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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #2161
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't think we know enough about him to go that far, Bill. Personally I think DE might be correct in deducing Ging's reason not to even visit Gon (not that Gon would know anything of it, being a coma patient), but that's still a far cry from being so cold he wouldn't care at all if Gon was killed. If he really didn't give a shit, he wouldn't have left the message in Greed Island. He would have just abandoned Gon and never looked back like a genuine scumbag.

  2. #2162
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    It sounds cool in anime, but logically speaking he is utter trash.
    Absolutely. Like you said, it's shounen bullshit. In real life, he'd be a scumbag.

    But it is shounen anime, so it's a cool "as expected of my son" attitude.

  3. #2163
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Togashi could have added a bit more support from Ging for Gon here and there that will keep him from dying, to make it look like Ging gives a shit.

    It would have been cliche as hell, but at least better than asshat dad.

    Unless Ging is supposed to be an actual asshat trash of a father. If so, I guess that's okay. I just hope they don't pull a "he actually cares about Gon!" asspull on us.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  4. #2164
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Togashi could have added a bit more support from Ging for Gon here and there that will keep him from dying, to make it look like Ging gives a shit.

    It would have been cliche as hell, but at least better than asshat dad.

    Unless Ging is supposed to be an actual asshat trash of a father. If so, I guess that's okay. I just hope they don't pull a "he actually cares about Gon!" asspull on us.
    Is he really an asshat trash father though? Or is he just a really obsessed hunter? I know the two aren't mutually exclusive but I feel like he even looked at Gon as a mission. I am sure Ging wanted to raise him the best way he knew how and wanted Gon to grow up strong. That bastard became a hunter! One of the youngest to boot, all in pursuit of his father. When he questioned Leorio "Did Gon ask to see me?" that was a serious question. Kite asked Gon the same thing, and Gon said no. I have no expectation that Gon wants Ging to visit him. Gon left on a mission to find Ging, and Ging left Gon hints along the way. At any time Gon could of done something else and resented the father that abandoned him but he didn't. Ging's whole MO is "get the target to move how you want" and I think he knew exactly what Gon was going to do because of the whole "as expected of my son" mentality.

    After the drawing episode with the Zodiacs I don't think it is a leap to believe that Ging has charted Gon's development since he left Gon on that Island with a caring, nurturing mother figure and wild animals to chase in order for Gon to become a physical beast with a good disposition.
    Last edited by exglitch67; Fri, 08-15-2014 at 12:11 AM.

  5. #2165
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    That bastard became a hunter! One of the youngest to boot, all in pursuit of his father.
    Technically, according to the original series, Gon became a hunter because of Kite, not his father. Kite is the one who taught him what being a Hunter was, and what it meant.

    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    Is he really an asshat trash father though? Or is he just a really obsessed hunter?
    If he abandoned his kid because of his obsession with hunting, then he's both. Because that's something only an asshat trash father would do.

    The only way that that would be excusable is if Ging's work with the Hunters is somehow preventing the world his son lives in from being destroyed or something.

    Like if things like Chimera Ants are always threatening to wipe out humanity, and Ging is one of the only people preventing it.

  6. #2166
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    The only way that that would be excusable is if Ging's work with the Hunters is somehow preventing the world his son lives in from being destroyed or something.

    Like if things like Chimera Ants are always threatening to wipe out humanity, and Ging is one of the only people preventing it.
    There's no danger of that, for good or for ill. He could spend a considerable time building Greed Island with his friends, and that was for absolutely no higher purpose. Even his message to Gon was: Hey, look at what I could pull off with my buddies!

  7. #2167
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Ep 143 is out.

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  8. #2168
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    - -- - - -

    It baffles me Teradein was such a huge loser. He didn't even put up a fight. He would have had absolutely no business being the new boss of Hunters. But then again, he looked like a politician, so I guess it makes sense he couldn't do anything himself.

    Hisoka is bloody evil. I had forgotten that, and all the joking didn't remind me adequately. You never know what he might do. Such a jolly fellow and living true to his nature.

    Killua is becoming really soft. He doesn't belong among his family anymore, aside from Alluka. Apparently this show is ending in five eps if memory serves, so his softness won't affect lots of things anymore, which is good. It was better when Gon was strange and Killua was tough.

  9. #2169
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Apparently this show is ending in five eps if memory serves
    Waaait... what the what? Seriously?

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  10. #2170
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    Waaait... what the what? Seriously?
    something like that. the story isn´t over, per se, but we´ll have run out of source material. At this point, we should pray that Togashi says "screw it!" and just hands over some scripts to the anime team, giving up on the manga version that would take another 10 years, if at all, to produce enough chapters for 2-3 anime-arcs.

