Welp, that was predictable. I think i saw Bisque in the preview so maybe they'll train with her a bit more plus some anger from seeing Kyte's head mounted on the wall or something for that extra buzz so they can actually put up a decent enough fight.
I have to express my concerns about the power creep again though, it's always been clear that Gon and Killua had what it took to make it into the best of the best but their development has always been very gradual and careful thus far. Although they have incredible potential they're still kids. Honestly to me the ideal outcome here would be for them to be mostly useless though the whole arc, using the experience to gain some level headedness on how vast the world really is.
Regarding my Ging comment, it's just that as of yet, everytime he's mentionned or briefly shown, he does/did things at such levels you'd think he's way too bright/powerful... and seems to be doing so without much effort/trouble. But maybe that how I want to see all of this.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
Whaaaaaaaat the hell just happened?!
I can't believe they didn't even show the fight!
I can't help but feel like this series has lessoned the impact of this death though. But taking out the story arc where we get to know Kite and Gon develops an actual relationship with him, it make it much less important to the story and to Gon that he died.
By changing a character from a practically an idol to a mere acquaintance you drastically alter the impact of that character's death.
I gotta say, quick pet peeve, which they've done twice in a row now, is showing us a character who has a very specific number of special attacks, and then killing them off before we even get to see them all.
First Pokkle with his Rainbow themed arrows dies after only showing us two colors, and then Kite with his 10 randomized weapons dies after only seeing what 3 of them are(and only what 2 of them do).
Maybe they just won't be.
It's not like that would make this the first arc where Gon and Killua were not the central focus. Most of the Auction Arc had nothing to do with them.
Kinda off-topic, but I was just browsing amazon, looking how many Detective Conan-volumes have been released since I last bought one (currently at vol. 70), and I found out that there are already 78 volumes. It´s kinda incredible how Gosho Aoyama can deliver such steady work, while Togashi keeps going on hiatus after hiatus. To think how far the story could be at this point had he not slacked for so long.
I will really hate the day that this anime is forced to pause/quit, because of a lack of source material ...![]()
I actually wouldn't mind a forced pause, and which they would step up the pace. The first 5 minutes were basically all recap. I'd rather have the anime done perfectly than stretch out to last as long as possible.
Togashi has as golden contract with Shounen Jump, where he can't be fired and can basically do whatever he wants. It's revenge for them forcing him to prolong Yu Yu Hakusho, and giving him shit for Level-E. I only watched 2 seasons of Conan about a decade ago, but I doubt the quality of the story is anywhere near HXH. This anime keeps consistently good if not improves, unlike Naruto/Bleach/One Piece.
This is why merely seeing Kite's head doesn't fully convince me he's dead. It kind of feels like he was supposed to be a major character, but then he's suddenly dead before he really achieved anything, as if he was, after all, just a background character who die by the dozens in this story. Perhaps it's just the fault of this new show, and I don't remember his earlier contribution well enough from the old show.
Hmmm, at first i was indeed shocked and thought he was seriously dead, but now that i think about it he might not be because of some skill that "thing" he rolled has, we saw him roll it and get an item, but never saw it's use... damnit, now i'm super curious!
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
That he won't make another living appearance and other characters actually start to consider him dead.
If he really is dead already, he was pretty weak. Below the Phantom Troupe members, and Killua vastly overestimated him. The opponent was a newborn ant, after all, and this was its first fight! He would have lost to an absolute newbie.
I don't think that's a fair comparison. Chimera Ants are physically superior to humans already. Despite everything that the arrogant-duo had to say, Neferpitou's aura rocked everyone's boat. Phantom weren't here to fight it, so we can't say if they're weaker or stronger. Rather than say Killua overestimated Kite, it is more apt to say that none of them expected the Ants to be so strong. Gon overestimated Kite, Killua was just happy someone gave him a hug when he needed one. I wouldn't say his "agreement" meant much.Originally Posted by Kraco
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Damn, can't believe he's dead, didn't expect HxH to shock me like this
and we will have to see the chairman and his group fight the royal guard just to see how strong they really are, i am guessing Netero is the strongest hunter out there, but would mind those guys with him brought down a noch
Didn't Killua just say that by his estimation Neferpitou was probably stronger than the guys from the hunter organisation which include Netero. That seems to suggest he wasn't overestimating Kite, more like Neferpitou was strong beyond belief. Killua has been in the presence of the Phantom Troupe members, Illumi and Hisoka and yet he found Neferpitou's aura to be the most sinister one he had ever experienced.
