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Thread: Fate/Zero

  1. #181
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You'll love it then.
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  2. #182
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    At the pace this thread usually goes... I'm surprised no one has posted this yet.

    Episode 5 UTW

  3. #183
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This show hasn't even hit the halfway mark, but I'm sure it'll be a masterpiece.

    Every single servant is awesome. Even the gay bulges clone was pretty cool. Iskandar got paired up with the perfect master after all. Still, I would have wanted to see Kiritsugu kick ass by getting rid of Lancer's master.
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  4. #184
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Still, I would have wanted to see Kiritsugu kick ass by getting rid of Lancer's master.
    I imagine for a hitman like Kiritsugu, who tries to be in control of the situation and plan his actions carefully, as was made evident by the initial setting of this fight, the fact more and more servants popped in had to be unsettling. He also had to keep in mind the fact he was quite far away from Saber and thus recalling Saber to protect him would have meant Irisviel's death. Sniping under those circumstances would have been risky, and he only decided to proceed when Saber was in serious danger.

    It's too bad about Lancer, but his master needs to die.

    I was wondering what Caster and his lunatic master were up to, but fortunately we got the scene. Seems like Saber's worries are multiplying...

  5. #185
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    In the preview, Saber mentioned that there will be no holding back in the next battle. I am looking forward to seeing Excalibur unleashed in its full power.
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  6. #186
    As so many of you already said Rider is awesome though Berserker was pretty awesome as well and fared far better against Gilgamesh than Hercules did even if Gilgamesh didn't fully open Gate of Babylon. A little surprised that two commands seals already been used so early and that Saber gave away her identity to Rider so willingly since I thought it was only Lancer that knew who she was.
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  7. #187
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart View Post
    that Saber gave away her identity to Rider so willingly since I thought it was only Lancer that knew who she was.
    The drawback of being an honourable knight.

  8. #188
    O damn, i expected a lot from this episode but it turned out far better then i could have imagined, this kind of series remind me why i still watch anime, the animation is top notch, the action is great and the story will be full of twists and turns i am sure

  9. #189
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart View Post
    As so many of you already said Rider is awesome though Berserker was pretty awesome as well and fared far better against Gilgamesh than Hercules did even if Gilgamesh didn't fully open Gate of Babylon.
    There is a great deal of puffing up Rider as this allegedly amazing character around here, but I was a bit disappointed. He's honorable, he's pretty cool, but he doesn't respect his master at all. Not that Waver commands respect...

    In the end, Rider is just kind of an idiot. A pleasant contrast to the way 5th War Rider fought, but I think I preferred her style of fighting. Hers was the same way Kiritsugu and Maiya fight. I'm just not seeing how this Rider will be able to compete with Saber, much less Gilgamesh. His chariot charge is fast and powerful, but unless he can stop their movements, it won't do much good. We know that Saber's Excalibur Noble Phantasm is faster than any attack 5th War Rider could produce, and 5th War Rider's final Noble Phantasm was supposed to be one of the fastest. Gilgamesh is worse, as he typically prefers to stand on top of objects rather than the ground.

    But Berserker, he was impressive. Where Hercules was raw strength and power, 4th War Berserker matches it with skill. Saber could receive his blows this time even with his boosts, but she was getting pressed back pretty hard. Anyone who can meet with Gilgamesh on even ground and get him pissed off enough to get serious is someone to be worried about. Not that the ending already didn't make it obvious who he is as Archie pointed out, but him going out of his way to attack Saber makes it pretty obvious now.

    As for Caster, I'm guessing he thinks Saber is Joan of Arc? He doesn't seem like one of Saber's contemporaries the way Lancer is. Looks like this time, Merlin's little trick about Saber pretending to be male is going to backfire badly for her. Otherwise, Caster might not be so convinced she is who he thinks she is. Unless he's totally crazy, which seems pretty likely. At first, I kept thinking that Caster was looking at Iris.

  10. #190
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    At first, I kept thinking that Caster was looking at Iris.
    Same, but then he turned his eyes on Saber, and I lolled. Since this servant summon was even more of a sausage-fest than the next war, everyone wants a piece of Saber one way or another xD.

    I still don't know who Beserker is despite you guys pointing out that he's a knight by a lake.. (I have only one guess).

