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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #1301
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    wonder if the members of the review board are strong nen-users, too.

    i cant help but find this episode boring. watching gon struggle against such low ranking ants is making me rage. He´s supposed to engage in a fight against pitou. and that sexy cat is on a whole other level than these minions. Though I ABSOLUTELY get what the purpose of that fight was: to show that it is not raw power that decides about the outcome of a battle. It was basically a reverse situation of what awaits Netero and the others when they´ll fight the king and his royal guard. In terms of raw power, the latter have the upper edge.

    Anyway, hope they don´t spend too many episodes and cheetu or chameleon guy.

    oh, and i was honestly surprised that Killua left Gon alone.

  2. #1302
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I have absolutely no problem with how it was handled.

    I find few things more annoying that darkness being represented in a way that the audience can't see what's going on. The character can't see, that's fine. I still want to see what's going on. I don't want to look at a black screen for 10 minutes.

    The established in dialog that it was too dark for him to see, like, 3 times. That's more than enough for me to get the point.
    Well, my words might have been overly harsh, but I have high expectations of this show, for a good reason, so it's no altogether unjustified.

    Plus I know you aren't in reality as stupid as saying "I don't want to look at a black screen for 10 minutes" sounds like. As if that was the only alternative to this episode where there wasn't a single spec of darkness at all. Just a few scenes from Gon's low perspective would have been enough to create a really nice effect of an enemy appearing out of nowhere and then disappearing again before he had a chance to react.

  3. #1303
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Though I ABSOLUTELY get what the purpose of that fight was: to show that it is not raw power that decides about the outcome of a battle.
    Well good, you got it then.

    And even then, they still showed how powerful Gon actually is by stating repeatedly that he wasn't taking any damage during the fight because they couldn't even get through his Nen(though I don't understand how the feathers were sticking in him if that's the case, unless Gon keeps his Nen aura inside his clothes).

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Plus I know you aren't in reality as stupid as saying "I don't want to look at a black screen for 10 minutes" sounds like.
    Don't try and tell me how stupid to be!

  4. #1304
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    New ep is out! (Damn, we're already up to 100 episodes)

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  5. #1305
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Killua's multiple counter. Damn he's good!!

    I don't think he can counter Leol, Cheetu and everyone else though. Not that it matters so much, the preview suggests he'll bleed out before then anyway. His fights are always a pleasure to watch. They're simply quicker and more intelligent (even if only slightly so) than Gon's.

    Plus, his badassery is too much.

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  6. #1306
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Yeah he had some badass moments in this ep, always awesome to see him fight since he has much more actual skill than Gon's more 'brute-force' type fights :P

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  7. #1307
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    good ep, but i didnt like all of killua´s near-flying moves, lol. This series now can never again have a scene where Killua is in danger of falling to death :P

    and i absolutely cant see Killua and Gon fight the royal guard now. having this much problems against the lower ranks? no way.

    and damn, if i was tiger guy, i´d make a deal with pitou that I´d do whatever if she made me her "partner" kawai neko _:>

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  8. #1308
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    good ep, but i didnt like all of killua´s near-flying moves, lol. This series now can never again have a scene where Killua is in danger of falling to death :P
    Hah, well he almost did right at the end had it not been for some Tako powers. Killua aside, I find the ants' portrayals to be really well done. None of the animal varieties seem to get old while weaponising their natural skills.

    Regarding the whole power thing, it looks like we won't have to kill all the ants after all. Meleon doesn't seem particularly aggressive and isn't the first one to dislike the king. Even the king himself is suggested by the ED to be tamed by a "peer" of sorts. I'm not sure who that's supposed to be though. Strangely enough, a young Chairman came to mind.. or whatever that baby was that was born right when the queen died. It seemed rather human-looking for an ant.

    And to finish up on the Chairman, he was totally the yellow light from 1-2 eps ago that Killua avoided. The En looked comparable to Pitou's to me.

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  9. #1309
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    While it's kind of realistic they didn't grow so fast that these attacks wouldn't slow them down at all (while it's at the same time highly unrealistic the ants did grow so fast), it's true they wouldn't last half a minute against Pitou with these kinds of skills. I guess they still need to develop a lot on their way to the target.

    Killua has been tiring himself out far too much. Again, it's actually realistic a kid would foolishly get so invested into his own plan he would forget to sleep and rest, but it's still foolish.

  10. #1310
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Why the hell can that Cheetah thing dodge bullets? Why can Killua? They are so impressed by the speed of the Cheetah, but it only goes around 200kph. Modern rifle bullets can reach 6120000kph. There is a freaking 4 digit difference...
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  11. #1311
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    the "he has the speed of a cheeta" was a figure of speech. Knuckle didnt mean "Cheetuh", he meant the real animal. So, you have to look at it from the perspective of a hunter: speed of human nen-user compared to chimera ant-nen-user.

