View Poll Results: Your Favorite TWO Stories - READ ALL OF THEM

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Thread: GotWoot Story Contest - Preliminaries - Round 2

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    GotWoot Story Contest - Preliminaries - Round 2

    Hi all!

    GotWoot members have each written their own original short story.

    Vote on your top two favorite stories!

    If you participated in the contest, you have to vote, but you can't vote for yourself.
    Therefore, you have to vote in every voting bracket but your own.
    Please read ALL of the stories before you vote!
    If you only vote for one story your vote is automatically discarded.
    Pick your FAVORITE two (or at least the best two), trolling the other vote screws the other contestants over. If you do this I will know and hate you forever.

    Preliminary rounds 1-4 have 4 stories each. The preliminary groups were completely randomly chosen. The top two stories from each bracket of the prelims will move on to semi-finals, then the winners of semi-finals will duke it out in the championships!

    Authors will remain anonymous until the final results are declared! If an author wants to respond to a voter, they can do so through me.

    Voters should give personal feedback below to our budding or seasoned authors!

    The voting period for each round is 72 hours.

    ROUND 2 - FIGHT!

    Pastebin Mirrors
    Madness' Door
    The Mechanic
    A Live Arm
    Jack the Green Slider

    Readability Mirrors
    Madness' Door
    The Mechanic
    A Live Arm
    Jack the Green Slider
    Last edited by Sapphire; Sat, 06-25-2011 at 05:00 PM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

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