    Berserker was cool, but it seemed much too convenient that weapons were firing at him in succession rather than at the same time. That is, unless his movement is superspeed comparable to a certain character's bullet-dodging boobs. The very first counter suggested that may be the case since I didn't see it at all, as well as the move that almost knocked Saber flying. My only doubt about that is that such superspeed should have overwhelmed Saber even sooner than it did.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinta
    Even the gay bulges clone was pretty cool.
    As in Lancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    Still, I would have wanted to see Kiritsugu kick ass by getting rid of Lancer's master.
    I did, but also didn't. I wanted to see it because it would have been cool, but at the same time it wouldn't have been exactly as Kiritsugu planned, so it won't be perfect.

    Sniping for him was the final and winning move. There should be no follow-up fights since he won't win them, and there shouldn't be observers who knew what happened.

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  11. #191
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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  12. #192
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I agree that somehow they portrayed Alexander as way too simple. A great character, with charisma, but you could still consider some kind of idiot... that is for now.
    After all, being able to get Gilgamesh, Berserker, Lancer's master out is already a very smart move. He even got Saber's true name in the process. You can consider that a great achievement.
    Then, he was able to force Lancer's master to let go of a command spell.
    He's been able to gauge skills of Berserker, Gilgamesh, Saber and Lancer.

    Quite a great/bold move getting him good results IMHO

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  13. #193
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Just so you know, I'm not reading that yet.

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  14. #194
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Berserker was pretty damn awesome. He could have just as easily be summoned as a Saber Class.

  15. #195
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    No but seriously, if Berserker was any more of a badass i would want him as the father of my children. And Alexander is surprisingly resourceful, i'm inclined to believe he initiated the whole affair just to bring out Gilgamesh from hiding and having a better look at his Noble Phantasm. And if he didn't and he's just a simpleton that's ok too, i'm a fan of heroic buffoons.

    Why is caster making such a big deal about Saber? Because they're both British? If Joan of Arc had been summoned i'd get it, but these 2 were separated by a few hundred years.

    How are these production values sustainable for a TV broadcast? Not even Bakemonogatari could compare to this and even the the TV broadcast cut corners at every single change it got.

  16. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    There is a great deal of puffing up Rider as this allegedly amazing character around here, but I was a bit disappointed. He's honorable, he's pretty cool, but he doesn't respect his master at all. Not that Waver commands respect...

    In the end, Rider is just kind of an idiot
    I don't see a lot of servants actually respecting their masters so don't see why that would make him less impressive, Berserker isn't exactly under his masters control, Gilgamesh finds Tokiomi beneath him, Saber doesn't see eye to eye with Kiritsugu and Caster seems to be the master instead of Ryuunosuke. That just leaves Lancer and Assassin that seem to have respect for their masters in this war and at least Rider stood up for Waver which shows at least some respect as he didn't stand for Kayneth just smack talking him. Besides why do the servants have to respect for their masters? I mean they're former kings and heroes (most of them anyway) so it should be the other way around since in comparison the mages doesn't have a lot to come with other than the fact that this war makes them their servants.

    As for Rider being an idiot he kinda reminds me of Shoryu from Twelve Kingdoms, Shoryu acted like an idiot but his moves made sense and ended up favoring him. Acting like an idiot could benefit him instead of being as serious as the other servants since they could end up underestimating him, the results from this episode does benefit him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    His chariot charge is fast and powerful, but unless he can stop their movements, it won't do much good. We know that Saber's Excalibur Noble Phantasm is faster than any attack 5th War Rider could produce, and 5th War Rider's final Noble Phantasm was supposed to be one of the fastest.
    Sorry but I don't remember Saber's Excalibur being faster than any attack the fifth Rider could throw at her. Saber using Excalibur and hitting Riders Bellerophon that was rushing towards her doesn't really mean it's faster than Bellerophon, that's more a question of timing. Shiro could probably throw a stone at Bellerophon before it hit him but that wouldn't prove that the stone he throw is faster. There's also the fact that we don't know if the chariot is his only Noble Phantasm.
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  17. #197
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Not obeying Waver doesn't make him less impressive. It doesn't make him more impressive either. Any Servant wouldn't respect him. He's just a wuss, full of himself and confident of his own abilities, before he got into the War. Now he shows, or is at least discovering, how outclassed he might be.

    What disappointed me is that he's just a noble idiot thus far. You have a point that he may be faking it, and that certainly is a possibility given his earlier displays of robbing libraries and watching tons of videos and declaring Bill Clinton as someone he'd have to worry about. Where he failed was underestimating the pride of both Saber and Lancer. Granted, there isn't much of a way to know how much Saber (possibly above all other Servants) wants the Grail. Seeking it was a major one of her life goals. In his heyday, he commanded a great deal of respect, and brought a huge number of warriors into his armies, as he conquered them. But here he is fighting heroes and Kings. So few of them would ever bow to the authority of another besides their Masters.

