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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #981
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I wonder whoīs stronger, Neferpitou or Uborgin. Pitouīs entrance and her overwhelming power kinda reminded me of him. :>

  2. #982
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Nef is cuter so she wins.
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  3. #983
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I can't explain my stance any better than this. If it's still not enough, I give up.
    There's nothing to explain. Your stance is quite clear. Even though it's a situation that he knows, for a fact, becomes exponentially worse the longer you wait to deal with it, you think the wisest decision for him would be to wait around and do nothing until backup arrives.

    I understand your stance, and I think it's wrong.

    That they become stronger the more time you give them to operate is an inevitability. Him being killed and used to create a stronger ant isn't. And in fact becomes MORE likely the longer he waits to deal with the situation.

  4. #984
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think Kraco is saying that Kite should have left Gon and Killua and rushed to the colony and kill the queen as quickly as possible.
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  5. #985
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I think Kraco is saying that Kite should have left Gon and Killua and rushed to the colony and kill the queen as quickly as possible.
    Looks like he's saying he shouldn't have gone at all to me:
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    He set out without waiting for other pro hunters because he wanted to prevent the king from being born and thus making matters simpler, despite the fact it's a big risk to challenge a whole colony on his own - the fact if he's defeated further complicating the situation because his body would be quite a feast for the queen.

  6. #986
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Read the two sentences right before that quote from Kraco.

    I think Kraco is saying that if Kite wanted to rush, he should have left Gon and Killua. If he wanted to be careful, he should have waited for other pro hunters. He did neither. He decided to take 2 kids with him despite the time pressure.

    I am not agreeing with Kraco. I am just clarifying his point as I understand it.

    Kraco, please point it out if I misunderstood you.
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  7. #987
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's exactly what I meant, Shinta. It's a huge risk to go alone, especially with the little knowledge anybody has of chimera ants. Yet it would also be a huge risk to allow the king to be born, creating a situation where the ant colonies could spread rapidly. Yet despite this a rock and a hard place situation Kite thought he has enough margin to take Gon & Killua with him, to teach them along the way. So, he's only 50% concentrating on getting to the ant colony on time, the remaining 50% spent on looking after the kids, advicing them, and granting them time to fight random ants. That's underestimating something he doesn't even fully understand, plain and simple.

    Now, of course I understand that this is a shounen show and it would have been ridiculous to leave the main characters behind, so that was unavoidable. I certainly prefer this to the alternative of Kite telling the two to stay out of NGL, those two sneaking after Kite nonetheless, getting into trouble, Kite saving them and having no choice but to allow them to continue with him. In any case Kite himself seems to be noticing of late he has neglected to take something into account.

  8. #988
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Technically Kite shouldn't be looking out for the kids because they're only supposed to come along if they're good enough. The Rammot test was for this purpose.. In practice though.. yeah, we had to get individual fights or it'd be no fun.

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  9. #989
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    it would have been ridiculous to leave the main characters behind, so that was unavoidable. I certainly prefer this to the alternative of Kite telling the two to stay out of NGL, those two sneaking after Kite nonetheless, getting into trouble, Kite saving them and having no choice but to allow them to continue with him.
    Or even worse, them saving Kite in the nick of time, Naruto style... One thing I super enjoy about HxH is that it is not afraid to rub into our faces just how 'big the world is' and how outclassed Gon and Killua are as of now. At least, thats the feeling I get from it.

  10. #990
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 85 is out!!


    Which of you said Kite was going to die? I want to wring your neck so badly...

    (Also, don't wiki Kite. I thought I'd read just a little, and the 2nd sentence told me something I shouldn't have known.)

    At least Bisuke's in the next ep though!! :3
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 06-23-2013 at 12:48 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #991
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Jesus christ, shit just got super real!

    God damn this show is crazy awesome.

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  12. #992
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hmm... I wouldn't still bet everything on Kite being dead. The opponent is a day old ant, so Kite might have pulled off some kind of replica stunt in order to escape and buy time to recuperate, and the enemy would be none the wiser. The royal guard might have huge potential and raw strength, but it's still stupid due to lack of knowledge and experience.

    I wonder where Netero dug up those arrogant bastards... But since he did, their power must be genuinely high and not bluff and bravado.

    Edit: It looks like Killua agrees with me on the three of them underestimating the ants and being too arrogant for their own good.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 06-23-2013 at 04:33 AM.

  13. #993
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    damn, fucking damnitydamn!

