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Thread: Kaiji Season 2

  1. #61
    it's kind of the whole point of the Kaiji series though. trash stays trash.

  2. #62
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Ah, i fucking called it! I knew Endoh had screwed him with that last loan, i was fucking yelling at Kaiji to read the fine print as he signed the damn thing.

    Kaiji might be a degenerate gambling junkie, but the fact that he still trusts people after all the backstabbing he's gone through is nothing short of admirable.

    Here's hoping for season 3, can't get enough of this shit.

  3. #63
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Here's hoping for season 3, can't get enough of this shit.
    I was actually looking forward to more Kaiji, but seriously, what´s the point after THAT end of season 2? No matter how awesomely he finds a way out of deadly danger, he´ll still fuck it all up by being a dumb piece of shit. A hero that doesn´t learn at all is a boring hero. Without character development, what´s there to be excited about?

  4. #64
    I liked the ishida flashback though, in that arc in season 1 it's so sad seeing him being back for another gamble(brave men road) after kaiji bails him out on the boat, kaiji is also visibly annoyed.. then this season we see that he did it because of his sons debt. aww

  5. #65
    I think I heard that season 3 will air in 2015, although honestly I cant wait that long I'll probably just read the manga.

    There is plenty of character development Kaiji, it just isnt consistent because there is also depth. Not to say that Kaiji is in any sense DEEP, but the characters are certainly more realistic.

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