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Thread: Arrest for Dancing in Jefferson's Memorial

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  1. #11
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    I'm not a lawyer and dont know anything about law in the USD (this was a typo but Im leaving it cause it makes some sense) but if you guys have a law that says that you cant slightly move your body at some memorial (one about a guy who envisioned America (hate this ussage of a full continent lest say US) as a great "Empire of Liberty" and that fought against the tirany of imperialism), hugh or kiss you have some issues to solve.
    You CAN move your body. Look at everyone else. There's no rule that says you can't MOVE.

    And what is all that about a warning? I mean just because some cicle-police with cool glasses comes and tells me that he is warning me I must obey to whatever nonsene he is saying or preaching?

    If you don't believe he's upholding the country/state's laws and is spouting bullshit, ask him for his police ID number, name and tell him you're going to report him for what he's doing because you think he's throwing his weight around. And by all means follow this up.

    or suffer the consecuences of a public violent arrest?
    It doesn't have to be violent. And it is public.

    Resist and it COULD get violent.

    This video (and gotwoot's response - particularly the responses from the respective people) is highly similar to that vid in the past where a girl got arrested for jaywalking, her girlfriend tried to pry the police away from her and got backhanded. Youtube and certain people here were like "How could you Mr Policeman?! She was only jaywalking" etc etc.

    If you resist (or assist in resisting) and arrest, someone's going to get hurt. It doesn't matter what the arrest was for in the first place - jaywalking or murder. Resisting arrest in and of itself is an offence and the police can use the force necessary in order to proceed with his initial arrest attempt.

    On the other hand, if you manslaughtered someone, owned up for it and stuck out your hand, no one's going to kick your ass.

    People keep thinking this is all about police beating up people for breaking (arguably) stupid laws. It's about police beating up people for interfering with an arrest.

    Wut. Police are humans with brains, too. Surely, they are tested for cognitive skills and intelligence, reasoning ability before given the badge and gun? Just because one is told to do something evil and they do it doesn't make one not evil.
    If you don't want to be a law enforcer you can quit.

    When you join, you swear to uphold the law (kitkat's gone through this one). See the Separation of Powers.


    edit after reading Xel's post:

    well first to evaluate this case we must know what happened before the video - if they were really protesting, and they really danced to protest - cops were right, but they used too much force. But if they were just dancing, not as any kind of protest, nor they did anything else to provoke the cops, then the dancers were right, and cops shouldn't arrest them.
    Dancing = Demonstration = Not allowed.

    That's the idea. They never said you can't do it outside the memorial. If you don't like it, protest or escalate it via the relevant pathways. Xan's said this already.

    In fact, whether they "provoked" the police or not shouldn't matter. Police not meant to treat people differently depending on whether they were provoked or not. If you danced, they arrested you. And let's not forget that they were told to stop before the arrest. That in itself clearly shows the cops try to talk you out of it before getting physical.

    They didn't need to bodyslam that guy, they didn't need to lay them down and put handcuffs on them - they could just arrest them in same way as they did arrest the couple - they used the just amount of 'force' - they just handcuffed her with hands behind her back.
    The guy stiffened up and stuck his arms up. The cop couldn't cuff him. He was also taller than the cop, who subsequently asked him to get on his knees - he didn't. I don't want to have to count how many times "stop resisting" was said.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 06-01-2011 at 10:02 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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