how honest Pitou was when she said "I´ll do anything if you let me save this girl". If I were Gon, I´d have made the demand "save Kite, then kill yourself". Would she do it? I´m unsure about any kind of honor codex with Pitou, since she hasn´t shown clear tendencies. On one hand, she´s this crazy, playful monster, on the other hand she´s super loyal and obedient when it comes to the king. But Gon isn´t the king. So was it a cheap lie then?

    But damn, those animations of Gon´s emotional despair were so damn fantastic. His aura going all-out Dragonball, him moving his body in utter disbelief and lack of direction.

    I will make this prediction: Pitou lied and will instantly go on the offense once Komugi is healed. It´s the only option that makes sense to me, since she doesn´t have any moral duty to stay true to what she told some mere human, AND I cannot believe Togashi would have all this build up, only to cancel the actual battle.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  16. #1596
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This was the best animated struggle a person had with himself that I've seen for a long while. Though I wish the backstory DE was referring to had been there, so that this scene would have been more meaningful. So that Kite would really have been a personally important person for Gon, because that's what this episode was all about.

    I'm not so sure Killua believes Kite can be saved. He's the more pessimistic of the two usually. But he might have wanted Gon to remain a better person by placing even a slim hope of saving a friend above quick revenge executed in fury. Killua will forever be an assassin, but I reckon a part of why he values Gon so much is that Gon isn't a killer by nature.

    I also don't see why Pitou would honour anything she might promise to Gon. Only the king matters to her. Her personality is kind of a product of serving the king as well. Unless she thinks she's serving the king, in some manner, by leaving with them, she ought to ignore the whole thing afterwards and try to get rid of Gon & Killua. If the king is still away at that point and thus not in a position to override any of her decisions, I reckon a slight chance could be that since the king wanted to save a human, Pitou could extrapolate from that she should also honour an agreement with humans.

  17. #1597
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Killua didn't stop Gon just because he was "losing it" or even because of Pitou's promise. Killua realized that healing Komugi would help move their plans along. They are there to keep the royal guard away from the king. And now all they have to do is sit around for an hour while Pitou does her thing.
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  18. #1598
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    Killua didn't stop Gon just because he was "losing it" or even because of Pitou's promise. Killua realized that healing Komugi would help move their plans along. They are there to keep the royal guard away from the king. And now all they have to do is sit around for an hour while Pitou does her thing.
    That doesn't make much sense. If Gon had killed the defenseless Pitou, she would have taken a much more permanent sort of leave of absence from her king's side. Killua might have found it interesting that the king and a royal guard would be so desperate to save a human, but such a thing would be of nothing but academic interest unless the Hunters are planning to lose and the king is allowed to live. I could actually believe Killua making preliminary plans even for such an outcome, but I don't think that's what happened.

  19. #1599
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Except that all of the hunters expected to die during their mission. Permanence was not their goal. A few seconds delaying the guard was.
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  20. #1600
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    Except that all of the hunters expected to die during their mission. Permanence was not their goal. A few seconds delaying the guard was.
    Bullshit. They were planning to win, not die trying in vain. People may say they are ready to die for the mission but only brainwashed nogoods actually do it willingly, real men would only do it when there's no other choice. Shoot was perhaps already accepting his death, but as Knuckle demonstrated, they didn't go in planning to die. Gon would have never done it anyway; not in his personality or way of thinking. In the first place, his second goal is to save Kite, which would hardly go together with getting killed in seconds.

    Not to mention what you said isn't replying to my point. Why delay somebody for an hour if the other alternative is to delay them for an eternity? Makes zero sense unless there's some heavier reason to choose the single hour.

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