I don't think you can put Kite below Phantom Troupe members, although it is hard to say exactly where he stands given we don't know enough about each of them individually. For one thing, his En has a lot more range than Nobunaga's.
Last edited by Splash!; Mon, 06-24-2013 at 03:14 AM.
Yeah, but one of the arrogant pro Hunters following Netero said you have lost already if you let the enemy's aura overwhelm you, and in a nen fight even the smallest of actions can change the outcome. In the end the royal guard obviously has an enermous aura, but before messing with the arrow dude's brain it didn't even know what nen is and before Kite it had never used it in combat. Also, the Queen hadn't eaten a single real nen user before Neferpitou, so it can't even have any techniques through that bs way. In other words, it can't have any techniques or extensive knowledge, it only has brute force. I doubt brute force will fly that long against the likes of Netero. In fact I'd expect Netero (or the two companions) to be able to use the brute force against the opponent. I'd guess Kite's downfall was the arm lost due to foolishly diverting his attention to Gon & Killua. Neferpitou wouldn't have needed to do anything but keep harassing Kite, and the fight would have been over due to blood loss.
The point the Morel guy seemed to be making was that there is always the chance to beat your opponent, as a moment of carelessness could a decide a battle. However, that doesn't change the fact that being ridiculously strong is probably the most important advantage you can have in a fight. Also, what Morel said applies equally to Kite. So yes, that moment where he tried to 'protect' Gon and Kite probably decided the outcome of the battle right then and there, regardless of how strong he actually was.
Secondly, it doesn't mean a whole lot that Neferpitou doesn't know the details when she seems naturally adept as using nen. You can't use human standards to evaluate these chimera ants. For one thing, they seem to be able to use human speech right from the get go. What is to stop them from coming out with fully developed nen abilities, even if they don't understand how their innate talents work. What we already saw from Neferpitou isn't something humans can do without actual training so it wouldn't be stretch if there was more to it.
Last edited by Splash!; Mon, 06-24-2013 at 03:46 AM.
I'm just trying to desperately hope all the bs concerning these ants would know at least some limit. It seems quite ridiculous humans need to work their asses off to master nen abilities if some ants simply are born with uber techniques and skills more than equal. Considering that godly phagogenesis, it would already explain being able to speak since all the people the queen eats surely speak. But now I'm supposed to believe eating 1000 ordinary joes and janes who had never heard of nen is still enough to spurt out a nen master?
Killua estimated Kite to be stronger than a Nen Master with his "En" abilities, and he also has Ging's respect. I definitely wouldn't put him below the Phantom Troupe.
I think the royal guards may be the product of thousands of humans, not just one thousand. Although I could be wrong. Yeah they are a broken species but its an interesting change of pace. Togashi is skilled at surprising the reader with where he wants to take the story. It seems pulled out of his ass, but at least the reasoning somewhat makes sense rather than introducing an army of humans out of nowhere who have incredible power levels.
Neferpitou was born with monstruous levels of nen oozing from her body. Rammot reaction proved that.
At that point, she never had any knowledge regarding nen... unless the communication system ants use gave her some data she could extrapolate while she was growing.
Then she got her hand on nen knowledge thanks to Pokkle. At that point, she got pointers as to how she could control that massive nen natural nen output she has, she even is a specialist, a rare breed amongst nen users.
They really highlighted the fact that Kite had extraordinary powers to be able to detect enemies in any direction at a distance of 45 meters.
Yet Neferpitou found him at a distance that was like 500 meters or more (maybe 1000?) and just jumped from that place directly to Kite. She's a monster regarding nen powers. That ep to me just exposed those facts.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.