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Projection is just high-level magecraft, Reality Marbles are near-magic (there is a distinction between the two), and Marble Phantasms are on average above even that, though there are certainly exceptions that make Reality Marbles stronger (UBW is one of those exceptions). Reality Marbles can potentially void natural laws that Noble Phantasms can't or something like that.
Projection and Reinforcement was a side effect of UBW's existence if I remember right.
It was nice to see a glimpse Kiritsugu as the worried, unconfident, semi-broken, almost-hero that he's described as in Fate/Stay Night. I thought that we wouldn't see him change so completely until this war was over and he saw the consequences of what he had done. Such as when he picked Shirou up from the devastation he had helped cause. Instead, we got to see that despite his cold-blooded killer attitude, he's actually terrified. His beliefs and attitudes that he would later instill in Shirou were always there. It makes him substantially more human, and a good contrast to the other mages like Kayneth who use mind control on humans to so readily use as pawns.
He cares deeply for Iris and Ilya, and if he had a choice, he would throw away a chance at the grail for their safety. He told Shirou he couldn't be a hero, but he only ever had to be a hero to those two (and sure, Maiya too).
I really liked the visual effect of the Einzbern manor's barrier being crossed on Iris and her corresponding reaction. It was very much an expression of surprise I was used to seeing on Ilya.
Rider was kind of a gag character this episode, but I did enjoy his jealous pursuit for a pair of pants so he could catch up with Saber.