Well, I was just talking with Buff about it and apparently they said during the Killua Rescue arc that Killua has four brothers.
Episode 94 is out!!
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Dibs on bat girl! (lol, HXH bringing out dat furry love)
Slow episode. I didnt really care a lot about all the exposition of Killuaīs. And the fighting at the end was rather annyoing, since those low level-enemies have no business here, at least if Gon wants to have a chance against Pitou. Meleoron appears to be no strong fighter, either, so ... ugh. And itīs also clear that heīll be one-offed by Killua, who secretly followed Gon after splitting ways, thatīs a given.
Yeah, I was waiting for that to happen throughout the entire episode but that still didn't happen. Killua being cool is still nice to watch though. I'm not entirely sure why he was so adamant about Gon not attacking though. It's not like Gon would be able to surprise Pitou anyway. Despite the hunters saying that the ants can't do anything against Zetsu, it always seems to be the ants who are ambushing our hunters (aside from the fog trap).Originally Posted by MFauli
Oh, MFauli, batgirl is mine. Not my fault your Zazzan went all macho before burning up.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
You guys keep those low level crap. I am calling dibs on Nef.
Yeah, I know she might be a he or that might not even matter for ants, but see my post on Killua's brother.
It seems obviously Killua is following Gon in order to slay the pursuers, but I do hope that's not the case, in the end. It's not like Gon would really need any help against these weaklings and on the other hand, he can't always rely on others to watch his back. It should be a breeze to track down these goons if he actually put his knowledge and skills to use. As long as he has disciplined, smart people like Killua around him, Gon will neglect his own wider training and only concentrate on his power attacks and other stuff he's really interested in. That's not conducive to a long life as a nen user.
I'm not confident that Gon could locate Meleoron though.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
During the earlier parts of the show when it wasn't all about nen, I always got the impression Gon is a very nature oriented person. Umm... Well, unfortunately English might be too urban a language to describe the kind of person (or perhaps more likely my vocabulary too lacking), so I can't describe it adequately in just a few words, but somebody who always prefers to wander the woods and wilderness and is more home there than in towns and cities. Someone very proficient surviving in the wilds (alone and without constant external support if necessary) and very aware of wildlife both for his own security and in order to hunt and fish. Add to that nen, now, and he should be able to catch Meleoron eventually, if he put his mind to the task.
I also remember Gon is as good as a dog (or even better now) at tracking scents.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
Reports indicate that HxH is moving to the late night time slot on Mondays or Tuesdays (forgot which) after this next ep.
So.. no ep this week?![]()
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
yeah, instead of giving us an episode today and one on tuesday, we just dont get one today. :/
makes me remember how we used to get double features of naruto once in a while :/
New ep is out!
Too damn late here atm, so i'll have to wait and watch it when i wake up tomorrow :P
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
The Review Board already sounds like a group I'm going to hate.
It's very existence sounds completely contrary to the nature of the Hunter's association as it has been presented to us so far.
Gon just pulled a weaker version of Uvogin scream.
It's only natural such a detail appeared. If it's an old organization that obviously needed bureaucracy for all the events (such as the exam), maintaining infrastructure, deals with governments, keeping track of a large amount of members, etc, then it's natural that bureaucracy started to live a life of its own, seeking to maintain itself for its own sake, just like the governmental bureaucracy of any country. The longer the history, the more detached from fieldwork the members that were only interested in politics.
This certainly made it already sound like the Hunter association is well past its prime.
I was expecting that from the moment they started to talk about the importance of sound and hearing in the darkness. Not that the dark would have been depicted remotely successfully in this episode. Rarely have I seen a director fail this miserably. Considering they could have even saved some animation budget by having real darkness for Gon to deal with during this fight, it's kind of funny they didn't.
I have absolutely no problem with how it was handled.
I find few things more annoying that darkness being represented in a way that the audience can't see what's going on. The character can't see, that's fine. I still want to see what's going on. I don't want to look at a black screen for 10 minutes.
The established in dialog that it was too dark for him to see, like, 3 times. That's more than enough for me to get the point.