Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
Really you are just trying too hard to sound like an idiot now.
Susanoo uses energy sure, but the fucking flames don't fucking disappear after being fucking conjured up; he doesn't have to move the flames around anymore cause they are just sticking to susanoo just like when he defended himself from Raikage.
And no the flames stick and burn to anything they touch, once they are out there it only costs energy to manipulate them or make them disappear.
Oh noes, the F word, you win teh argument and the internet.

My point was its a dumb weapon because he loses the element of surprise in terms of manouverability of the flames. In a sword they are compressed in one line, it takes away the whole awesome effect of him just looking at something and it burning up. They both use chakra, but a sword is a rubbish way to use it.

And I didn't call you names, so don't do so to me. Its childish.