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Thread: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai

  1. #41
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The mother is more torn up about this than I thought. I assumed it was only grief from the loss, but it seems she has resentment towards those who were with Menma at that time as well.
    I don't know if I would go so far as to call it resentment. From what we saw early on, Menma's mother is suffering from grief rather badly. Menma's father and brother have moved on a bit, but her mother hasn't really. She performs an offering and prays every day.

    As I said earlier, I think she's only upset because Menma's friends only care now. They didn't visit Menma's home back then (because they were afraid of Menma's father), and worse, they spent all their time chasing Jinta's mother. They didn't even come to visit Memna's memorial after she died. Now they come back and make everything raw again. From her point of view, it may make them look callous. It may look like they're doing it out of something they want, and not so much for Menma. Menma's dead, so how could it possibly help or mean anything to her now?

    As she said at the end of the episode, it seems like a joke.

  2. #42
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It was much harsher in Japanese.

    It should probably be more like "Don't joke with me."

    Honestly, when I heard it I felt a chill, a yandere chill.
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  3. #43
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Not sure if I heard that, but it is perfectly valid. Within a family, the members can call each other by their roles, like when a father calls the mother Okaa-chan, or when a parent refers to an older brother as onii-san. Menma is an older sister so it is correct.
    Ah... I had the same question. Thanks for explaining it Shinta. It makes sense.

  4. #44
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That was one resentful mother. Her reason for hating them is even worse than I thought. Just because they survived, and her child did not? Talk about misplaced blame.

    Did Anaru just miss the flag? She could have waited until Menma was gone before she confessed. She would have had a much better chance then. Still, I believe that she will end up with Jintan eventually, simply because no other candidates exist. It would be too tragic for both of them if they stay heartbroken in the end.

    Yukiatsu is a fucking jerk. Jintan should have beaten the shit out of him. What now? Shouldn't they apologize to Jintan after Menma proved her existence? Yukiatsu should be licking the dirt off Jintan's shoe for his actions.
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  5. #45
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 08

    [UTW] Ano Hana - 08 - 720p: Torrent | DDL
    [UTW] Ano Hana - 08 - avi: Torrent | DDL
    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 06-03-2011 at 01:06 PM.

  6. #46
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Wow... what a powerful ending of an episode.

    I agree with Shintan... I mean Shinta. The mother's anger is very misplaced... it definitely hurts to lose a family member... but to blame those left behind? Its sick. Menma's little brother even confirmed she stays in her house always... she's basically an adult NEET.

  7. #47
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell View Post
    Wow... what a powerful ending of an episode.

    I agree with Shintan... I mean Shinta. The mother's anger is very misplaced... it definitely hurts to lose a family member... but to blame those left behind? Its sick. Menma's little brother even confirmed she stays in her house always... she's basically an adult NEET.
    While the blame is "misplaced", I don't see it as being "out of place" considering how we saw the family interact with each other last time Menma went to check up on them. It's mainly a different version of the Why did it have to be her!? mentality. While as a parent I'm sure they know other would have gone through the same pain, but again as a parent none of them would have opted for their own child to be the sacrifice.

    A parent who has gotten over their child's death would understand and accept the first part - but suffice to say that dear mother hasn't. I would call her "sick" in the more literal sense. She's probably clinically diagnosable with major depression at least.

    I think the crying scenes didn't have their maximum effect on me. Firstly, Anaru's one wasn't that sad so to speak. Then we had Jinta's one (3rd after Anaru and the mother), to which I had "wow, they're having everybody crying today". I didn't quite understand Menma's reason for crying. Not knowing what the reference was about may have played a part too.

    The ending hit home though. (and so did the pony tail!!)

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  8. #48
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Did Anaru just miss the flag? She could have waited until Menma was gone before she confessed. She would have had a much better chance then. Still, I believe that she will end up with Jintan eventually, simply because no other candidates exist. It would be too tragic for both of them if they stay heartbroken in the end.
    I'm sorry, but this part of your post shows how shallowly you're viewing this part of the story.

    Naruko got burned in every possible way that day. For her own childhood romance interests, she asked if Jinta likes Menma, and while she initially felt better, she got the confirmation she feared. Then it also led to Menma's death. In her eyes, everything that has gone wrong these past years is her fault. Worse, while it went unsaid, she has had to live with the knowledge that Menma's death made her feel better. She no longer had a rival, she could be the victor after all. Jump to today, and she has to witness Jinta destroying himself for Menma, so while we may know it's not that simply, Naruko sees the situation as Jinta still loving Menma, enough that he'll pretend she came back. She's seeing his devotion to Menma even now, while she has nothing.

    She can't just wait it out. She's seeing Jinta's love for Menma only grow stronger for some reason. She's seeing herself losing to a memory.

    ...and no, as much as I would like it, they do not have to get together in the end. Not every series has to have a fairy tale ending, with Naruko and Jinta, Yukiatsu and Tsuruko, Poppo and his hand. Naruko knows how much he loves Menma even now, and now that Menma has proved her existence, it only makes things worse for her. Now she knows that Menma loves him back, even after death.