    It was like Rider was ignoring everything he should have learned from the Grail. The Grail imparts knowledge of both the War, its rules, and the modern era. Yet Alexander chose to study on his own as well, and apparently ignored what the Grail would have told him about the relationship of Servants and Masters. He was appealing to other Servants warrior to warrior, something he could understand. He should have been appealing to their Masters.

    He's got a lot of pride and confidence. That's great. But he isn't showing much subtlety or insight, yet. Confidence and pride without insight brings hubris. Hubris in a War like this leads to one's undoing.

    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart View Post
    Sorry but I don't remember Saber's Excalibur being faster than any attack the fifth Rider could throw at her. Saber using Excalibur and hitting Riders Bellerophon that was rushing towards her doesn't really mean it's faster than Bellerophon, that's more a question of timing. Shiro could probably throw a stone at Bellerophon before it hit him but that wouldn't prove that the stone he throw is faster. There's also the fact that we don't know if the chariot is his only Noble Phantasm.
    Rider's own words in episode 12 of the FSN anime: "Curse yourself as much as you can, for you are not even able to touch this creature." Rider truly believed that Saber would not be able to touch her once she was on her Pegasus. Both from its aerial maneuverability and its speed, especially with Bellerophon. Excalibur moves in a straight line. Even while she was charging, if it truly was slower, Rider should have been able to dodge it.

  18. #198
    The fact that Rider didn't listen to the Grail just showed me that he's someone that won't blindly follow something just because it said so. The fact that he wanted to find out on his own is by all means more impressive than any other servant since he's the only one that actually questioned the source.

    Judging from what he said he's not interested in the war in the first place other than the prospect of facing other heroes so why should he care about the knowledge that the Grail imparted to him? And I don't think he was serious about them joining him in the first place considering he said he wanted to duel both and that it'd be a shame to let them die, if they had accepted he'd have been fine with that but it didn't feel like he was serious about it.

    If you asked me he made the right choice in appealing to the servants instead of the masters, because it's the masters that's actually interested in winning the war the servants from what I understood not so much except for Saber so appealing to them would have been useless in the first place. However as things stands he's won some respect with both Saber and Lancer one might even say a favor and unless the masters want to use an command spell that means they might help him against another foe say Gilgamesh or Berserker and that's not something he'd get from dealing with their masters. This is why I think he benefited more than the other servants other than Saber whom faced an potential loss against Lancer twice if it weren't for Rider. Sure Gilgamesh won't be coming to his aid but that was impossible from the start.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Rider's own words in episode 12 of the FSN anime: "Curse yourself as much as you can, for you are not even able to touch this creature." Rider truly believed that Saber would not be able to touch her once she was on her Pegasus. Both from its aerial maneuverability and its speed, especially with Bellerophon. Excalibur moves in a straight line. Even while she was charging, if it truly was slower, Rider should have been able to dodge it.
    You can interpret that line like you did but I never did, it always sounded more like Pegasus was such a holy creature that Saber literally wouldn't be able to touch it. Not because it was to fast but because it's protected and that Excalibur was just a lot stronger and blew it away. And according to the not so reliable type moon wiki the Pegasus has insane defense, divine protection as strong as a dragon and already high defense even without it.
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  19. #199
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I believe it was said in FSN the servants seek something from the grail, at the very least as much as the masters who are certainly a bigger question mark. It seems like in every war the Grail will choose some masters that are ill prepared if not completely oblivious of everything going on until briefed by the servant (or other masters or the supervisor). You can hardly say such people would desire something more from the Grail than the heroic spirits, who more or less exist only in the Grail war (as far as Fate is concerned, at least, and in this thread it would be useless to go beyond Fate).

    So, only a weird servant wouldn't seek the Grail. They should also inherently know they will disappear after the war unless something unnatural happens.

  20. #200
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Rider's ambition is just that epic. His plan is likely to win the grail for himself, so he can begin his conquest of the world. Seem's to me he doesn't care for the grail at all, only about having himself some fun.

    The war has presented some interesting and obviously skilled servants that have piqued his interest. As of now, he has no army or vassals; he has to start fresh. Might as well win the grail, and attempt to build up a new one right now.
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