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Thread: Top Anime of 2011?

  1. #1

    Top Anime of 2011?

    I wonder what are your picks?

    Here is mine, from my blog:

    This will be my first time to attempt a “review” of anime, and I think a good review is the fine line between fan-boy-ism and elitism, one that is honest with passion, but always facing the direction of the ideal anime. Because I’m a johnny-come-lately to anime, the actual best shows I watched in 2011 are Revolutionary Girl Utena, Bakemonogatari, and Bokurano.

    1. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

    Easily the most hyped of 2011, and yet the near-perfect blend of stylish animation and epic storyline excused the mass hysteria. Besides, it also has the most impressive villain I’ve seen since Hannibal Lecter. Basically, Madoka is a fantastic deconstruction of the Magical Girl genre. Once a genre is deconstructed, it is actually revived, because tropes that have degenerated into clichés are now discarded. However, it did wrap up everything in a deus ex machina styled bow. The upside to that is no possible sequel is in the offing!

    2. Mawaru PenguinDrum

    The creator of Utena, Ikuhara makes a grand return to anime with a possibly even better work in PenguinDrum. Despite riddled with symbolism & several philosophical allusions, this show keeps the plot moving briskly, and reveals its mystery painstakingly slowly. Its impact will be felt for years to come, long after the characters and the furor are forgotten. Which just might be its very own Seizon Senryaku!

    3. Steins;Gate

    With the antics of the best lead character of the year, Okabe, Steins;Gate starts off as a slow-boiling mystery, and halfway through, it successfully lurches into a thriller. Quite possibly the best use of time travel since Primer, Steins;Gate balances between subverting classic anime tropes and spinning a well crafted plot, while leaving the door open for future stories.

    4. Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)

    A classic battle royal game where the participants all acquire dairies that tell the future, and the winner gains the throne of the Lord of Master of Time & Space. Easily the most ridiculously high camp and yet revels in the absurdity of anime/manga tropes, which in turn combines into an understandable guilty pleasure. Where critics are divided on whether Mirai Nikki is pure pulp or pure illogical fantasy, I revel in its consistent inconsistency, as well as the greatest Yandere of all anime-dom: Yuno Gasai.

    5. Usagi Drop

    Despite myself, I enjoy a great slice of life, and this is the best of the lot (Tora Dora, Dennou Coil, Nodame Cantabile, & Genshiken). Its unique watercolor designs will long outlive the most stylish of 2011. Precocious kid Rin moves in with her 30-year-old nephew Daikichi and teaches him how to become a parent. I felt this series ended prematurely, without a satisfying resolution, but perhaps that lack of denouement is precisely what life is like.

    6. Level E

    Quite the funniest show of the year, where an alien Prince hides on Earth from his royal duties. His betrothed and bodyguards in tow, guarantee hilarity & hijinks. No other character successfully trolled the audience consistently.

    7. Fate/Zero

    An epic series revolving around a magical artifact that harvests legendary heroes to duke it out for its wish-granting powers. This show slowly grew on me, from an excessively chatty opener to a well-animated, well-thought out result. The philosophical dialogue I blogged on earlier clinched Fate/Zero a spot on this list alone. The second half is due in April, so this low ranking may change.

    8. Un-Go

    A quirky, multiple-layered detective show that covers many themes: original characters, uncanny valley, rights of artificial life, discourse on truths vs Truth, and the collective culture of Japanese propaganda set against future Utopian ideals. Had this show an extra cour to expand some of its interesting points, it would’ve frog-leaped towards the top.

    9. Dantalian no Shoka

    Another abortive attempt at interesting premises (Mystical Libraries, Phantom Books, Keykeepers) and historical fiction (set in 1920s) hamstrung by poor pacing and a single cour. Gorgeous visuals and amazing fashion, notwithstanding all those faults.

    10. Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto

    The curse of the classic “tremendous upside potential.” The following ingredients: Intriguing characters, quirky design inspired by French fashion, great premises and healthy plot are usually more than enough to determine the show’s success, but the convenient bottled format of villain-of-the-week held it back. The entire time I was waiting for Wako to jump both of her guys and engage in a menage a trois.
    Man invented God in order not to kill himself.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    right behind you
    I haven't been doing a good job keeping up with the animes as of late but I do remember watching Star Driver... I don't know what kept me coming back each week but I got hooked. I felt the end was a huge letdown though >_>

  3. #3
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Is there an overview of 2011´s anime releases somewhere? I had totally forgotten about Level E and I´m sure the same is true for other shows :/

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Thanks you a lot. Hm, despite telling myself that my interest in anime is on the decline, I watched suprisingly many anime shows this year. Trying to pick a Top 10:

    1. Kaiji 2nd Season

    Waited for this continuation for what felt like an eternity, made even worse by the uncertainty of it happening at all. The style in this second season changed a lot compared to the first one, but just as before, Kaiji 2nd Season managed to pull exactly the right strings, having me at the edge of my seat in more than a few scenes. The worst part of it all: Waiting for season 3. Still, there´s only a few selected other anime shows that managed to reach such exciting, thrilling, chilling scenes, namely Death Note and Monster.