    Yukiatsu is a fucking jerk. Jintan should have beaten the shit out of him. What now? Shouldn't they apologize to Jintan after Menma proved her existence? Yukiatsu should be licking the dirt off Jintan's shoe for his actions.
    As for Yukiatsu, Jinta is the one who deserved a beating. Tsuruko and Naruko both started agreeing with Yukiatsu, and they were right to do so. Menma saved Jinta, but until that moment, he had every right to take it out on Jinta. His reaction was justified. It is Jinta's fault that Menma's mother is suffering again by him bringing this up. Tsuruko noticed that much. It looked like Jinta was making the phone calls, none of them believed in ghosts until then. Being the only one who can see or hear her, he can say pretty much whatever he wants. While he revealed a little confidential tidbit here and there, it's not like he couldn't have found that out that information from someone else. Yukiatsu and Menma are the the only ones who are supposed to know about the hairclip, but who is the one who wears it at her desk each night? (Tsuruko.)

    Now that Menma has proved her existence, little has changed. There were many things Jinta could have done before this to prove he wasn't just making this all up. Menma has been able to poltergeist for a while now. He only had to ask her. He could have asked her for more secret knowledge. He could have told them that the strange weight on their shoulders was Menma. But Jinta wasn't sure that he believed she was real, even with her making messes and baking while he was gone. Yukiatsu was 100% justified in wanting to take it out on Jinta. "He's" been making everyone relive Menma's death and suffer all over again, and for what? Yukiatsu has been particularly hurt by this, because of how much he loved Menma.

    He could apologize, but he doesn't have to. It will still hurt him that Menma chose Jinta, the same way it will hurt Naruko.

  9. #49
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    [she has had to live with the knowledge that Menma's death made her feel better.
    I disagree.

    She's told us that she's been feeling bad all along. It was only when Jinta denied he liked Menma as a kid that she felt better. As soon as he ran off, when Menma died, up until now, she's been feeling guilty that it was all her fault. She did not for once feel good that Menma died.

    As for Jinta being the one at fault for rekindling the pain for Menma's mother, I also disagree. He was the one to tell everybody that he can see Menma, but I don't see any fault at that. He was never the one to suggest that they should all crash at Menma's place. If he has a fault in this matter, it's that he did not have enough resolve to tell everybody to stop.

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  10. #50
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    She's told us that she's been feeling bad all along. It was only when Jinta denied he liked Menma as a kid that she felt better. As soon as he ran off, when Menma died, up until now, she's been feeling guilty that it was all her fault. She did not for once feel good that Menma died.
    We're going to have to disagree then. She remembers how she felt at that moment every time she thinks about Menma and that day. The feeling and Menma's death are tied together. I don't see how she couldn't connect that thought and realize her rival was gone. She may despise herself for it, but there is no way she can't feel some level of relief.

    As for Jinta being the one at fault for rekindling the pain for Menma's mother, I also disagree. He was the one to tell everybody that he can see Menma, but I don't see any fault at that. He was never the one to suggest that they should all crash at Menma's place. If he has a fault in this matter, it's that he did not have enough resolve to tell everybody to stop.
    His inaction at those two scenes isn't any different from outright approving it. He knew it was wrong before they went, confirmed he had been wrong after he brought it up to Menma, and then he even allowed a second time to occur, but with everyone this time, making it worse. Despite knowing it was a mistake, and that it would hurt Menma and her mother more.

  11. #51
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I see the trip to visit Menma's mum as a collective "let's go" thing, and not solely Jinta's fault like everybody made it out to be.

    "You told us you could see Menma, so everything that's happened up till now was your fault!!"

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  12. #52
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I wonder how much influence Menma can have on reality? She was able to write and drop the diary, but only when no one was looking. Will she be able to lift things and make them float when people's attention are on her? So far, it has only happened with Jinta.

    If she can manifest at any time, it makes me wonder why she did not try to prove her existence before when the others were doubting Jinta.
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  13. #53
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 09

    [UTW] Ano Hana - 09 - 720p: Torrent | DDL
    [UTW] Ano Hana - 09 - XviD: Torrent | DDL
    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 06-11-2011 at 04:44 AM. Reason: Added avi.

  14. #54
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Even though the title suggests that Menma wanted to know the name of the flower she saw that day, by the end of the episode I couldn't help but think that her wish was to get her thongs back...

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  15. #55
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I admitt I was in a little angst when Menma was like falling in the water and the scene after that where Jin-tan anxiously searches for her.

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  16. #56
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    OP Single

    [Shin-S] Ano Hana - OP Single - Aoi Shiori [Galileo Galilei]: Torrent | DDL

  17. #57
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Thanks, I've been waiting for this one. Anyone knows who is the girl in singing in the 2nd verse?

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  18. #58
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oyabun View Post
    Anyone knows who is the girl in singing in the 2nd verse?
    It's Chima. Her official site is here.

  19. #59
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #60
    Best part of the episode was when the younger brother (Satoshi) owned the mom.

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