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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #2021
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't really see how molecular poison would be evaporating from a person anyway, killing those nearby. Radiation naturally would do that, especially since those ants never took a shover...

  2. #2022
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I didn't think much of it because I was still thinking it was just radiation, but they were trying really hard to avoid calling it that for some reason.
    Pretty sure it has to do with the atomic bombs during WW2. Explicitly talking about nuclear weapons or radiation could be seen as insensitive and could cause some controversies (like 9/11 for Americans, but much worse).

    If they really were, themselves, poisonous, then characters like Welfin and Palm should be dying right now too. But then they threw in that "if you stay near me too long" line, so that they can basically justify the poison ONLY killing Komugi.
    I'd have thought Knuckle and Meleoron would be more poisoned since Meruem did actually touch and knock them out.

  3. #2023
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Sure, them too.

    Anyway, kinda glad that Pouf died alone face down in the dirt like a bitch in the end. It's what he deserved.

  4. #2024
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Anyway, kinda glad that Pouf died alone face down in the dirt like a bitch in the end. It's what he deserved.
    Damn. Didn't earn even a bit of your respect? He was definitely the most hated ant for me, but I still found his ending tragic. As someone mentioned earlier, the fact he and Youpi died off screen and alone is well...pretty sad. Even Nef got some closure that she was protecting the king. Pouf and Youpi just got shit on.

  5. #2025
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Nef deserved such a death. She acted very honorably in the end, despite having a irrevocable mission to protect the king.

    Pouf was annoying because he thinks he is smart but everything he did, including trying to trick the king or free Nef, was stupid and backfired. Off screen death is just about what he deserves.
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  6. #2026
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    You´re way too harsh. "Everything Pouf did was stupid"? Everything he did, he did in the best interest of his race. In that way, he was a better ant than the king himself. Had he succeeded, mankind would have been fucked ... ignoring the letha dose of radiation, of course.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  7. #2027
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Okay, most of the things he did were stupid.

    Being stupid wasn't annoying by itself. The fact that he thought he was way too smart despite not being so is what is annoying.
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  8. #2028
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I think Pouf was too smart for his own good. He had intelligence but little wisdom and experience. He could come up with very crafty plots and plans, but they didn't really reach too far into the future nor did they take into account all aspects of the problem. The biggest flaw was that he thought he knew what's best for everybody else, including the King, and that his plans and opinions were always correct. Such an attitude is especially dangerous with as little life experience as he had because there's no way he could really predict how others would act and behave.

  9. #2029
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, I always considered the royal guard to be some sort of auto-defense mechanism that has some programme routes hard-wired into their brains, all to keep the chimera ants afloat. While the king is left with some more freedom ... although that really came from mixing with human beings. That way, Pouf never had a choice to not be an "asshole" or whatever you´d like to call him for trying to murder Komugi and keeping her a secret from the king: His hard-wired pro-ant bias made him do that. Similarily, he offered his own life many times to the king in order to fullfil his loyality.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  10. #2030
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Wired or not, he was an ass.
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  11. #2031
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It seems to me they had plenty of freedom. They shared a huge desire to serve the King, but how is that different from a loyal human's wish to serve his respected boss? The degree of readiness to self-sacrifice was different, I reckon, even if there are all sorts of fanatical humans as well, and I guess that would both expand and limit the options would they would have considered viable. But in the end they had plenty of freedom, just like all the more intelligent ants. We don't even know if their servitude to the King was hardwired or simply voluntary. I'd almost go for voluntary since especially Pouf was always looking for ways to obey the letter of the King's commands but not the spirit.

  12. #2032
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    You´re way too harsh. "Everything Pouf did was stupid"? Everything he did, he did in the best interest of his race..
    Except that it wasn't, because he was the #1 promoter of the kind of shitty, ruthless behavior that got the King and all the royal guard nuked by people who weren't going to tolerate that shit.

    If they had been, in general, less like Pouf, they might still be alive now. Like pretty much every ant that's decided NOT to act like a fucking ant.

    Colt, Meloreon, Ikalgo, even Welflin, all checked their "best interests of our race" impulses at the door. All still alive. The King and the Guard? Not so much.

  13. #2033
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    It has been communicated to me that I have been accused of manga-propheting. I'm not in trouble, but as a show of good faith, I will step away from the anime forum. I don't want to ruin the show for anyone, even accidentally. Sorry everybody. I'll be lurking.
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  14. #2034
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    It has been communicated to me that I have been accused of manga-propheting.
    I don't know what it would be. I don't even see a post by you in the last several pages of the thread.

  15. #2035
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 136:

    - - -- - -

    I didn't see that coming, even though it makes sense: The corpse woudn't need its brain for Pitou to animate it, but on the other hand the queen's hybrid offspring greatly benefitted from a brain, especially one of such a high quality. Too bad we didn't get to see Gon's reaction. Apparently he's no good. I wonder what exactly Killua is planning.

    It was nice to see Hisoka's face (and a weird pose to boot) after such a long while!

  16. #2036
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Aww shit, looks like we finally get to see some stuff involving Ging!

    I also wonder... if Kite has all his memories(or regains them later on), this new body he's in might actually be an upgrade once it's fully grown lol

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  17. #2037
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    When they were talking about getting a specialist, I wondered if maybe this is where we get to meet Leorio again. Maybe he´s become a capable, nen-supported doctor?

    Was weird to see Reina return to her mother, but not Kurt aka Colt.

    Best and absolutely surprising scene: Bizeff actually living and, seemingly, continuing to do so. For someone who´s basically raped a whole bunch of celebrities and manipulated a country for years, to get away with it, is refreshing. Typically, a character like that would be met with a special gruesome ending. Not here. HXH continues to prove why it is one of the best shounen anime of all times.

    And I´m permanently afraid of this anime ending :/ It isn´t a spoiler to say that we´re almost out of source material, is it. Togashi, hurry the eff up!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I wonder what exactly Killua is planning.
    Since he had an expression as if going on some dangerous mission, I assume he´s going to meet someone who´s not really an ally, but has the ability to help Gon. Did someone of the Spiders have healing abilities? I only remember that one girl fixing Hisoka´s ripped off arm. Or maybe he´s going to visit some family member with such powers?

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  18. #2038
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Wooo! Kite's alive after all! Awesome!

    And we finally know more or less what Ging's position is in the Hunters. Part of some kind of ruling council of 12.

    Looks like we might be getting some kind of Killua solo arc next. That would be awesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    I also wonder... if Kite has all his memories(or regains them later on), this new body he's in might actually be an upgrade once it's fully grown lol
    I would say that's a given since he's an ant. And maybe even a super-ant since he hatched from the same egg as Meruem.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    When they were talking about getting a specialist, I wondered if maybe this is where we get to meet Leorio again. Maybe he´s become a capable, nen-supported doctor?
    I was thinking the exact same thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Was weird to see Reina return to her mother, but not Kurt aka Colt.
    I'm sure he'll go back to see his mother eventually. Probably after Kite is old enough to look after himself(herself?) in a probably a couple more months.

  19. #2039
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Episode 137 is out.

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  20. #2040
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I'm already in love with Ging.

    Lots of Leorio in that intro, that's a good sign!

    Lol, 1 person voted for Gon. I wonder who that was.

    Also, 1 vote for Hanzo! Yaaaaaay Hanzo!

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