There is no thread about this sho if I'm not mistaken


DDL/XDCC links on their sites.

"Plot Summary: The Story revolves around Narumi Fujishima an ordinary high school boy who remain isolated from his fellow classmates.One afternoon fellow classmate Ayaka Shinozaki invites Narumi to join the gardening club and introduces him a reclusive detective named Alice. Alice hires Narumi as an assisant and put him to work solving the srtange mystories of Angel fix an illegal drug. Little does he know it could put him and Ayaka in serious trouble. "


First ep (48 minutes long) was pretty good.
Animation Style reminds me of Railgun/Index

I watched UTW's version, but I will download Chihiro's too because I believe them to be better.

How everthing came together was a bit weird, the main character is said to be "ronery" and tries to avoid people, yet he submits to total strangers and follows everyone around.
It was still fun enough to watch though