    @episode: That was new, regarding the "Nanika isn´t cruel when someone wishes good", right? Interesting.

    And I´m kinda shocked how weak all those other hunters are, especially Bushidora. Or, how strong Hisoka is. I agree that it was fantastic seeing him ponder who he should best kill to get the most enjoyable result. At one point I expected to see a fight between Hisoka and Illumi, which would have been cool

    Also of note: Leorio is now number #2. Since it´d be dumb to spend sooo much time showing the voting process, I cannot see Pariston winning, cause that would mean this guy´s plans worked out as he intended. And that would be boring. Since there´s no better alternative ... I actually see Leorio winning this. And ... how absurdly cool would THAT be!

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  11. #2171
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    Waaait... what the what? Seriously?
    Alright, I dug the source up: According to Gon's voice actor, at the very least.

  12. #2172
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Well shit...

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  13. #2173
    Anyone knows the meaning of the symbols behind Netero in the opening? I wonder what that last rule is that has Killua so panicked. I belive that it has something to do with freeing Alluka. Anyway Killua seems to like both personalities of Alluka so I dont see him getting rid of Something to tell the truth.
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  14. #2174
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Man, what is even going ON in this arc anymore?

    I'm not sure what Hisoka is even doing. Illumi doesn't seem to need his help, so why is he just going around killing obviously weak hunters?

    If I didn't know better, it would seem like he's killing off Pariston's competition.

    The fact that a healing wish results in kind requests is a real game-changer.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Since it´d be dumb to spend sooo much time showing the voting process, I cannot see Pariston winning, cause that would mean this guy´s plans worked out as he intended. And that would be boring.
    Unless it's showing you a future antagonist's rise to power. In which case it would be completely worth the time to show it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    Waaait... what the what? Seriously?
    Yeah, this arc is supposedly really short, and the next one has barely gotten started.

  15. #2175
    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4 View Post
    Anyone knows the meaning of the symbols behind Netero in the opening? I wonder what that last rule is that has Killua so panicked. I belive that it has something to do with freeing Alluka. Anyway Killua seems to like both personalities of Alluka so I dont see him getting rid of Something to tell the truth.
    Using my limited Chinese, here are the characters:

    大丰 | 心
    Not too sure what 大丰 means, but if you look at each character separately, 大 means big. 丰 means abundant/plentiful. 心 means either the heart or the mind (learning towards the former). Probably just Buddhist-influenced principles that Netero stands by.

    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    Waaait... what the what? Seriously?
    Hello, Hunter x Hunter (2026)!

  16. #2176
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Those symbols already showed up on a sign in-episode and they were translated then. It was something like "great heart" or something.

  17. #2177
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Unless it's showing you a future antagonist's rise to power. In which case it would be completely worth the time to show it..
    You´re right. But then I´d like to witness his battle powress first. Seeing all those hunters getting killed so easily by Hisoka makes me question ... everybody lol. We either need more powerful hunters or find out why Hisoka is so strong.

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  18. #2178
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I wonder if the last rule Killua is hiding is related to the consequences of healing.
    Right after healing that hand, "Nanika" needed to sleep. Questions are: How much time Nanika needs to recover, is it proportionnal to the difficulty of the healing. Also, could it be dangerous to Alluka or only to Nanika?
    Somehow I feel like healing Gon is almost like getting someone back from the dead. It might be that Gon needs several decades worth of lifeenergy to be healed.
    I would not be surprised then if it becomes Killua's solution to free Alluka from Nanika's curse.
    Healing Gon will either kill Nanika -without killing Alluka that is- or put it to sleep for several decades, in both cases Alluka would be freed from the curse for her lifetime.
    But that's really too convenient for Killua and the story, so I guess it should be a little more complicated than that.
    Also, I guess Killua has to wait for someone to wish something, before he wishes to heal Gon.

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  19. #2179
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David
    I would not be surprised then if it becomes Killua's solution to free Alluka from Nanika's curse.
    Healing Gon will either kill Nanika -without killing Alluka that is- or put it to sleep for several decades, in both cases Alluka would be freed from the curse for her lifetime.
    But that's really too convenient for Killua and the story, so I guess it should be a little more complicated than that.
    Also, I guess Killua has to wait for someone to wish something, before he wishes to heal Gon.
    I think that may be exactly how it would go David, it sounds about right. I'm not sure why they'd necessarily put a needle back into Killua though.

    As for Killua making 2 wishes in a row, the translations said you can't, right? In that case, Killua's already done that. "Heal Tsubone" and "Give me a kiss if we leave this mountain in 30mins" were both his wishes.

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  20. #2180
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I'm not very confident in what I remember from previous eps, but there was a difference between wishes and commands/orders right?
    I don't remember the details and hope the translation was right about that.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

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