    This show is so incredibly unpredictable, not following any typical shounen-formula. So fun to watch. Or not. Kite This episode felt like some netorare anime, but instead of your loved one getting fucked by another, he was killed :/

    The two guys accompanying Netero seemed had a somewhat arrogant attitude, but I have no doubt that theyīre genuinely strong. Super strong. Strong enough for the Royal Guard? No idea. But that buff guy was right about what he said: Once you let yourself be overwhelmed by the opponent, you already lost the fight. Though, the guy has no idea about the chimera ants, so thatīs where Killuaīs call was right, too. The difference in power would have cost Gon his life (and consequently all three of them). It really was a combination of "being overwhelmed" AND "too fucking strong", so it isnīt a clear matter of wrong or right choice.

    By the way I knew Kite was going to die, had that spoiled long time ago, but I didnīt know how. Damn. What made it all the more effective was how the anime just kept showing to us how Killua traveled all the way back, night turning to day, then reaching the country border, exhaustedly. True desperation, well knowing that he left a friend behind, certain to die. And then, just before the gruesome death is revealed, we have one of those adorable "EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT, IM SURE OF IT! *smile*"-moments of Gonīs. Ugh. Should they ever find out about Kiteīs death, and Iīm sure they will, Gon will be absolutely devastated.

    And now the big elephant in the room:
    HOW - THE - FUCK - ARE- GON - AND - KILLUA - SUPPOSED - TO - GET - THAT - MUCH - STRONGER? In a reasonable amount of time so they can continue to be part of this story.
    My first idea was "develop some special techniques", but winning against the Royal Guard requires such a rise in just raw fighting power that I donīt think any "trick" will be enough. That is something I thought when I saw Neteroīs two followers: These guys arenīt "bullshit outta-nowhere stronger than anyone else"-characters. Those two are guys like Gon and Killua, just, say, 10 years older. They are what you get when you keep honing and developing a talent like that of our two protagonists.
    And thatīs why Iīm left wondering how those two shall catch up in a short amount of time. There is no room for side important side adventures, like there was during the YorkShin-arc, where Kurapika was doing all the fighting, and Gon and Killua did sneaky jobs. Itīs all about live-or-die battles in this arc. And itīd be boring if our heroes were just fighting the below-royal guard chimera ants, wouldnīt it.

    Man .... maaaan ... this anime.

    Highlight of the season, no contest.

    By writing "I spoiled myself Kiteīs death" I mean that I knew about what would happen in this episode. If Kracoīs speculation about Kite not really being dead is true ... well, I wouldnīt know that. I just saw that particular scene in the manga and assumed that Pitou holding Kiteīs head in her lap was a death confirmation. So, no spoilers happened.
    Last edited by MFauli; Sun, 06-23-2013 at 06:21 AM.

  14. #994
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Netero and the 2 other guys against 3 royal guards.
    Then the king remains.

    But that would be too easy for that show.

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  15. #995
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    And now the big elephant in the room:
    HOW - THE - FUCK - ARE- GON - AND - KILLUA - SUPPOSED - TO - GET - THAT - MUCH - STRONGER? In a reasonable amount of time so they can continue to be part of this story.
    My first idea was "develop some special techniques", but winning against the Royal Guard requires such a rise in just raw fighting power that I donīt think any "trick" will be enough. That is something I thought when I saw Neteroīs two followers: These guys arenīt "bullshit outta-nowhere stronger than anyone else"-characters. Those two are guys like Gon and Killua, just, say, 10 years older. They are what you get when you keep honing and developing a talent like that of our two protagonists.
    And thatīs why Iīm left wondering how those two shall catch up in a short amount of time. There is no room for side important side adventures, like there was during the YorkShin-arc, where Kurapika was doing all the fighting, and Gon and Killua did sneaky jobs. Itīs all about live-or-die battles in this arc. And itīd be boring if our heroes were just fighting the below-royal guard chimera ants, wouldnīt it.
    Time Machine/2nd Container-esque training, I would think. Something that would buff up basic stats somehow.

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  16. #996
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Is there any known hunter/nen-user thatīs stronger than Netero?

  17. #997
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Is there any known hunter/nen-user thatīs stronger than Netero?
    I don't know. I don't even know how strong Netero is. I just assume he's strong because he's chairman.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #998
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Ging probably is several orders of magnitude stronger than anything on earth.
    Hard to tell for other characters.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  19. #999
    Only previous reference to power levels has been Biscuit mentioning that Netero once told her that Ging is one of the top 3 nen users in the world. Im pretty sure you wont find anything else if you go back through the series.

  20. #1000
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Time for Netero to kick some ass. It's too bad Nef has to die. I like her practical yet bad ass character, and she does not look anything like an ant or freak. Female chimera ants apparently look pretty human, while males look like gnats of some sort.
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