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Thread: TV: Suits

  1. #21
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    Loving this show so far.
    The only thing that annoys me is how Mike is willing to share his secret with anybody and then suddenly decided that he couldn't tell the girl he love.
    When was Mike willing to share his secret with ANYBODY? Before Jessica, the only people who knew were Harvey, Donna and those who already knew him(Jenny, Trevor and possibly his grandmother). We don't really know the exact nature of what Mike told the kid that was wrongfully convicted.

    Also, he didn't just SUDDENLY decide not to tell Rachel. He wanted to tell her but Harvey forbade him from doing so. It makes sense that he would put his loyalty to Harvey above everything else, especially after Donna explained how he put himself on the line.

  2. #22
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    Also when what Harvey said was spot on. He was in that whole mess because he told Jenny and Trevor. Now he is in the same situation again and this time he knows what Harvey told him is true. If it ends badly Rachel would have information that would put him AND Harvey in jeopardy again. And Jessica too. And maybe the whole firm. So he got a valuable lesson from telling "anybody". It can and will backfire if something goes wrong. So i see no problem with him not telling her this time.

  3. #23
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    My complaint was poorly worded, so let me clarify.

    Mike secret is suppose to be "earth shattering" and is the end of him if anybody knows. Yet, he was a bit too willing to share it during season 1. A lot of what Mike does feels like because the plot requires it, rather than from common sense. He gets this once in a life time opportunity and who is he willing to trust with that secret? His drug dealing scumbag "best" friend who almost gave him up to the cops and only checked up on him because he was looking for the drugs. The girlfriend of that scumbag who just broke up with him and starts a relationship with his "best" friend instantly after. For a guy who's suppose to be smart and clever that's a whole bunch of dumb decision that he made all at once. He acted well out of character because they plot requires it from him, and that's just poor writing.

    I haven't seen season 1 finale since September so i had to go back and confirmed that they did indeed went off screen before Mike said whatever he did, so it's excusable in that instance. That still means that we do not knows the exact nature of what Mike told the kid who was wrongfully convicted, but it was implied that it had something to do with his secret and there was no reason for Mike to go there other than that the plot requires it. Now the plots requires that Harvey tells him not to share his secret in the same episode that he got together with Rachel.

    Just a bit annoying because i feel like this whole "Mike keeping a secret thing" is really dragging the show down.

  4. #24
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Anyone still following this? The summer finale was pretty good.

    The resolution felt a bit too convenient, but i'll let it slide since i really do not like Daniel Hartman as a villain. Maybe it's just the actor, but he really just doesn't have the charisma to come off a big villain. Even when he's trying to be intimidating, it just kinda falls flat sometimes.

    This will-they-won't-they thing with Mike and Rachel really needs to end. The whole introducing the random "first love" in order to create another triangle and stall the relationship even further is really old and tired.

    It looks like they're planning to deal with Mike not being a Harvard student thing in spring, which is a good thing because that particular plot line really needs to die. I really hope they don't pull the "magical hacker" bullshit again though.

    The getting high scene was gold and just shows get chemistry between the two leads. I also feel like they're building Luis up to be the next major enemy. He was pretty ruthless in this episode and it seems the power of being made senior partner is getting to him. Looks like they're planning to have Jessica and Harvey go against each other too, maybe as a way to end the show.

  5. #25
    I'm following it! Catelyn Stark from GoT is in this arc, as is Varys the eunuch.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  6. #26
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    I feel sorry for Louis. Poor guy just wants to be part of the gang with Harvey and Mike.

  7. #27
    Same here... kinda pissed about Mike's decision there at the end myself.

  8. #28
    They really just shat all over Louis! That's just pathetic.

    I guess they were attempting to pull the heartstrings, but that just makes me feel repulsed by Harvey and Mike... Though, Louis should just learn and stop trying to hang out with the "cool kids." lol.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

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