Saw this movie at a limited-release theater last night. I went in completely cold, not even knowing the title of the film properly and loved every second of it. I would suggest doing the same, but here is some info for those of you who like it:

A group of assassins come together for a suicide mission to kill an evil lord.

It's basically 7 Samurai meets 300 meets Dynasty Warrior with some Rurouni Kenshin thrown in there. It's your standard Samurai movie filled with grimacing old men strengthening their resolve and waxing on about "honor" and all.

It builds slowly, thick with anticipation, and although there's not enough time to get to know every single character, the film chooses to focus on some rather interesting ones. The villain in particular is amazingly detestable.

If you're only in it for the action, the movie culminates in a 40 minute battle scene glorifying the slicing through of hundreds of men with sharp swords. Although it gets hard to differentiate 200 blood-soaked Asian men with identical hair styles while the battle rages on, there's more than enough moments to satisfy sword-fight fetishists like me. Really spectacular.