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Thread: Naruto Chapter 538

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Naruto Chapter 538

    [MangaStream & Binktopia] Naruto c.538: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing

  2. #2
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Bullshit. What the Kyubi says its the truth. Even if Naruto and Kishimoto think otherwise.

  3. #3
    What power would Kyuubi lend Naruto anyway? He's got all the good stuff anyway, unless he is saying he will give to Naruto without eating in to Naruto's own chakra reserves as per normal.

  4. #4
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell View Post
    Bullshit. What the Kyubi says its the truth. Even if Naruto and Kishimoto think otherwise.
    Totally agree. I don't know why he had to go abusing the kyubi as well. That was a dick move.

  5. #5
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I don't remember the Kyuubi being so involved in naruto's personal life, he's acting more like an 'evil conciseness' than demon. maybe it's the after affect of dipping to the lake of mirror matches.

    even though he's wrong, I still liked Naruto in this chapter, slamming down the kyuubi and calling him gullible is pretty badass. I even liked the flashback, well, parts of it. I liked how Naruto and Sasuke clashed, it showed that Sasuke didn't give a crap for no one, and that's what really hurt Naruto.

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  6. #6
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    If that signal is supposed to mean they're still comrades what was that whole flashback within the black ball of chakra about? That was the point they stopped being comrades.

  7. #7
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    He's setting up that comrade sign for future use.
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  8. #8
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    First of all, I hate how this chapter only resulted in Naruto´s typical "ill do something about it". No plan, no idea, but he´ll do something. Okay. :/

    Secondly, i hate flashbacks about Naruto and Sasuke. This one didnt hurt too much, but there´s too big of a risk of silly retconning. The past between Naruto and Sasuke is supposed to have been established before the time skip. Now is the time to build upon that. Not making up a bunch of new past events.

  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Actually, I agree with Naruto. The Kyuubi doesn't seem to know what this war is about, or who is fighting it. It is the entire ninja world versus Akatsuki.

    The enemy is three guys: Madara, the plant dudes, and Kabuto (who is a wildcard at this point, anyway). Naruto won't bear the hatred of an army if he wins. Just the "hate" of Akatsuki (who have treated Naruto as a strategic resource for about 400 chapters now, anyway).

    Madara is too "smart" of a villain to actually "hate" Naruto, anyway.

    If anything, the Kyuubi wants Madara to succeed, so that he can join up with the rest of the Jyuubi; and his speech is just a lame tactic to make Naruto's spirit fail him.
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  10. #10
    This is just kind of a weird conversation with the kyuubi. Kyuubi is acting more like the 8 tails than the crazy evil 9 tails.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam98034 View Post
    This is just kind of a weird conversation with the kyuubi. Kyuubi is acting more like the 8 tails than the crazy evil 9 tails.
    That's because Naruto cut his balls off and left him powerless. So to speak.

  12. #12
    I enjoyed this chapter, I think that while a little bit late in the series to establish naruto and sasuke's relationship, i don't think it hurt at all to do it. Not everyone has been following the series from the beginning anyway so a lil reminder of what their relationship was like before the time-skip, and adding the handshake is hardly a retcon, or at least not a retcon in the tradition "they changed it" idea. It doesn't contradict anything that previously happened.

    It's still not as smoothly implemented as Itachi's head tap/fake eye gouge.

  13. #13
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    Actually, I agree with Naruto. The Kyuubi doesn't seem to know what this war is about, or who is fighting it. It is the entire ninja world versus Akatsuki.

    The enemy is three guys: Madara, the plant dudes, and Kabuto (who is a wildcard at this point, anyway). Naruto won't bear the hatred of an army if he wins. Just the "hate" of Akatsuki (who have treated Naruto as a strategic resource for about 400 chapters now, anyway).

    Madara is too "smart" of a villain to actually "hate" Naruto, anyway.

    If anything, the Kyuubi wants Madara to succeed, so that he can join up with the rest of the Jyuubi; and his speech is just a lame tactic to make Naruto's spirit fail him.
    Yeah I forgot about that part. Maybe if this was a REAL war between two large factions fighting for their beliefs, Kyubi's argument would actually carry weight.
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