    2. Hanasaku Iroha

    This show was fun, because bitching about the different characters was fun Yeah, I picked on this anime a lot, but it really succeeded in making me invested in all the different characters. Hoping for *that* to happen, routing for *this* character, looking forward to *that* clash of characters, etc.. I didn´t like the ending, but since it seems a second season is in the coming, this becomes a non-issue.

    3. Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai

    To be honest, I found this show better than Hanasaku Iroha. The reason I put it below is that I couldn´t get rid of the feeling that this anime could have been even better with more episodes. Nonetheless, I loved the sad, but realistic approach of showing the grown up kids, showing that it isn´ all sunshine, just because it was in the past. The way each character was portrayed was done very diligently, very emotionally powerful and, in the context, believable. And maybe most importantly: It made me feel for everyone, even myself lol :/

    4. Hunter X Hunter

    Loved the original anime, love the remake. Yes, some of the censoring is silly and the later episodes of the first batch of episodes started dragging, but one fact remains: HXH is the best shounen-series since Dragon Ball. Forget about Naruto, One Piece etc., this is the best. Just one grand, creative, breathtaking adventure. <3

    5. Wandering Son

    Won´t say much here, but that, again, this anime succeeded in making me feel for the involved characters. Two reasons why I placed it that "low": Firstly, the disconnect between the main character´s problem and myself is just too big. I *can* gather enough empathy to feel for him, but in the end, it remains a tiny bit too absurd. Secondly, I couldn´t buy how *lucky* this boy was, considering his circumstances. Not only has he two friends with about the same problem, but also were all the surrounding people way too understanding. Maybe it´s like that in Japan, but here in Europe, you´d get laughed at and/or called crazy. Very emotional anime, though.

    6. Usagi Drop

    Every episode was masterful, an emotional trigger of perfection. I´m really unfair, but the reason for putting it at rank 6 and not higher is the manga. No spoilers allowed, but let´s just say ... it´s absurd. Yeah, absurd is the correct phrase to describe the future events that follow the anime adaption.

    7. Level E

    A hilarious episodic comedy-anime, but not as totally fucked up as Arakawa under the Bridge. Loved the opening animation.

    8. Mirai Nikki

    Something about this show´s execution is lacking, because otherwise it´d be near the top of my ranking. I guess part of the problem is the lack of real world-interaction, in other word: How the main characters seem not to care one bit about the "normal world", just because they are caught up in this crazy situation. Would have preferred a more delicate approach, tad bit slower and all.

    9. Baka to Test to Shoukanjou Ni

    More of the same, and even more repetition of established jokes. Yet, it works. Get me season 3 asap!

    10. Bakuman 2nd Season

    Still enjoyable, though plot progression has become kinda slow, and I really don´t like some of the characters. And it seems very possible that it turns into a neverending story. Because, ya know, Ashirogi have to keep failing, otherwise there´d be no more drama lol

    Special mention: Infinite Stratos

    The 2011-anime I enjoyed hating the most. LOL. You really have to think about it for one second: There you have this kinda neat concept of light weight Mech-suits, a budget high enough for really smooth, dynamic animations during combat, and what do you decide to go for plotwise? OF COURSE, a run-of-the-mill harem-anime! Main character is the only male human being who can pilot one of those mecha-suits and joins an all-girls school. Meets all the different types of girls you´d expect from a hentai-game, erm, I mean, harem-anime. And while we´re all used to the hero of such type of anime NEVER taking advantage of his situation, Ichika marks the dumbest, densest guy in harem-anime history. To be honest, I think he´s gay. Because that´s the only explanation that´d make the tiniest bit of sense of his behavior. So, yeah. The only plus of watching this were Shinonono Houki´s boobs and the resulting hentai doujins. Other than that, one giant piece of bullcrap. Haha, oh wow.

    And that was my anime 2011.

  6. #6
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    1. Mahou Shoujo Madoka
    Shaft at its finest, art style was perfect for this show, music, atmosphere too. They created great work from the typical Mahou Shoujo style. It had its flaws( KB being a being from other planet for example, it just felt wrong). It somehow reminded me of Faust.
    2. Steins Gate
    I don't know if this should be that high, because first two episodes were one of worse introductional episodes ever. Everything that happened after those two made up for it flaws.
    3. Fate zero
    Quality, Near-perfect reconstruction of original work, quality, great battles and interesting plot, quality. and quality.
    4. Chihayafuru
    I don't know what to write here that wouldn't spoil anything but this series is great.
    5. Mirai Nikki
    Great idea, batshit insane yandere and interesting cast. Main character is a bit too much of a wuss, that's why it isn't higher.
    6. Gosick/Dantalian no shoka
    7. Gosick/Dantalian no shoka
    detective show, with very interesting cases, love story all set in the great timeframe.. and in europe too. very fun to watch.
    post WW2 era, or so it seems. another mystery show, different from gosick, with great atmosphere - can't decide which one of those two shows is better.
    8. Horizon
    It starts as clusterfuck, you've got no idea who is who and WTF is going on there..then, after you get to know the cast it gets very good, interesting. Fights are great - or, rather, debate fighting.
    9. Tiger and Bunny
    Title is weird, heores seem awkwardly designed, but it is really fun show based around great concept for the world.
    10. Mazinkaizer SKL
    The dumb as fuck action show of the year..still - very entertaining.
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
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