[MangaStream & Binktopia] Naruto c.544: Online Viewing
[MangaZone] Naruto c.544: Online Viewing
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Naruto c.544: Online Viewing
[MangaZone] Naruto c.544: Online Viewing
so, whats the deal with the slug? is it another white zetsu? are we going to see a scene where naruto beefs up the kyubi power and it looks like he's turning evil and attacks Tsunade, but he's actually going after the evil lord slug?
I had hopes for the Zombie Jinchuuriki and now Kishimoto pulls this crap?
There was a room Madara was in a while back that was filled with jars of eyes.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Didn`t the "pains" also had rinnengan eyes? he either transplanted some from his room or used whatever ability Nagato used.
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
Madara just said he formed the new Sage of 6th Paths with the former Jinchuuriki. But since Madara has 1 Sharingan and 1 Rinnegan, the bodies he links with the power of the Sage will each mimic him. Just will be cool to see which one has which powers.
And Tsunade's slug has always demonstrated the power to communicate to all her individuals instantaneous.
Loled at the bit when he goes "not entirely to my tastes but whatever"... man has class but is acting like thug right now
Lulz, motherfucking doujutsus...
this is so ridiculous :-/
Things that currently annoy me the most:
- Why can Raikage fight on par with a Jinchuuriki who´s got his Bijuu fully under control? There HAS to be something special. Can we assume he uses Sennin-mode?
- All the revived Jinchuuriki having Sharingans and Rinnegans. You´d think being a Jinchuuriki was enough.
And lol @ "Naruto can sense evil thoughts". sigh
This is utter bullshit...
Well the Jinchuuriki's don't have their tailed beasts with them otherwise that would just be haxxorz
Are you being an idiot on purpose? Did you forget all 7 other bijuu's were defeated and captured? Heck for a moment there it seemed as if 8 tails was defeated and captured as well, by hawk of all people. There are obviously ninja that are stronger then a jinchuuriki, quit acting as if bijuu powers == win.
I'd say all Kages have jinchuuriki level chakra.
Characters that are inmortal zombies, have Sharingan, Rinnengan AND are Jinchuuriki, on the next episode Madara will reveal he put some Byakyugan in somewhere.
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
I wouldn't call him an idiot. Yes they were all jinchuuriki who were captured, but were they FULLY DEVELOPED jinchuuriki? It was mentioned that Bee was the only one who could control the eight tails, I doubt the other jinchuuriki could master their biju the same way he has, much less be anywhere near on par with Naruto who has access to the strongest bijuu's full chakra count.
Uhh full chakra count? it's yin chakra was sealed in minato/death god. Naruto only has access to its yang chakra.
First of all: Easy, Kouzo.
Secondly: So the implication here is that Naruto, Bee and other Jinchuurikis are basically really weak ninjas (unless they´re having their daily deus ex machina-moment). Or what else would you conclude from the fact that other ninjas are equally as strong or stronge than people that have chakra-monsters living inside them? Either that, or it´s bullshit anyway. One guy trains and becomes as strong as Jinchuuriki, another one obtains a Bijuu and still doesnt get stronger than the one without a Bijuu. WHY? (I do realize that this series has gone way beyond logic and believability, so dont seriously answer to that)
I mean, imagine for a moment that Raikage got a Bijuu. Strongest being of the forever?!