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Thread: TV: The Playboy Club

  1. #1

    TV: The Playboy Club

    Clever lines and interesting plot. Not to mention sexiness. The characters are already somewhat complex, which I really like. This show is somewhat Mad Men-esque.

    The "tension" music is absolutely terrible, like I'm watching a show from the 80's.

    They managed to find another Jon Hamm level dream guy, which is a plus. This guy is basically the poster child for every historical romance novel.

    The acting in this show is superb. Bunny Mother Carol-Lynne isn't some unreasonable psychopath who only wants attention, like one would expect. When she walks in on the lawyer and Cigarette Bunny, she just gets her shit and leaves in a cordial manner. Unexpected stuff like that is really a diamond in the rough.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Tue, 09-20-2011 at 02:02 PM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  2. #2
    Sadly it did very poorly ratings wise, I think it'll be cancelled fairly quickly. I doubt it'll last more than one season. Sad to see, from everything I've seen people have really liked it. Well, at the moment it has to hope for a miracle improvement on its ratings.

  3. #3
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post
    The acting in this show is superb. Bunny Mother Carol-Lynne isn't some unreasonable psychopath who only wants attention, like one would expect.
    Yeah, her acting was pretty good, but her lines were beyond terrible. For some reason, the way her lines were written made her sound like the ultimate two-dimensional rival/antagonist.

    I found nearly every one of her lines, and hers alone, to be cliché, trite, and cheesy. It was as if one character was written for an entirely different series, or like a bad Lifetime movie. She did well considering how awful her part of the script was, but that was the one part that disappointed me the most.

    I did like the hints of some hidden rough past for the main blond. The guy thinks she's fairly helpless, but they were strongly hinting that it isn't quite so simple. I hope they get to that information before the show gets canceled.

  4. #4

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