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  12. #1312
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Why the hell can that Cheetah thing dodge bullets? Why can Killua? They are so impressed by the speed of the Cheetah, but it only goes around 200kph. Modern rifle bullets can reach 6120000kph. There is a freaking 4 digit difference...
    I suppose that was Cheetah's cruising speed. He's amazingly fast, be he does get tired. He's also not fast enough that your eyes couldn't track him either, since Knuckle and Murrel were able to during their fight.

    It sucks that the ambush didn't work though. Shoot just had to slap the guy's legs and he'd seal away his speed. I really wanted to see his face when he goes bankrupt.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #1313
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    They also mentionned his actual speed.

    I guess they could always tell us he's only having a nice walk at 200kph, for stamina purposes too, but he has great short distance/reflexes speed.
    Regarding reflexes, part of it is the instinct where the line of fire will be. Which gives a lot more time to do something. Then add some nen into the mix and you get the idea.

    Regarding Killua's bullet, you have to remember these are air propelled. So they are a lot slower. Also they are fired at a greater distance, which makes all of the line of fire detectiong easier for a nen user like him.

    There's still a lot of bullshit, but at least you can think of those ideas to keep faith in that show

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  14. #1314
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Modern rifle bullets can reach 6120000kph. There is a freaking 4 digit difference...
    What the hell kind of rifle and bullet is that..? Typically the initial speed of a rifle bullet is between something like 700-1000 m/s, which would be 2500-3600 km/h. Still a hard thing to dodge, but at least it's not a particle accelerator sounding speed like 6120000kph.

  15. #1315
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    What the hell kind of rifle and bullet is that..? Typically the initial speed of a rifle bullet is between something like 700-1000 m/s, which would be 2500-3600 km/h. Still a hard thing to dodge, but at least it's not a particle accelerator sounding speed like 6120000kph.
    wtf shinta. several zeros too many, eh?

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  16. #1316
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Oops. Should have been 6120000mph, or 6210kph (I'm working off wiki's 1700mps modern rifle max speed). Still, cruising at 200 and dodging 6210 is absurd. I am not only referring to the tick bullets. Cheetah dodges real bullets after seeing them. That is just unbelievable. If he can do that, he should be able to run at much more than 200kph. 1000+kph seems to make more sense.

    I understand that this is anime logic. Usually, there is the excuse that the target avoids the line of fire, and not the bullet itself, but that is totally contradicted by the delivery in this show. The Killua scene just emphasized that.

    Dodging bullets is just stupid. It is a pet peeve I guess.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Wed, 10-16-2013 at 10:52 AM.
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  17. #1317
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    well, most shows, anime or not, fail with logic whenever they introduce a speedy character. think about this: we have someone who is super fast and has full control over his movement, meaning, he won´t bump into walls or moving obstacles because his senses are fast, too.

    such a character would have a similarily fast though-processing, which in turns means: super fast => super intelligent. Because even if you´re not smart per se, at least relatively you have all the time of the world.

    I have never seen a fantasy-show/novel touch that topic. There´s an episode in "Heroes" (yeah, it sucked from season 2 onwards) where Hiro stops time during a super fast running girl, well, running. And then she suddenly starts talking to Hiro, because apparently she´s SO fast that even Hiro´s time manipulation is not enough. Yet, she wasn´t a very intelligent person. sigh

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  18. #1318
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But I am not even questioning that aspect. Thought speed and reaction speed compared to plain movement speed can get complicated. I am simply wondering why someone who can dodge a bullet only runs at 200kph (this is just about as fast as speeding cars in the highway), even if he is taking it easy.
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  19. #1319
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    well, couldn´t it just be some special awareness that killua can only use for a very brief amount of time, as well as it using a lot of his energy to focus? There´d be a difference between running around at the speed of a bullet, and making a slight shift with your body very quickly.

    As an exampel, I´ve been writing a fantasy novel, and the main character there at some point fights a fat teleporter, who lets himself fall from above to crush the hero. the hero realizes what´s going on, but just knows he wouldn´t make it by simply trying to jump out of the way. so he uses his telekinetic powers on himself, his whole body, and through the combination of physical and mental abilities, he manages to barely evade the attack. He wouldn´t be able to use his telekinetic powers to make himself fly, though, or anything like that.

    That´s what I mean. Killua entered some sort of special mode that made the evasion of bullets possible. He couldn´t enter that state of mind if someone like Hisoka was standing 5 meters from him.

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  20. #1320
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    As much as I would hate to admit it, that is true for anime physics. Set rules will always have exceptions. Even the narration in this episode seemed skeptical about how Killua avoided those ticks. The narrator was basically saying "wtf this is impossible, but Killua somehow managed so he is so cool."
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