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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #1181
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Compulsive rapist/murderers all over the world?
    well, nothing new then.


  2. #1182
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    well, nothing new then.

    The world already has plenty of beings like that(this arc along introduced us to an entire country built around drug trafficking), it doesn't really change the status quo of the series that much.

  3. #1183
    I think an army of unstoppable mutants raping, pillaging, and eating humans is a little different than organized drug crime.

  4. #1184
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I don't understand why that bonus ant wasn't in an egg.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
    I think an army of unstoppable mutants raping, pillaging, and eating humans is a little different than organized drug crime.
    The rest of them though aren't really a threat on a global scale because they aren't powerful enough.

    What will happen is some squad leader will go on a rampage in some area, and some hunters will show up and kill him. They were so dangerous before because there were hundreds of them all in one place. Now they're going to be spread out all over the world in groups of, like, 1-3.

    Containment was important before because their entire society was built around expansion of the colony.

    But now that they've started absorbing humans, all of them have just become shitty humans. Super strong humans, but humans none the less. Most of them don't even CARE about creating a new generation of ants. They just want to kill, or eat.

    Absorbing humans, while making them more powerful, has made them much less of an ecological threat.

  5. #1185
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The bonus ant was in an egg. I think it hatched inside of the Queen. I faintly remember seeing egg fragments from where it popped out, not sure though.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  6. #1186
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The bonus ant was in an egg. I think it hatched inside of the Queen. I faintly remember seeing egg fragments from where it popped out, not sure though.
    There were indeed egg shells.

    And as for the ecological threat thing.. don't forget that the raped women/animals will give birth to new queens, who would start a new army. If the ants are as human as we say they are, then what's a "king" without a harem (or at least, his queen)?

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  7. #1187
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    And as for the ecological threat thing.. don't forget that the raped women/animals will give birth to new queens, who would start a new army. If the ants are as human as we say they are, then what's a "king" without a harem (or at least, his queen)?
    *shrug* Again, this world has dragons the size of mountains. It really doesn't seem like the world is going to be that much worse off than it was before.

  8. #1188
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I don't understand why that bonus ant wasn't in an egg.
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  9. #1189
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 93 is out!!

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  10. #1190
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Haha. Gon is pretty awesome in his own way. He's certainly very natural and doesn't need to put up an act, which gives him that much more impact.

    It doesn't look like the ant king found an overly prosperous country if the ruler was such an idiot and the soldiers had no military training whatsoever. But then again, in less developed countries the lower standard of living generally means a high birth rate, which of course would be optimal for the ants' purposes.

    I reckon in more developed countries there ought to be special forces with heavy nen users. Otherwise great many countries would be dictatorships ruled by nen users as nobody could stand against them. After all, the Hunter association doesn't seem to amount to much based on this arc, and, as opposed to the grand image the beginning of the story gave to it, seems more like an interest group for likeminded people, plus a few freeloaders who join just to get visa exempts, database accesses and such, like Hisoka & Killua's brother. So, it's certainly no world police against super criminals or dangerous beasts.

  11. #1191
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    like, every scene was cruel and gruesome, wow. dont know where to start.

    the king telling the bunny-girls that theyīre no more than cows or pigs to him, was fantastic. i had thought Gantz did that kind of theme well already, but HXH does it way more "in your face", and itīs great.

    the cheetah eating fingers like fries, oh my. and just how cruel his appearance in the town felt to me as the observer. I KNOW what a monster he is, but all those civilians just look at him curiously, even enjoying it. And yet, I know theyīre all as good as dead.

    last but not least, I keep wondering about Kiteīs "life status". Is he gone or not? If heīs dead, then this elaborate lead-up to finally finding out about it, will have been the most cruel shit Iīve ever seen done to an innocent shounen-hero. Gon keeps happily annoncing how Kite will be okay, how Knuckle will bring him back and all. And then ... dead? omg. Heīll go all "NO KRILLIN!" -> BAMM!

    And now Killuah versus an old "friend". Iīm not sure how to judge eitherīs strength. Both got significant upgrades. The chimera-guy went from "no nen" to "nen". Killuah underwent the whole nen-endurance training to raise his base nen power, and we know how hard it is to improve here. Still, .... Well, being one of the heroes, Iīll give Killuah the upperhand. And he has a lot to prove by defeating this monster.

    Palm is now my waifu. Cutest girl in the whole series. You Biske-loli fans can suck it! :P Weird date, though. Sitting next to the shore and watching a tree without saying anything. if only dating was that ease.

  12. #1192
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    And now Killuah versus an old "friend". Iīm not sure how to judge eitherīs strength. Both got significant upgrades. The chimera-guy went from "no nen" to "nen". Killuah underwent the whole nen-endurance training to raise his base nen power, and we know how hard it is to improve here. Still, .... Well, being one of the heroes, Iīll give Killuah the upperhand. And he has a lot to prove by defeating this monster.
    Killua could probably defeat the dude with relative ease if he didn't have his psychological barrier installed by his dear brother and brought to the edge by Biscuit. Rammot is just a beast, even if equipped with rudimentary nen this time, but a beast nonetheless. Killua is a highly trained killer plus with decent training in nen as well. Unfortunately you could see from his expression already that he started to hesitate and get full of doubt immediately. Rammot won't hesitate, being a beast.

    Considering Killua and Gon did beat Rammot to the brink of defeat during the previous meeting, I find it troublesome Killua didn't look confident at all. Biscuit really did wonders to crush his self-esteem utterly. Hunters prefer quite Spartan training methods...

  13. #1193
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post

    Considering Killua and Gon did beat Rammot to the brink of defeat during the previous meeting, I find it troublesome Killua didn't look confident at all.
    That was the point though.. that Rammot didn't die from Gon's punch. And now the guy's back - with Nen.. and without Gon.

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  14. #1194
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    That was the point though.. that Rammot didn't die from Gon's punch. And now the guy's back - with Nen.. and without Gon.
    He didn't die but he would have been dead the next moment had Colt not rescued him. It doesn't exactly make somebody tougher if he needs to be saved by somebody else; normally, it makes a fighter look more pitiful. If Killua wasn't so obsessed with his own imagined weakness, he could very easily get under Rammot's chitinous skin by asking who's going to save him this time when things get tough.

    Killua hasn't exactly been sitting on his hands since the last meeting. He has been training very hard, much much harder than Rammot for sure, since Rammot never even had an instructor, unless you count one loser who had sticks jammed into his brain to spill the very general beans.

  15. #1195
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    yeah, but i think the point is that gonīs jajanken-attack is insta-fatal normally. yet rammot survived it, without nen.

  16. #1196
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    yeah, but i think the point is that gonīs jajanken-attack is insta-fatal normally. yet rammot survived it, without nen.
    Says who? I think it would be pretty arrogant for mere brats to think they have mastered nen to the level of having sure bet one-hit-kill attacks. Jajanken is nothing but Gon's strongest attack. Who knows how high it would rank, at the moment, among all the nen users in the world, but I very much doubt it would be anywhere near the top 10. It's not even anywhere near Uvo's similar attack, I reckon. So, Gon still needs to work hard to make it insta-fatal.

  17. #1197
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    rammot didnt have nen back then. yet he withstood a powerful nen-special attack. thatīs what i meant. i didnt say that jajanken was a onehit-ko-attack against nen-users.

  18. #1198
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Kraco: the "Without Nen" part is of particular importance.

    Gon's punch was about the same as Razor's decapitating, back-breaking spikes. Knuckle got knocked out when he guarded with Nen. There's no denying that it's one damn strong attack. I doubt Killua has anything like that in his arsenal (not that he necessarily needs something like that, but it shows you that it's not a raw damage output that is easily attainable).

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #1199
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Shit, Palm cleans up real good

    Is Palm related to Hisoka or something with the whole weird pedo-crush on Gon going on lol

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  20. #1200
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    What...the fuck...did I just watch.

    I guess the ant thing isn't over for now after all.

    I feel so bad for Gon, he's so happy about Kite and I just know he's gonna be devastated when he finds out he's some kind of zombie puppet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    Shit, Palm cleans up real good
    I bet Bisky used her Nen stylist on her.

    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    Is Palm related to Hisoka or something with the whole weird pedo-crush on Gon going on lol
    It's not them. It's Gon. He has Shounen Hero magnetism.

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